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Toledo, Ano Arbor & Noríli M.elilsriu Rnllway. TIME s 8KDUL.B. Totnke elVect it 1L! iIock, noon, on Stuiáajr, June 321, 18S4. Trnlns mil ly Celitran'imc, (ioiQ'MTti-H. oüiW qWg. l'áfl -TATIONS. g, 3 vü i IM. A.M I1"-?S 85 7 do Toledo 9 3" 1 88 5 :) 7 U Manhiitnuí .Inncrion 20 4 4K 5 40 7Í1 .lunciion ! I 4 lift 4 7 8) Hawihnrne' 9 W 30, 5 5.5 7 4B Ñamarla 9 02 4 22 (I (líl 8 06 l.nlu 8 47 4 01 (I II K. 15 Monroe Junction H 42 A 6H (i 2.t 8 30 llumlee S 3U 6f (i L 8 37 Macón 6 MÍ8 4f 6 Sil 8 4 Afslta 8 2113 40 11 4:j 8 5H Milán Junción 8 O'.t .) 2o ü 4ti (I 0.'! Milmi 8 Oti i 22 li ni íl 09 No -a " W 3 17 (i 58 !i 22 Ur.inla 1 5S 8 lo 7 0 íl 32 Pltsstleld Jiniction T 40 :i 02 7 201 9 301 Aun Arbor 1 272 4lt 7 3710 ÍS Lelnnd 7 12i2 :0 T 461 10 29 . or'en 7 MIS M] H OollO :i5_ So" h L on 5012 1M Conneitiom": At Toledo, wlth rallrotdg d!Yer(rlii"; nt vnnhaMan Jillirtloi, wlth WhecliiiR & Luk Krie K R.;at AU-xIs .1 iniciion, with M. U. I R..L. 8.&M S Ky. unrl K. P. M li. R.; t M.inroe Junrli'Mi. wilh I.. S. & M. S. H.; ni Dun riVe, wlth U S. M. s. líy.. M. O. Ky.; al Milán Juuctlcra, wlth Wübiíti, Ot. LonlN líy.; al PuMIHcl, wilh L.-. Jt M. 8. Ky.; al Aun Arbor wltta Michigan Central H. i:., .niel at Houth I.von with Detroit, Lansiug & Northern EL K., and Grand l'runk Ry. II. A'. AIILBY, Ooneral Snpt. W. H. BKNNKIT. Gen'l. l'asn. Agent. , CLUl; Jttí A,CL, . Vj ? i? ' t1 f ' "(ri)' 'i I Vi t" 'f}fef$rWfXtf ' - IkS 'Olio ' ., ¦, " HAvb ViHfl ahovíí rlepiotl v.-ry ploMant fonturo of bicvliiiK s -port. The club have rlddpii frum tlicir licudausrteri tu tiio city, to unurlmn villiiíi' imt twenty mlllM uwny, wlu-rc thoy nw;ut of the raclng nu-mburs who wrr to turtiiíat thilty minutes later. KWu minute more; nml th,' two foremont o. the raelnunieii- Fri.on l. " Harvard," lid '.nou ira his ¦ Vale," nppe:-rin slght. Th. piteo h liuinvndotu: tbo men are neck and ueck, una ]),,de, the cnptnin of the club, whom yola oti. ¦DTVU is li-nnlng on his ' Sliadow "light roadster, iu iba foreground, declare the race a tie. " Wheiv re tlie othrr men? " he ask. "Oh, lieliinil, 8omewhiTc,"ÍB tile reply. _ _ "Are itíere imy 'Harvard'' or ¦ l ale h or 'Bháduw'a' iimooc thwn? ' 11 Not one." " Ali ! thiit account Rr i-." "aya tnc cnptaln. Amei-lcau blyoler a a body will reallie the for-iof the caplain' lnt ivmark, hut the tliouealulH of licw riders wh eli the comlllK yr will produce, houlcl óad' f of them realize tbat Ihu oiily .-.-oiioiny Iu chooninsf a bicycle Ih lo content with nothjng Iom tha.i the very ul thnt wlll proepre. Eaeh ohould lin.l oui nll he can about bieyele before niakl,s H cholee, and in order to BUt enquirer ni their uiirch for Information, we wlil.on raoapt f a three-oent alamp, end to any addru-8, a copv of o, ir large illuBtmtea catalogue by return mail. THE QUNNINGHAM COMPANY, The Pioneer Bioycle House of America. [KiMtilKlrcl 1ST7.Í Mporttng UauufactO! rf lücvcle k Tricyotoa. OfiH ttua' i'-''' '¦ ¦ " NUsfOIIARLES V. WAGNER, Aohnt, .21 Sfuitli Muin 8t., Aun Arbor, Micli. Home Items and Topics. --¦ All youriiwn faalt If you ramal ? sick wlien yon can (let hop uitu-iH ilmt never- Fall. - The we.ikcs! uoinaii, smnllcst cliilil, aml Blckest invHÜd can use liop bitterH with íafL-tv iid greitt gmd. - Olil metí totwring ni-ound from rhetitnntlsm, klftney trontile or any wt-akness will be made 'alinoht new by usiiijr hop bitters E3g My wtfe imd dawghter wnre mude heiihliy by the use of hop bitters ntid 1 tecomineñd them to ruv people. - Methodist Clerirynuin. Ahk any goort doctor If hop Bitters ate not the best family medicine On eurtli ! ! ! Malarlal lever, Agtie and BiliousnePS. will leave every neiühborhood as soon as hop bitters niiive. " My íiiother drove the pnniljwt and neiiíalfria all out of her systein with hop bitters" - Kd OfKtgo Sun. jy Keep the kidneys healthy with hop bitters ;indyou need not fear sicUness." - Ice water is reudered hariuless and more refreshing and reviviti"; with liop bilteis in e:ch draught. - The vi"fur of youth for the a;ed and inlirni in hop bitters! ! ! f -"At the changeof lif.' nol hing equals i 1 Hop Bitters loallay all troubie iucident ( Theieto." ' - " 'l'he best periodioal for ladies to tnke niontlily, and from whicli they will receive the {rre.itest benefit is hop bitters." - Mnthers wilh sioklv, fretftil, nursinfr children. will cure the children :ind benefit themselves by taking hop bitters daily. - ThonsanilR die anntially from sonie foini of kidney disease tliat mi;ht have been prevented by a limely use of hop bitters. - Indigestión, weak stomneh. Irregalnrltles of the bowels, cani.ot exist wlien hop bitters are used. A tlmely useofhop Bitters will keep a whole tamlly In robust healtli u yearat a llttle cost. - To produce real germine sleep and chikl like repose all niiht. take a litt'e hop bitters on retirinff. f3"None genulne without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all tlie vlle, poisomms, stuft" with "Hop" or "Hops" In Uietr name. OPIUM H ABIT ! Sufferera from tliis pemi.iout hHlit will lo wrll to writc to DR. u lUMl, nf o ,iiir, i;.. ,..,¦. i. wi.lo ropumtiun f.-i the cures lio l.i, ni&d durÍH tlio jiast twtln jrCUB. Tlie inath points In ho cuiuniunicHted are tlio i'rti'iit Kluio af healtti, letiijth of ti me usni, umi piiwunt imonnt of drun u-td per weck. BuiL ttuliiïu Trmannt whan dMired. S. .1 fr totiiiinmuls Iroui leudinif i'l, V'i' i '¦¦ 'l ' ' reprehouuitlve iimii und wumeu ¦ ureü. MortffiiKO Sale. DKFAULT HAVINO BEKN MADE IN THE oonditions of a ceiinin mortt;HLre execu'ed by LydiaKirchhotir, of Manchester, In the Uonnty of vVai-liteuaw, and Mate of Vllclligan, to Jared S. Laptiam, of Northvllle, Waynu C'ounty, In naid staie, bcaiine date the Seventeenth day of Aplil . D. 1H7II, and recorded i i the "fttee of tlie RecUter of dcdK f"r wild Clounty of Washlenaw, lu llberKiof raortgaKrs, ou pagso96, and by whlcti delault the poner ol sale containid. In xaid mortpaue havintf become onerative, and no tuU or proceedlng nt law or in chaucery hnvlng linen Inell tuted to recover the mnount díte ou nald mortptiye, or the note arcompauylng the Mme, and toen belnï now claimcd to be due 00 nld note and mortgaee, the pnm of Two Thoutand Thiee Hun dred and Kourteen Uollars [$2,1114]. Noticois therelore berehy given thtit waid montage will be fore closedon Frtda) the tweni f -nixth day of December 1H84, at 10 o'clofk in the forenoon of that dny, by aale at public nuction to tho hlghest bidder at the south front d.ior ol the (Jourt House iu the city of Anu Arbor iu suid county of Wa-ihtenaw, (nald C.iurt House beinir the place of holding the Circuit Comt lor naid county) oï the morlyatíed premlftei deBcribed in said mortííatie, or ho much thereof an may b ¦ nee egaary to ö iliffy the amount due on naid note and mortifage with reafin.tble COStl md expende; wlnch said mortaaged preinises are desrrl ed iu aid raortf ee, as lollows: All those certaiu parcels ol land sitúate and helni; in the Villaje of MancheKter, in ihe loniity ol Washlenaw, nd SlaLe of Michigan, kuowu and deacrlbed ap hito toar (4), five (5), six ti), (.even (7) and eight (8) lu lilock one(l) lu QmUKM iud MoidanV ailditiou to the Village ol Manche ter, accoruim; to the record d plat of said addition. Dated, Sepl.29lh, A. 1)., 1K84. JAKK1) B. LAI'MAM, K. 1). kimNH. Mnrtaairee, Ati'y for Morttjaffee. 1215-17 Real Kstate Tor Sale. 1TATE Of MICHIGAN, C'ounty ol Wanhtenaw, h. In the Matter of Ihe Estáte or Clara B. f'reer, (Mowerson) a minor. Nolice is hereby that In purmaiice ol au order ürantvil to the umlerauined Guardian of aid minor, b) ihe Hou. .Illdije of l'robate for the Oonutyof Washtenaw, on the elglith day ol April, A. D. ÍH84. ihere will he sold at public vendue, to the hii;lict bidder, al the dwclliuu' houee, on the prciniKcs below dencribcd, in the Townphip ol Sapertor, In theCotmtj or Wsuhtenaw. lu nalil Slate, on Tuesday, the thirtleth day ol December, A. D. 1SS1, at teu oVloCk in the loieuoon ol that day (subjecl to all encuinbrunce bv mortaiie or otherwlse existiML' at the time of the sale), all Ihe riylit, tltle nnd lntescil of iild minor In the folUmlnu detertbed real estáte, to-wit ' Tilt wer-t sixty (tWI) acre of the eat half of the Houtheat qnarter, and ttie east ten (Í0) acrew of tlie wr-i half ol the s.uitlieast qnarter "I lectlon twenty (2l) in the lownslilp ol Superior, Wiinhteuaw oounty, in MIcrJg. JANK E. FKKEU Guardian, Dated, November 10, 1884. 1S21


Ann Arbor Courier
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