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Mllanites are learniug to wrfte of Prof llllllllill. The lejlglous meetings at North Lake have reeumed. A bee was Iiekl Saturday last at North Lake, to complete grange hall. Supervisor Case of Pittsfield, has been on the sick list, but is better now. Mrs. Gilbert Allen, of Lodi, is visiting lier son Isaac, Dear Caro, Tuteóla Co. Rev. Dan Shier preaehes every altérnate Sunday In the Biïndall scliool house, Sharon. Mrs. Sarah Cafr, of Dexter, celebrated her TOth aniiiversary, Tuesday of last week. Mr.aiul Mrs. L. Mead, Of Oakland.Cal., itt visiting relativos in Saline, their old Uonie. A Clielsea firin are gettmg out 25 air bob sleighs. Exi)ecting snow you UTOW. A lyceum is to be held to help the youth learn how to speak in public at Sylvan Center. It is asserted that four North Lake girls are to be married before leap year dies. Good for them. The Dexter Leader quotes the best fiour at $2.00 and $2.20 per cwt., and eggs at 20e. per dozen. The elocution classat Dexter is said to be mak Ing rapld progress under Miss Taylor's instruction. Saline's marshal has ordered the citizens of that place to swecp tlie snow off the sidewalks. Correct ! The Congregationulists of Dexter are to have tlieir next social at Uarris Iíall's resIdence, Friday evening. Pittsfield reports preeious little thnber being cut or hauled. It was done several years ago for that town. ValterX. Kelley, station agent at Wliittaker, was married ThauksgiWng Day to Mis Xellie L, Van Uew. L. Lemon and wife will remain in Dexter tllii winter. They have lived In Stockbridge lor a coupïe oi years. Fred'k C. Heller and Mecry Gierbiich were married at the residence of the bride's mother, in Chelsea,'Nov. 20. Ypsilanti will havesome of her mineral water at the New Orleans exhibido. Don't be alarmed, it will be corked. It Is hard luckthat has struck the Worden Bros., of Ypsilanti. It may bejustice, but it looks like hard justice - more like law. N. C. Putnam, treasurer of York, will receive taxes in Saline, on Monday, Deo. 2!Hh, to accommodate residents in that vicinity. Six secret societies hold their mysterious and awful conclaves in Milan. Where's that American party? There's work for it todo. We can bonst of as line singers as any towii hereabouts - not exoeptiug Ann Arbor. unless they are professionals. - Dexter Leader. K.C. Aulds the stock man, of Dexter, is to sail for Snotland, Dec. 15th, vvhere he will remain until spring ielectlng blooded cattle. The Manchester Presbyterian ladies are makinr ii crazy quilt. Who for, we wonder? Perhaps they will make some pooi editor happy Christntas with it. Chas. Walworth, who Uves two miles south of Manchester, had a black mare, carriage, harnessand wbip stolen from his barn recently, and ofl'ers $25 reward. The Chelsea Herald has a column of "Dexter Dumplinjrs." The architect of this column once had a Dexter dumpling bimself. Good one, too, but he lost it. Several farmers living in Pittsfield have lost many of their slieep fro.u dog.-1. Pity the Ow ners of said dogs conldn't be found out and salted tor the valueof the sluep. The Milan K. O. T.M.'s elected as C- H. B. Hessac; L. C- L. O. Hitchcock; R. K - II. L. Van Wormi-r; F. K.-W. II. Whitmarsh; prelate - Win. Needham. Only one lone aspirant for the postofllce on the democratie side at Dexter, according to the Leader. Oh. psliaw. They are hiding their liglit lindera bushei just now. There were shipped from Sline 103 hogs, averaging 300 lbs. eacb, by John Larue, last week. Ahvays thought there were some big hogs over that way, now we know it. On the local stuft of the Northern Lighl, a school publlcatlon of Lunsing, the Dexter high school is to have a representative. We hope hc will cast a fjood, warm sou'west ray. The poor little bob-rabbit is just at present the victirn of the brave htinters. The rabbits neeil not get .-c.ircd, however, as few of those who carry 11119 know when they are loaded. Neaily 200 books from the township library are in cireulation, and eonsiderlng tbat the ladies library is well patfOulrea, this speaks well for the literary tendency of'our village. - Dexter Leader. If there is a town in Michisran, or Ohio, or Indiana, or seven other stares that can boom the ISoliemian oat like unto Milan and its Leader, we sliould like to see what sort of boomers they do it with. The new Baptist church at Milaii will golnto theconcert business the week after dedication. Doesn't it take away some of the sacred feelings one possesses for a house of public worship, to have it used as a public hall? The followiug are the officersof Saline lodge F. & A. M. for the ensuinr year: E. K Aldrich, W. M.; (ieo. .Sehairer, S. W.; L. M. Thorn. J.W.; A. Miller, treas.; C. Howe, s-eey.; U. P. McLachlan, S. D.! L. Bassett, J. D.: O. Pai&ons and J. McK in non, stewaids. llereafter regular advertising rates will be chaJged for printing lista of presenta donated at wedding?, as these are matten which concern only the recipiente of -the gifts, andaré not of general interest.- Saline Observe!-. Thnfs business. You have hit the nall rigbt on the head. Mrs. Wm. Horner died at her home in Augusta on the 2Sth of Noy., eed 71 years. The deceased was born in Norfolk Co., England, in 1813, and came to this county In f835, settling at Ypsilanti. She was a good Clirlstian, a member of the M. E. church, and leaves a family of live children, all arrived at man's estáte. D. M. Uhl and Miss Helen Post playfully rlsked a borse on election results. .Miss Post bought a wooden horse, left it at Mr. Neafs l'ivery stable and sent word to Mr. Uhl to cali and get bis horse. With the bounding prospect of drivinjr or leading home a superb animal, worthy the great defeated, Mr. 'Jhl went to the livery, lint. behold: B wooden horse. He lelt it