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Why not have a soldicr's monument at Ann Arbor? The next issue of Tuk Coorieb wlll greet you Christmas Eve. The Ypsilanti Commercial speaksofa "bran new rink.'1 New sort of brand that. The picture of a death'a head distributed as a eigar ailvertisement is quite appropriate. The finest Chrislmas Cards ever displased in the cily, are shown by onr dealers this season. Monday mornlng found the ground all covered with snow, the beatitifnl sno - there it goes again. Coffln shaped cofflns are now out of style. The fashionable burial casket is as big at one end as it ia at the other. The case of Joel V. Hamilton vs. Oeo. E. Fiothinghnm is on trial at the circuit court, ar.d will probably be elosed to liay. Itis thought that Old Santa Clanse will plek out the tmall stocklngs to riil this year. Of course, all ladiea wear small ones. A letter went through the Ann Arbor postoflice Thursday last, addressed to "John H Fox, Esq., Lan-yer, etc, Ypsilanti Mich., near Rawsonville." The Chelsea Horald wants to know wliere the eredlt conn-s in for those who "detected" Mary Bchaffer Well, perhap?, 'uui, yes. ít was for the good cause, you know. The genera! feeling among the people is that if the g:is company propoees to play whole hog or none on the Street ligliting business, to rut them orl altogethei-, and give the gasoline lampa Ihe ' balance of the contract. The Christmas lmsar, ander the ( agementof the ladies of the M. E.cburch, i is in ftill blast at the clmrcli parlors ( as we go to press. Refreshments are ' seived this evening remetnber. years old, feil upon the sharp plcketf which surrotands Hansterft r'a show wlndows, and receiveil quite a severe wound on the abdomen, Tfaaradaj evening last. How much inore sensible it would be if the rules of society would illow gucsts atleniling evening partios and receptious togo at 8 o'clock and return at 10}. or 11, instead of going at Í) or later, and return ing at 12 or 1. D ift you think so? Probate Register Doty bas reoeived a book entitled "Theory and Practica] Workings of our System of Government,1' from General W. S. Rosecrans, witli an adtograph letter thanklng liini for the handsome reception be roceived here October 30th. Thnnday last nearly all the new county offieers elect tonk the oath of office. Messrs. Kearns, Wnlsh, Belser and Norris were sworn by County Clerk Roblsoii and Mr. Robison by Chas. H. Manly, is notary public. Just fifteen years before Mr. Kobison swore Manl.v in as deputy county clerk. A friend of ours, who was niarried before wedding presents or divorces were so fashionable, suggests a sclieme to bis wlfe to keep in style. " Tiike a ttip to Chicago, secure a divorce; meet again- by chance- íall desperately in love- again get married- agnin, and invite everybody to the ceremony." Quite a scheme, bnt our friend has not refleeted upon thecost of tliat Chicago trip. Tuesday last llerbert Baugs, aged 18 years, died at the home of bis mother in the fifth waid, of rhenmatUm of the heart. The deceased was a noble little fellow, and a faitbful helper of hls ividnwed mother. It makes one almost question the ncts of Providence to have such as be taken away. II is remalns were taken to Gregory, Ingham countv, for interment, wheru his father wás buried. We shall be obüged to ask our corres, pondents to condense, condenso, condense, what they have to gay to the public But few readers in these days of short paraKran4is have time to wade through long-wlnded articles, and when they see oue, they seldom ever com menee readmg it, but cast the paper aside, and rowthere is nothing in it. "Brevity ia the soul of wit," 'tis said, and it is certainly the hfeof a newspaprr. If you have anythiiiK to wrife for the papers look it overafier it is lirst written and cut out one-half; then go through it again and cut out one-quarter ; then if it il over a column long cut out the other quarter. During the week past Mrs. R. B. Ilayes has been au honored visitor to our fair city, theguest of Mis. W. P. Ballinger, wlth whom she was a schoolmate in their youthful days. On Thursday evening a reception was given to Mrs. Ilayes by the iafdMS l i]ür ü'l llt tlie resldence ot Mr. L. E. Koyer, on División st., In honor of her noble stand for temperance while mistress of the white house at Washington. Friday evening anotber reception was given her at the resldence of rrot H. V. Rogerg. It is so seldom tliat a real live president's wife vis-its this CODOmiinity, that social circles made the most At the house of the bride's parents, in Brussels, Ontario, on the lOth of Dece'mber, the mairiage ceremony was performed which united the lives of Mr. Harry Richard Morse, of this city, and' Miss Helena Victoria Clappison, third daughter of Rev. D.C Clappison.'of the X. church, who otticiated upon the wcasion beiug araUted by Rev. J. L. .err rhe bride, is well known In this wty having resided with her sister, Mrs. Vu i i" i Chute. during a course at the Wh school, of which she was a gradúate with the dass of -84. Mr. Morse is a son L,'¦ ""JU. R.H. Morse, who resdeon B. nialll gtreetj haylng removed ere trom Alpena some two yeais since, which place botli father and son carrv n extensive lumbering operations. Tl e marriage was an event in the society clr.'„i Brussels, everything being upon "e uptheir permanent in Ann Will HiY6 ullUerstaJ. ttiough Mr. Morse Hl stili omy on business at Alpena. Just two more weeks of '84. Schools close Friday forthe holldays. Good sleighing, over which overybody Is pleased. Eemember the bazaar at tbc Mcthoilist churcb this evening. Judge Junnison, of Detroit, is holding court tliis week iu place of Judge Joslvn. The Negaunee Iron Herald man 'is a great fellow for steel- spelled with au a. The Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor polo clubs will play a game at the riiik touiglit. Tliere was a big crowd at the link Saturdiiy night aud Iota of fun. WllUam Huiler wou the turkey. Next Monday evening, Dec. 2ád, at the Presbyterian churcb, occurs the annual New England dlnner, to which a genera] iavitatiou is extended. Cliief Fall picked up a man named Wra. Keil, evidently of unsound niind, on the streets Monday, and has entered' toto correspondenoe with friends to h-ive hun cared tor. Joe 'J'. Jacobs has exchunged some of bis Detroit real estáte for a farm In Pittslield, and now Joe constnntly huma to lilmselt: "I am bound to be a "T-inirer and with the grangers stand. k Nes.t Sunday evening the Kev. Dr Lockwood will deliver a discourse on The Pilgrim Fatliers ; in the Congregationl clnirol. of Dexter, also a %?„, ollowmg the sermón on " Tlie Splflt of the Pilgrims. The chamiiion store for light just now is Wlnana & Stafford's. They have the Edison incandescent, the Van Derpoele elcctric, gas and kerosene, and talkof putting in some "talier candles " for the old settlers, soon. From the 21st to the 25th, good to return until Dec. 31st, and from the 28th to Jan. Ist, good to return to Jan. 7th the Michigan Central will sell return tickets for one fare for the round trip to all points on thelr lines, ineluding Buflalo, The cold wave rlag was displayed for the fust time Tuesday monihig, Upon the Haniillon block. Bnt as soon as DOSSlble it will wave from the court house dome thenby glving notice to all the country round about of the approach of a colli wave or bllzzard. "anër, aner nouung possession of his farm in Sylvan township the past 3ü yeara, finds his right to the title thereto contestad by a gentleman from the east, who comes on with what is clalmed to be a perfect title. There will probably be a legal squabble over it, This item is strictly conöUentialaiul foithe especial benefit of our readers. The best time to visit New Orleans wil] be about Feb. 17tb, wUen the ftreat Mardi Gras festlvities are to be celebra ted BeIdes it is oertain tuere will be Ion rats bytfaat time, as the inclination to cutis alrfeady ('ropping out in railroad cireles. Why is it nol just as honest and honorable to credit your own state exchanges with what jou clip from their columnsas to credit the Texas Siftinpps, Burlington Hawkeye, Danbury News.elu ? Or doesn't it give quite the eclut to the paper? It may be fiattering to tiud one's hard work approprldted by other journals, but t is provoklng, also. The Allefran bakers are dolng a wlso thintr in accommoüating their prices to Ihe prlce of wheat and other things. Let all tmsines non act un tlie same principie and H will Tribuut lnateriaUy--AIIeSan Journal and Tlia's all rijih'," but what's to be done wlien the plaguey bakers won't come diiwn on the price of bread, eli? Grin, and pay old prices, without a mnrmur? Tlmrsday of last week eighteen b0VS Of the CitV mnt nt firomon'c hall to organize a juvenile hose company The object of the organizatlon is principa I ly to g.iin practice and attend the state toiiniameiit the coming year, to show the people liow to run to' flres, couple hose, and jret ready for business at conflagrations. Temporary offlcers were cliosen, but permanent ones will be elected next Fiiilay evening. Frank Sweeney, a brakeman on the Sí. O. R. R., met wlthl an accident at Delhi station, Wednesday nlght last, that will rentier him a cripple for lifè. In attemptino- to jiimp on the tender after openiiif the switch for his train to pass, bis fooi ing slipped and the rïiiht foot was canght dj the wheels of the engine and crushed. He was taken to the aniversity hospital, and is now being cared for there. Sweenoy is a resident of Dearborn. Some of our county exchanges are opposed to the erection of a $20,000 jail at the county seat. One of them thinka that $10,000 would be suffleient for the purpose, and othera think- well, they don't think at all. Ann Arbor can stand it, however, f the county can. She can build a station house of her own for lesa niouey than she can build a county jail, it' worse comes to worse. At a regular meeting of the K. O. T. M"s, held December lOth the following oft'c;: were chosen for the ensuing year: O.- Sidney W. MUlard. )i. C- Fred Barker. H. K.- Rolert Shannon. l'relate- R. F. Kanford. Finance Keeper- Hudson T. Morton. Hergeunt-Paul Shall. M. at A. - Geo. Dengler. lst M. of Q.-H. Werner. 2d M. of G.- George Stauch. SeiHinel- John Wahr Pioket- Chas. Godirey. Tlie regular annual election of officers of Welch Post, No. 137, G. A. R., took place last Friday evening. The installatlon occurs on the 2d Friday in January. The following is the Jist : Commauder-Col. H. 8. Dean. B. V. C.-Prof. Chas. K. reen. J. V.C-Wm.A. Ciark. Unarieimastei- Erastus N. Gilbert. Uhaplain- Robert Campbell. O. IJ.-S. B Revenaugh. O.G.-EHS. Manly. Adluiant- Capt, Chas H. Manly. JJelegates to Grand Encampment-F. l'istorsus, K N. Gilhert. Alternates- JSiles Wlnans, Chas. H. Manly. In the death of Mis. Hannah M. Cate, which occurred at her home in the fïrst ward, Dec. Uth, one of the old and hlghly respected residents of the place passed from us. Mis. Cate had ]i?ed here since 1879, and had been identflied with the M. E. church her wliole lifetime. The deceased leaves three children in Ann Arbor, Rafii (ate, Esq., Mrs. VVm. K, Childs, and Miss Minerva Cate, also two sons and two daugbterfl living in adjoining countlx. Funeral services were held trom the family residence Tuesda3r forenoon, Rev. R. B. Pope officiating. Ve local received "a letter as was a letter," recently, from his old friend Ed. C. Hoyt, of Seneca Falls, New York. It was profusely illustrated, took 11 sheets of legal cap, and the government charged 18 cents to carry it. lleminiscences of the once famous Ann Arbor " Secret - Nine" are touched upon tenderly, and I pleasant memories of the good old days I when we were boys together, brought up ! and pathetically portrayed. There was no injunction to " burn this letter." And it was well there was not, for it Bever will be destroyed. At the Catholic school Monday afternoon (inte a sensation was caused by the report of a pistol, and upon investigation it was found that Johnie Martin, son of ! J. M. Martin, had been accidentally shot J through the under part of the left leg by ( Willie Maguire, both boys aged about 11 t years. It seems that the Maguire boy had found a 32 calibre revolver at his , home, and put it in his pocket to show i bis mates at school, and being ignorant ' of its working, had fired it oflf in an . tempt to cock it. The ball took a piece of Johnie Martin's pants and drawen clear through hia leg, but by extreme good fortune, did not cut an artery or hit 1 a bone. These boys will be careful how Z they handle loaded implements hereafter. a