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Compiled from Late Dispatches. CONGRESSIONAL. Sccoiiit Sessloii. IN the Sonate on the Oth it was dcclded, by a Gtrict party vot, to take up the bill for the admisslon of Dakotu, and Mr. Harrlson gave statistics to establili the claims of the peoplo of the Southern half of that Torritory. A bill for the sale of tlie Churokee Kescrvation In Arkansaa wiis passed. Mr. Sherman Introduoed a 1)111 lor the ereoUon of a statue of I.afayette. The stut uto prohibiting the delivery of mail to lottery i-oinpunies was amended to inake it general uutead of merely applylngr to "frandulent" lotteriiü.. In executive sesaion. Mr Hiddlubprjfor objeoted to the eonnrmutiou of Hugh MoCullooh as Secretar? of tho Troasury ju the Houst' Mr. Chalmers lntroduced a biil tb restore the republican forin of (rovernmentto the State of Mississippi. Further cousideratiou of the Inter-State Commerce bill oocupied the remainder of the session. In the Sonate on the lOth Mr. Vest presentud several memorials from Dakota in oppositlon to it-s admission as a State, and claimod that movement was engineered by ambitious Territorial politicians In the House a joint resolution for continu ing the work of the Census Bureau was passed. The West Point Appropriation bill was also passcd, and the Interstate Commerce bill was further considered. Jtn. Van Wtck otfered a resolution In the Senate on tho llth that, as the commercial treaty negotiatod with Spain had been glven tothe public, a rule be adopted for its oonsideration in oncn session. A joint resolution was adopted appolntlnif Fobruary 21 for the ceremonies connectcd with tho completion of the Washington monument. There was proloned debato on the Oregron Central Land-forfeiture bill and the measure for tho admisslou of Dakota. Adjourned to the Iflth In tho House thp Invalid Pension Appropriation bill wasreported, altor which eonsidoration of the Iiit-r-$tate Commerce bill was resumod. The Senate was not In session on the 12th. In the House a concurrent resolution was adoptod for a ffatlieriuff of Senators and Bcpresontatives at the White House on the 16th to witnesstho opening of the New Orleans Exposition by the President, by nioans of electricity. After a long debute a rosolutiou was adopted to expunge from the official procecilIng of last July a speech by J. D. Taylor, which reflected on the Pension Committoe. At the eveningr session ten Pension bilis wore passcd, including one Krantinjr thirty dollars a month to 1:111111,1 Do Long. Adjourned to the Uth. DOMESTIC. The town of Polkton, on the Carolina Central Railroad, was almost destroyed by flre at two o'clock on the morning of the 9th. The fire was accidental and originated in a drug-store. This is the fifth North Carolina town burned in tho last thirty days, the others being G0M3boro, Wilson, Toisnot and Warsaw. Great excitement existed 011 the 9th in Western North Carolina over the discovery of a new gold mine near Marión, McDowell County. Scores oí minéis were flocking there from all sections. Pierre Prefaux, a blind beggar, died recently at Pittsburgh, Pa., and investigations showed that he had !.",000 on deposit in a savings bank. There was no clew to his heirs. Threb blocks of housos at Trenton, Pa., were burned early on the morning of the 9th, Thomas Barlow, his wife and three children and a man named Fitzgerald perishing in the flames. Mrs. C. E. Geisendorfk, wife of a wealthy manufacturer at Indianapolis, committed suicide a few days ago by drowning herself in a cistern. Deceased had been an invalid for years, and on the day of the suicide eluded the vigilance of her attendants. Exports from the port of New York during the seven days ended on the 9th, exclusive of specie, were $9,456,000- an increase of $4,183,000 over the week before. William Pitts, alias White, who recently beat a citizen to death with a wagon spoke, was taken from the officers at Daggett, Cal., a few mornings ago and hanged to a telegraph pole. Great excitement prevailed at Cullom Springs, Choctaw County, Ala., on the 9th over the discovery of oil, drilling for which had been going on for over a year. It was said that the flow of oil was greater than could be secured. A KEOEPTio was given the delegates to the Centennial Conference of Methodism at Baltimore on the evening of the 9th, three hundred members attending. J. W. Mills' saloon at New Paris, Ind., was destroyed the other night by incendiaries, who were opposed to having a liquor shop in the town. The citizens of Andersonville, O., turned out in great numbers a few days ago and dispatched a tiger which had escaped from his winter quarters in a menagerie. The animal had killed hogs, sheep and cows along his route, but attacked no human being. t John P. Martin, who shot Floyd Tolliver at Morehead, Ky., was taken from a train on the lOth not far from that place and killed by a mob. The Agricultural Department at Washington repoïted on the lOth farm products as tending lower in values. The average price of corn was 36K cents, being highest in Florida (80 cents), and loweBt in Nebraska (18 cents). Wheat averaged 60 cents, against 91 cents a year ago ; while the range for oats was 28 cents, the lowest ever reported by the department. The Centennial Conference of Methodism began on the lOth at Baltimore, Md. The National Association of Health Boards met at Washington on the lOth, in accordance with the cali which set forth . the dangers to this country from cholera and the importance of adopting necessary precautions. A farmer named John S. Shondlemeyer threw himself in front of a train near Lafayette, Ind., the other night, and was instantly killed. This was the third time he had attempted suicide within the past year. H. Worth Wrioht, who recently died in Connecticut, confessed that in 1878, while a medical student, he aided in disinterring the body of Estelle Newman, at Egremont, Mass., an took it to the Albany Medical College, where, after being placed on the dissecting table, she showed signs of life, and was resuscitated. The woman was then sent to an insane asylum in Schoharie County, N. Y., but Wright knew nothing of her subsequent movements. A fire recently destroyed the furniture manufactory of Clark Bros. & Co., in Philadelphia, together with a few other buildings in the sama block. The loss was about Í1G.-,000. The wheat yield of California this year, officially reported, is 57,420,188 bushels, leading all other States in the Union. This is the product of 3,587,864 acres, being an average yield of 16.4 bushels. A commercial traveler from St. Paul, named Baird, was recently murdered at Golden City, B. C, and robbed of $4,500. Wilkinson & Co., private bankers at Byracuse, N. Y., made an assignment on tAe lOth. Their liabilities were estimated at about $500,0110, with assets less than half that sum. Mrs. Kennedy shot and killed her husband Daniel in the street at San Francisco on the morning of the lOth, and made two futile attempts to kill herself. Jealousy. At Woonaocket, R. I., Mrs. Augustus Williams was surprised a few days ago by a cali from her husband, who mysteriously disappeared eight years ago, and had been mourned as'dead. He invited her to a furnished house in Georgiaville, which he purchased with part of a fortune left him recently by his grandmother. FrvE inches of snow feil at St. Louis on the llth. The leading hominy millers of the United States eff ected a permanent organization on the llth by electing George J. Heilman, of Evansville, Ind., President, and George N. Flannagan, of St. Louis, Secretary and Treasurer. An assignment was made on the llth by Wescott & Co., bankers at Syracuse, N. Y., with liabilities of $100,000. A robber who was recently captured at Hannibal, Mo., proved to be William Callaghan, who escaped from jail at Sandwich, Ont., last March, by murdering George O'Leach, the Governor of the jail, Makt Brannan, who four years ago was a favorito in the highest social circles oí Baltimore. was released from the iail lu tb at city on the llth, and ended her career by flinging herself on the track before a passenger train. A NEW mine was opened at Jumper's Station, in the Hocking Valley, on the llth, and two houses frora which striking miners had been ejected were burned to the ground. The various glass-workers' unious throuRhout the country on the llth subcribed $50,000 to aid the prescription glasablowers on a strike at Pittsburgh, Pa. John Henry, a blacksinith at Spring City, Ga., while digging in his yard a few days ago struck a vein of gold whioh assayed flfty dollars to the ton. He had been offered and refused $80,000 forhis property. John P. HABDKN.who resides near Littleton, W. Va., accidentally shot himself, his wife and fowr children while trying to extract a load from a shot-gun a few days ago. Mrs. Harden and one child were the ouly ones f atally injured. Officers of the mint at Philadelphia reported an the llth that attempts had been made lately to palm off spuriouB bullion. A fire at New Bedford, Mass., the other morning caused a loss of $95,000, with heavy insurance. Two firemen were Injured by falling ladders. Forty-five lodges and 4,OÖ0 members were added during the year to the Good Templar phalanx in Dakota. George Cook was executed on the 12th at Laramie City, Wy. T., for kiUing his brother-in-law; and Warren Price was hangecl at Wrightsville, Ga„ for taking the life of his son-in-law. Nearly all the buildings, walks and lakes for the World's Fair at New Orleans were completed on the 12th. Several thousand men were at work night and day in arranging exhibits, which poured in at the rate of one hundred car-loads daily. The main structure covers thirty-three acres, and has eighteen miles of aisles and a inile of galleries. f Geniral Brisbix publishes a letter In a Montana newspaper declai"ing free cattleranges no longer practicable, and advocating a Texas cattle-trail. He states that one-sixth of the herds west of the Missouri River are controlled by Englishmen, who get free grass and drive citizens out of the business. At least forty negroes lost their lives by the recent capsizing of oyster-boats in the Eappahannock River, in Virginia, during a gale. Seventeeu bodies had been recovered. H. J. Goodwin fc Co., woolen dealers in New York, made an assignment on the 12th to secure liabilities of $300,000. Lewis Fox, manager of the Tate plantation near Little Rock, was shot dead the other evening while sitting at a table writing, the assassin having fired through a window. The Mackay-Bennett Commercial Cable Company received its first cablegram on the 12th at its New York office from Walterville, Ireland. During navigation season this year 1,823,117 tons of iron ore were delirered at Lake Erie ports, 130,428 tons in excess of last year'4 record. The sudden breaking out of fire in Gray, Toynton & Fox's candy factory at Detroit on the evening of the 12th caused the girls employed in the second story to rush for the fire-escape, in descending which one young woman feil and was slightly hurt. Three girls were seenat a window, but a sudden burst of the flamea drove them back, and they werebnrned to death. Two Idaho cow-boys recently tied their left hands together and fought a duel with knives uutil both feil dead. Thirteen masked men took Hezekiah Brown (colored) from his residence in the lower section of Howard County, Md., on the 12th and hanged him to a tree. The offense was said to be an assault upon a white woman. An oii-well in Butler County, Pa., located half a mile from all previous developments, was torpedoed on the 12th, and commenced flowiiife at the rate of five thousand barrels per day. Reports on the 12th to Bradstreet' s frcm leading trade centers indicated that general trade at all points was at a low ebb. In the United States and Canada there were 338 business failures during the seven days ended on the 12th, against 330 the previous seven days. The distribution was as f ollows : Middle States, 62 ; New England States, 43; Western, 119; Southern, 75; Pacific States and Territories, 17; Canada, 22. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. William H. Vanderbilt filed in New York on the 9th a judgment for $155,407 against General Grant - money loaned the General a few days before the failure of the flrm of Grant & Ward. Wade Hampton was re-elected United States Senator by the South Carolina Legislature on the 9th. Reuben R. Springer, of Cincinnati, known throughout the country for his gifts to public institutions, died in his chair on the lOth, from paralysis of the heart, in his eighty-fifth year. Miss Mary E. Caldwkll, whose sister has already given $300,000 for a new Catholic university, has also signed her check for the same amount for the same purpose. Allen B. Wilson, of Waterbury, Conn., one of the earliest inventors of sewing machines, was recently taken to th insana retreat at HartfonJ The Federal Grand Jnry at Chicago found indiotinents on thtt llth against Jogeph C. Mackin, Arthur Gleason, Henry Biehl, Hansbrough, Skields, Strausser, Kelly and Sullivan, for complicity in the election frauds attempted in the Eighteenth AVard, and each gave bail. Commander Greexe, of the Navy Yard at Portsmouth, committed suicide the other day. His mind was supposed to have been unbalanced by literary work. Goveükor Rusk, of Wisconsin, ha decided tbj.t there shall be no public ceremonies itthe inauguration of State officers. They will quietly take the oathof jofBce and retire to their respective departments. United States Jcdoe MoCoy became insane on the bench at Atlanta, Ga., on the 12th, and the bar prevented the transaction of busines3. Insomnia was believed to have clouded his brain. Orrin A. Carpenter, who was acquitted of the murder of Zora Burns at Lincoln, 111., fled from that place on the 12th to avoid assassination by the girl's father. His once ampie fortune has shrunk to a quarter section of farming land. Thk body of Estella Newman, who, it was alleged, was restored to Ufe on a digsecting table, was found untouched on the 12th in its grave at Egremont, Mass. FOREIGN. Tiffin Brothers, a great wholesale grocery house at Montreal, have failed, owing $300,000. The reported death of El :Mehdi, the False Prophet, was premature. It was his únele, the Governor of El Obeid, who died. The Canadian Premier stated on the 9th that the scheme of annexation of Jamaica to the Dominion had fallen through. While riding in a street-car recently at Guadalajara, Mex., the dress of a young lady caught lire from a cigarette, and she was burned to death. Neal McKeaoüe, recently acquitted in Chicago of the Willson murders, was arrested on the lOth at Thorold, Ont., for a felonious assault upon a woman. A hurricane at Vienna, Austria, a few days ago destroyed several buildings and unroofed about flfty others. People were dashed against walls by the gale, and many had their limbs broken. No Uves were lost. The attempt of British dlplomats to negotiate peace between China and France was on the lOth said to have proved a failure. A scHOONER foundered recently off St. Marys, N. F., and all on board perished. The citizens of Ottawa, Canada, have signed a memorial to the new President of the United States askingthat Colonel Rob bins, the present United Statea Consul, ba retained in office under the new regime. Enolish journals announced on the llth the renewal of outrages at Tralee, Ireland, where armed men maltreated a caretaker on the estáte of Sir Edward Denuey, because of a recent eviction. Tiieíse were flftoou cases of chojera and bvo destlu reported nt Teglano, Froviur oi Saleino, Spain, on the llth. Twki.vk Nihilista were arreited at St. Petersburg ou the llth. They were holding a meeting in a restaurant under tha guise of a ball. Important documenta feil Into the hands of the pólice. Twknty-onb deaths f rom cholera oerurred in Paris duriug the neven days ended on the 12th. The ïurkish atrocitiea in Maeedonia weie increasingou the 12th. Two hundred Christians had been niurdered within tha last few weeks and three villages burned. Kidnaping was common, and the inhabittnts were afraid to leave their houses. Hosiery operativos to the number of 150 cecently left Nottingham, Eng., to take placea already secured in the United States. Keal McKeaque was genteneed on the I2th at St. Catharines, Ont., to six nionths' Imprisonmeut at hard labor for assaulUng Mme. de la Veré, a clairvoyant. '-ATER NEWS. It was estimated on the 13th that ther were 12,000 idle men in Detroit who were unable to obtain work, aud in Chicago the number was placed at -20,000. All theglass ïnanufnctories at Bellaire, Martin's Ferry and Bridgepart, in Ohio, had closed up for an Indefinito period, the men having struck. The stoppago affect about 7,000 people. Twknty-three bodios of oyster-fishers lost in the Rappahaunock caine ashore on the 13th, and it was feared that a score oí corpses still remained submerged. London was badly frightened on the evening of the 13th by a mysterious explosión beneath one of the Thames biidges, There was no linnii done. Hkzkkiah Brown, a colored preacher, whose offense was marrying a weakniinded white girl of seventeen,was ly nched a few days ago by a mob near Clarksville, Md. The colored people were greatly excited over the affair. Twenty-pive thousand children participated in the Sunday-school celebration of the Methodists at Baltiinore on the llth. A dispatch on the 18th to the Secretary of the Navy at Washington trom Nagasaki stated that a revolution had broken out in Corea. A gas explosión the other night destroyedthe black works at Ludlow, Pa., aud injured several employés, thre fatally. The exports of lcaf tobáceo from th United States for the year aggregated $17,40j,232. The Leaf Tobacco Board of Trade of New York resolved on the 13th to enter a uuanimous protest against the ratification of the Spauish treaty. l.N the insane ward of the Jefferson City Oto.) Penitentiary the other night an epileptic aróse from íiis cot and, securing an Iron rod, clubbed two other inmates fatally ainl wounded a third seriously. Henky Beatty, Henry Kliuger and Emanuel Gross were fatally injured the other afternoon by the explosión of a boiler in Bittler's saw-inill near Shenandoah, Pa. Eight stores at St. Mary's, Kan., were liuriied the other morning, causiug a loss o! $48,000. Pólice Judge Higby perished in the ñames. The Calumet Sewer-pipe Works, near Toronto, O., burned on the Hth. Loss, $1OO.IXH); insurance, J40,000. One hundred and twenty men were throwu out of employment. Six convicta working in the mines at Coal Creek, Tenn., tried to escape on the l.ith, when four were fatally shot by the guards and the other two were recaptured. The tlrand Jury at New Orleaus, after exaininiiif; over one hundrod wituesses, ha indicted Kecorder Ford, bis brother and several pólice and court omoers for til morder of A. H. Miuphy.


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