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í-edo, Aun Arbor & Nurtli Michigan ui Eafliray. TIME BCHBDÜUf. " Do o take effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on bunLa- day, June22d, 1884. TraiUB run by Central Time, Ö8 OING NORTII. _G()ING_8OUT1L 3 _; - "a i! S 3 STATIONS. d 3 pl T 7"7 a.m p.M. Gr 555 7 05 Toledo 9 SO 4 55 Lr 5 30 111 Manhattan Jnnction í 26 4 48 n 5 40 7 23 Alexis Junrilon 9 16 4 3 Jt g ÍS 7 S5 Hawthorn. 9 10,4 jju L 5 M 7 46 Samaría 9 02,4 22 A 0 09 8 08 Lulu 8 4 04 Y[ 8 II 8 U Monroe Junction 8 42 3 5M % L 8 30 Dundo. 80 S 50 W 6 28 8 37 Macón 8 21.3 4a U 6 S3 8 4H Azalia 8 2013 40 I 6 43 S li Milau Junction 8 0!t 25 l 6 41! 9 03 Milán 8 H M St 6 51 0 Nora 7 51) 3 7 W 6 58 9 22 Urania 7 52 8 lll F 7 0; 9 32 Pitssneld Junction 7 40 3 01 L 7 20 60 Ann Arbor 7 272 4 ai 7 37 10 1.'. Leland 7 W 2 SO B 7 45 10 22 Woplen 7 06 2 351 8 01) 10 35 SonihLvon 50 2 10 Connectlon: At Toledo, wlth rnilroadn dlvergdk; at Manhattan Junction, with Wlietduig & ákV Krle K K.; at Alexis Junction, with M. t. K., L. S. & M. 8. Ry. and K. & P. M H. R.; at donroe Junction. with L. 8. & M. B. Ry.; at Dunlee, with L. 8. & M. S. Ry.. M. & ü. Ky.; al Milán rnnctlou. with Wabasb, 8t. Lonis & Paciflc Ky.; - tPittffleld.withL.s. at M. 8. Ky.: at Ann Arbor vith Michigan Central R. R., and at Boott Lyon B fith Detroit, Lansing & Nortuern R. 1?., and Si írand Trunk Ry. r JV. H. BENNETT, Gen'l. Pass. Agent. W CHE LI5E 8ELECTED BY TH-E TJ. S. OOTT u TO CAEET THE FAST MAIL C GOING WEST. i 0HLY LINE EUNNING TWO THEOUGH } TEAINS DAILY FEOM j CHICAGO, PEORÍA &ST. LOUIS, TUrough the Heart of the Continent b way i of Pari tic Junction or Ornaba to DENVER, orvia Kansas City and Atchlsoa to Denver, l neoiinglu Union Depots at Kansaa t.'Hy, Atchlson, Omana Hnd Denver wlth throagh traína fur SAN FRANCISCO, and au points In the Far West, bhortest l.lneto KANSAS CITY, And all pointa In the South-West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS : Should not forget thefactthat Round Trlp tickets at reduced rates can be purenased vla this Great Throngh lihie. to alJ tlie Health and Pleasurt }esurts or the West and Bouth-West, lucluding I theMountalnsof COLORADO, the Valley or the Yosemlte, the CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta tn tbe Mexlcan Republlc. HOME-SEEKERS Should also remember that this line leads direct to the heart or the üoverumen t and Rallroad Latida Ín Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado and Washlngitls'ïnoirn'M the great THKOUGH CAR LIME Ot America, ajid Ís uuiversally admltted to be the Finest Equipped Railroad in tbe World for all clages af Travel. Throuxli Tickets vía this Une íor sale at all Rallrowl Coupon Ticket Ollicea lu tüe United btatea and Canada. T. J. POTTER, Vice-Pre. and enManager. L0WE1lj Oen. Pass. Ag't Chlc&go. JNü. Q. BKAN, Oen. Eastern Ag't, MI Broadway, New York, and 306 Washington HL, Boutou. Home Items and Topics. - - All your own fault If you remaln sick when you can Gei hop bitters that never- Fail. - The weiikest woinan, smallest child, and sickest invalid can use hop bitters witli safetv and greut good. - Oíd nien totterini; around from rheuruatism, kklney tronble or any weakness will be made almobt new by usiiig hop bitters. $W My wife and daughter were niide healtliy by the use of hop bitters and I reeomniend thein to my people. - Methodist Clergyman. Akk any good doctor if hop Bitters are not tlie best lamily medicine Ou earth ! ! 1 Maliirlal lever, Agüe and Biliousness, will leave every neii;liborl)ood as soon as hop bitters nirive. " My mother drove tbe paralysis and neuralííia nll out of lier system with hop bitters." - Kd. Oswrrjo Sun. l%f Keep the kidueys licalthy witb hop bittiM-s nnd you neeil not fear sickness." - lee water is rendered hartnless and more refreshing and reviviujr with hop bitten in eiich diaught. - The vigor of youtb for the af;'d and intirni In hop bitters!! ! ( - "At tlie change of Ufo nolliing pqnals 1 Hop Bitter toallny all troublen iucidcnl ( Tlieruto." - " The best periodical for ladies to tnke monthly, and from wliicta they will receive the greatest benefit is hop bitters." - Mothers with sickly, fretful, nurslng children. will ome the children nnd benefit theniselves by taking uop bitten daily. - Thousands die annunlly lrom some form of kidney disease that mlffht have been prevented by a timely nae of hop bitter. - Indigestión, weak stonmeh, Irregularities of the bowtls, oannot fxist when hop bitters are used. A timely ' uso of hop Bitters will Uepp a whole lamily In robust licallh n yearat a liltle cost. - To produce real enuine sleep and child llke repose :ill night, take alittle hop bitters on retiring. jf Solio genuino without a bunch of t;reen Hops on tlie white label, sliun all the vlle, polsonoiiN, stuirwitli "Hop" or " Hops" in thelr name. Mort sage Sale. DKPAÜLT IIAVINO BEEN MADE IN THB rondlilons of a cartaiD mortgaga ('xeented by LydiaKirc.hhofiT.of Manchester, In Uie County of Waslitenaw, and State of Michigan, to Jared S. Lapham, of Northvtlle, Waync County, in Huid state, be&rtng date Ui" öeventoentii day of Apiii . U. 1X7H, and recorded la the olllce of the ReeUter r deeoi tot sald i'ounty of Wtthtenaw, in Hbcr 55 of mortRiisi'S, on pae f)!)!), nnd hy whica dcfanlt the power of ale contamed in aid mortgatre hiiviny: become operative, and no puil or proceedlng at luw or in chancery havlng: boen lnptltutcd to recover the amonnl doe on lald mortffaKt, or the note accompunyinf; the e:une, and thcre belns now Dlalmed n le due on unid note nnd niortgaK, the slim of Two Thousund Thlee Hundred and Konrteen Dollars [2,:il l. Noticel tlierefore heruby Kiven thut snid mortfasc will bc lorecloncd on Friduy the twenty-lixth iay l' December LS84i ftt 10 o'iUnk in the forenoon ol' that day, by sale at public auction to Ihu hitrhcst bidder at the south front door ol Uie Court House in the city of Aim Arlior in said county of Washtenaw, (sald Coort House being the place oí holding the Circuit Court lor said county) of the morifiagcd premlset di'scrlbed in tald mortgatie, or wo much thereof a may bo necesary to o itinty the amounl dne on ald nolo and morteage wlth rauonable ooatl and expense; which suid niort'fltïed preniises are dtwrihed in Baid mort.gage, a follown : All those cerlain parcela ol land xltuateand beinjí in the Village of Manchester, In tue County ol Washtenaw, nnd Stato f Michigan, known and desorioad ae lot foor (4), flve (8), the (i)i Mren (7) and eieht (8) In block one (1) in Qranñr nnd Morgau's acldition to the Village of Manche-ter, accindiui; to the record' d plat of aid additton. Duted, Sept. 29lh, A. D., 1884. JAHKD 8. LAl'HAM, E. D. KINNK, Mortgayec. Att'y for Mortiagce. 1215-1227


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News