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Estáte of William Hiilbcrt. At a sesslon of The Probate Court for The Connty ol Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arhor, onTuesday, the elfrhteenth dy oí November, in the year onc thoupnpd etght hun dred and elghty-four. Present, William I. llarrinian, -ludiré ol Probate. In the matter of the eet:it of Williura Hulbert, deceased. Cometock F. 1111], the adiniintraior of eaid eetate, comee Icto coarl and representa That he is now prepared lo reiider hit final account af euch adminietrator. Therenpon It 1ordcred,that Mnnrtay.thefiftcenth day of December next, at ten o'clockin the Ibrenoon, be aseiLued for ixaminint' and allnwlnfl Buch account and that the heir at law ol faid deceased. and all other persons interested in eaid estáte, are rt1 u ui red to appearat a gestión o I said court, tlien to be holden at the Probate Ofic, in the city of Ann eaid county and niy there 'h-, why the eairi account should hot bealiowed. And it iifurtherorderedtthatyaidadmii 'is trator ijlve notice to the persona inlerested In said estáte, of the pend ency of eaid account, and the hearini: thereöi, by caaslnj n copy of tbis order to be pablished in the i Ann Arbor (Jourier t x newsp&per prlutfid and clrculatud in eaid county, threinccéefitvi ireeln pr'vious to eaid day ot heariiii;. (A trae couy.) W1LLIAM D. HAKRIMA v Judfeof Prohdtf. WM. (i. DOTY. Probate Regicter. 1 v! tJ 1 i_J l Estáte of Josoph Sclnmbcl. OTATBOFMÏCHIGAN,Oonutyof Washten'iw.s 3 At a tenlou of the Probate Court for the C'onnty ol Wapb.te.naw boldefl üt ttie Probate Ofllce, ir the city ot Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, the twenty-fitfh day of November, in the year one tnousand elrhi hundred and eighty-fumr. Present, Williain I). Hniriinan, Jintc o( Probute. In ihe mntter ol the enlate of Joseph Bchnabe), deceaeett. Pari! Silinab-l, the ad mi niy t ra: or of pahI t-ftate, oonet Int o conrt and reprepentg thai he ie now (irepand LO (tuder ht-r final uicotmi u bucIi adininintrator. Tbereupon it ts ordered, that Saiurd.-iy. the twenlieth day of Dect-mber next, at ten o'C&ock in lbo fori'noon, b: assiirnea lor cxaininint,' and alloWing iuch uci'ounr, and that the hein at !av of wüd de cchs.mI, md all other persons Interested in said estáte, arereijuired toapijeartitu sesslon oUuid conrt.tlieu to be holden at i he Probate ulnYe. in tho cVlv ot Ann Arbor, in smid coniity, nnd ntiow cnose, tl uii the re be, why tbe sald account tböQld sol bc illowad. Aud H ie Inrther ordered, Beid adniinistrator ive notice to the peisoni Interested In itaid vétate, of the pendones ' ld account, and the hearing thereof, bjf ramilng ;i copv ui tlnr l order t o be pubnshed in tlie Ann Arbi ('uurier, a newspaper printed and oirculated in stM cmnty, three BuecuMlve weeks prevtou to iaid day öi hearing. (A tnie cony.) WILUAM D. HAUIÜiMAN, Judjrc of Probate. WM. O. DOTY. Probate Rectttar. 1SM 123 Estáte of Samuel 1J. Reed. S rATKOFMICHIGAN, Oounty of Wtahieaaw. _ e. At a eension ot the Probate Conrt for the County . Ol Waslitenaw, holden at the Probate Office, 'n tbc ' city ol Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twentj finta s [lay of Korember, in theyear ene houeami eight ' tiundrcd and elghtr-four. Prsent, William D. ' Uarrinian, Jadjte Of l'rubate.. in the matter of the estáte of Paranel B. Reed, ieceaed. On readluff and ftllng tl e petlUoB, ouly j ireritled, of David A. Poet, praytnu taal a certalD DStttimenl now on tile in this court, pttTpiMttng io De t e last wilt and e-iainfiu of satd uecensed, toaj admltted to probkto, and that ii" nuq hv apt)intii axtwUtof the-reof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monda , th ¦¦ twen y-SWODO d.iy of Oi'Cember iiext, at ten o'clook tn he lorunooii.t)' aMtrnjad Ppr the hearii.í oí fid peition, and thut devi-teet, legatees and ïei re at law ot'jaid deeeased and all othei psrsoni Dterested in said estáte, are reqalred to appeai i i en4oo o1 ssid court, theo to be boMeu al the Pro)atu Uillce, In Vy ol Ann Arbor, and shÖW anee, it' uny tlu-re be, whj the pruyer of the pe itioner nliould nol be grfttttsd. And it la lurther ndtTcd, that nid pefltloner nnüce to the terêoni Intereuted In sfttd estáte, of pt-ndemy if eaid pet it ion, and iiu1 oeartnü tbereoii b) ojiumm. , copy of thie order to bepubilsht-d In the Ann Lrbor tiunr, a mu spapci prluted and olronlsr iiiíí in eaid county, three sucoettslvc, weeks pi me tosald dtiy of nearintr. (A irue copy.) WILLIAM 1. IIAK1ÏIMAN, T Jsdge of Probata I wm. . doty, BroUte Eterfsc. 1238 ijj iisiinrlTcÖüum :


Ann Arbor Courier
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