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"Is yourchuin a close student?" wrote (j( fatlier to h9 son in ooilege " You bet lie , f Kther," was the reply. " You coukin't orrow a V of hira if you were in the lust tagesof starvation." ¦¦ -" T iiiiii.iimiiiniuiíwwnwTnratiw " VBOOK:OFMAT?TYRV' Z l . I I V V contalus many UÏ&n1 I I ft lul storiea or mom uiI I I nlzlng surrerln. W I S I V V. ' nothing. elllierin stOTT ¦ or picture, can be more dlsirc aíul thun Che harp, suvere, stiootlng polna dally and nlffbctr ; _ Biuluri'd by those wlio are martyrb to i lint hiobi terrible torment, Neuralgia To gi.l rtü of IMrt inartyrdom la tüe flrst busuiesa l aU who satrcf. Athlophoros wunurntt.'s painfiil nrv, and Orive oo tbihonrors oí Kuuraliíla. Atht-ophoros dé henltli lo Iítuimuatio BUfferora wnom "the mart skUlful ptiyidcl&iu lu v mit been able to haai. Athlophoros operntes on the blond, mu¦tas undjotnta; and Ifcso! vina th actos tluit aan KuovmaUsiu. removes tüoin irom tho ijnWim Athlophobos ís pronoinieed by all who tau t3 U, an RpedSo íor tliese öDHtlonfe í .ihí patoiirl diseüsea. Read the testimony of one of the sufferers. David Little, Sumner, Benner Co., lowa, writes: u " 1 im put 77 years of afro, have hart the RheuinatlBm L three j-ears aud eiiflü luunllw; lui.t one-Üurd of my I woicht; oould not walk, but Bhiililed uIüiik on crutchos; could not eleep; nerveH Hhüttiirc-il, do d ÈtronKth in my hands, wriate, knees or feet. But J thanksbetnGod íoryourírreatdiHcovery! a idne arrived Saturday ni;Iit I took a dom Himday mornini?, feit it al) over me, and kapt on wilh it. Mouday uioroiug I Kot up and dnBsed niyocli. aml C walked out iiito the kitcheu without the akl of cn:t h orcane.and wishedthemaUabaiipy'-'W Vear. I rent well niffhte, ain gainiiiK in Btrenirth. and oiiee moro enjoy lifo. Wlsh I could put ATHLOPHOitoa in tho handa ol every ufferer fmm thi terrible diseaee.'' If you cannot KPt Athlophorok of your drujiKiwt, . ve will seud it expresa paid, on nsceipt of roirulur rice- ono dollar ir bottle. Me prefer thatyou liuy it from your dnlKKt, but if he hüsj't it. dp DOt lie persuaded to try KomtithiiiK eM, 1 ut order at once f n 'tí iw aa directcd. THLOPHOROS CO., H2 Wf,LL ST., KEW YORK. ARE YOU BILIOUS? ! If you feel dull, drowsy, have frequent headache, ( mouth tastes bad, poor appctite, tongue coated, you are ' troubled with torpid liver or biliousness." Why will you , suffer, when a few bottles of Hops and Malt Bitters will i cure you ? Do not be persuaded to try something else . said to be just as good. For .sale by all dealers. HOPS &, MALT BITTERS CO., DETROIT, MICH. 4áAéááááééáááá As a raindrop t'oreteiis astorm,socloesa )implo upon the human body indícate lealth-destroying virus in the blood, vhich can be neutralized and expelled only by Ur. Harter's Iron Tonii:. '¦ It is not rood for a man to be a loan,'1 eplied Mrs. Yeast, when a lady asked her o loan her husband aa an escort foralfew minutes. Kemarked by It. C. Joiuer, of Allen P.O., Hillsdule Co., Mich.: " Nothing lave my rheumatism such quick relief as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011. Custom is a most powerful master, and a bad cu9tom ought to be broken. Don't Die in the House. " Kough on Ratp," Clears out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, (lies, anta, moles, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Trne reflneinent unites strengtb wijh lurity and charity which is the first bom of reiijfion. Cutarrh [s a very prevalent and exceedingly disagreeable disease, liable, If neglected, to levelop into seriousconsumption. Bein; a constitutional disease it requires a constitutiouul remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, acting throiigh the blood, reaehes every part of the system,effectii)r a radical and permanent cure of catarih in even its most severe forins. Made only by C. I, Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. We are reminded of the folly of parental indulgeiice. Mucli of Adonijah's wickedness and of David's lirst and last misery eame of it. "Motlier Swau's Worm Sjrup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless. cathartio, for feverishness, restlessness, worms, constiijation. 25c. A day to come shows longer than a year that'sgone. A little leak will sink agieat sliip. Tlii.s Idea of Going West to Colorado or New Mexico, for pure air to relieve Consumption, is all a mistake. Any reasonable man would use Dr. Bosanko's Cougli and Lunfj Syrup for Consumption in all its lirst stages. It never fails to give relief in all cases of Conhs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pain in the Cheet and all affections tliat are considerad primaiy to Consumption. Price, 50cetitsand $1.00. Sold by Eberbach & Sou. An able man shows lus spirit bv jrentle words and resolute actions; he is neithcr hot nor timid. Would You Bellere It. Nature's great remedy,Kdney-wort, has cured many obstinate cases of piles. Tliis most distressing malady generally arises froin oenstipation and a bad codition of the bowels. Kidney-wort acts at the same time as a cathartic and a heallng tonic, removes the cause, cures the disease and promotes a healíhy state of the affected orjrans. James F. Moyer, carriage manufacturer, of Myerstown, Pa., testifles to the great hoaliñg [mwers of Kidney-wort, having been cured by itof a very bad cise of piles whlCD for yeurs had refused to yield to auy other remedy. Noman en vies the merit of another who has enough of lila own. Syracuse, N. Y., June 12, 1883. " I havesuffered with kidney diseas and intense pain in back. One bottle relievtd and six bottles of Hunt's [Kidney and Liver] Hemedy completcly cure m.e" - H. S. Proctor, Furnlture Dealor, CO Hallna Btreet..


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