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(fROYALPsa'jaï j)k B POWDER Absolutely Pure. T hls powder never varíes. A marvel of puIty.stiengthand wholesoraeness. Moreeconmik-al thau the ordlnary kinds, and cannot pold In eompetiUon wlth the multltudeot ow test, shot weight, alum or phosphate mwders. Hold only In cans. Royai. Hakinq 'owdkk Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. Hrs. Smlth'M cure, and wliat the Rev. xTIíK lust ¦ y has to my about It. To the Public:- I have heen afvarful suffererfor fiteii yeara. wout of the time with what has been ulied üiczema or Snit Kb um, fsuriaslB aud Lepra and ihe like, an have alwaya beeu told that there vas no cure lor nit-, and have been so dlscouraed hal I had as 8uou die as live. 1 have betn bo bady nffl cidd bometimee Ihat ihere was not the smallest ppot from the cruwn ot my head to the solen of my ieet thut was not. diseaf-ea and ae red aa crimon. It would commeuce in small wdite epotö, wtiich had a ilvery uppearance, but were not deep, mt it' I atteinpted to al them, or boud alter uieir first appearance, they would barnaud run together until tüere Yfna a cúmplate dry, red ecale, which vould become so n. il. nn d &i to crack and look lery and aury. and thu burning ajiiaatiou would be aluh'.-t. intuierable. l was at linies au lamo that I could scarceiy get about, aud could nol dress mbelt' wilhout hhísiance. 1 have tried maoy remedies and have pald $100 in a single tnataiice to a physician, but have ever obtained only teraporary relief. Although buiped lor a time, i gouu relaped aain to be ae bauly ironhted as ever, and during the winter ot' 18SM 1 BuiTered O much as to be entirely discouraed. Last Juue, huwever, I was advied by filaer and Mis. L. U. AIcKmcttry,vhoare well known in tliese reyions. to try uur .utícü.va Rt-MEUit-s ; ai.d I leltsumeh w a litiïe courage, from their ia vorablu opinión of tfcu m lo try iheir virtue. About ihe secoud week ot July iaet I commenced takiui; itn: r. ur. i i i ¦ -, aud wiih.ii stz weekd X begon to see a perinaiient impruvem -nt, uuitl uw (Uct. l) I am about iiá mi)d uü new ai.d m Hl-sü is as the flesh ut a chiid. MKS. BENJ.SMITH. I certify thftt the nbove stafement of my wife is correct, aud 1 join wtlti her iu expressitiK my fcratiude lor tüe truat benefit she has receivid, B. ÖMI1H. I cenify that the above etalement is correct. Mi Smith ia a prominent man in Ui is community, whL're tie Ütus. He is a uell-kuown dealer in etock an'l hie siatumeut wiLh that ot nis wilt-, is tully enutled lo credit. Done at Stansiead, Province of Qucbec, thiB 27th day oi October, 1882. L.C. McKINSTRY, Minister of the Gospel, Latbp.-I have seen Mrs. Smith lately and believe her to bu ihorooghly and prmaneutly cured. L.C. McRIN&TBÏ. Sec1 y Advent Ch. Conf. P Q. A'o. Vt. and Ko. N. 21. BobTüN, Öept. , 1834. Caticura Resolven:, the new Blood Parifier anc Cuticura and Cuticura Soap the great Ssln Cnrei and Deautiriere are eold evurywtiere. Price, CulÍcura. 50c; öoap, üöc.-; Reeulvent, $1.00. Pot er lriiL and Chemical o.. Boston CATARRH. rpilE Greal Balamlc DiftillatioD 1 J_ ol Wilch Haze , American Plne lSSk Cnada Fir, Marigeld, Clover jKga BlosHome. etccalled anford imS Kaoical ('are, for the imme diaU! ri-lief and permaneDt cure o f k every fotin of Catarrh, from i yy Himple Cold in the Hrad to Loes o J]) Smell, Taete and Hearing, Coagh y&Er and Catarrhul Coiisuniptiwn. Com Cfnj plete trcaliuint, consiellne ol one F II V l'ott'e K:uiical Cnre, one bos Ca ': f! tarrhal Solveut and one lmprovef 6 "Ö Inhaler, in one package, may now l'iO be liad of all Drngt'iets for 1.00 ' Ask forSANFüKU'S RADICAL CURK. $1 Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. "The only absolute speclflc we know oi." -Med Times "The hegt we hve found in a lifetime o eufl'erine."- Ree. Dr. Wérjgin. Boston. "Alter a lons Btrn"i;le ith üutai-rb 'he Kadical Tube ha C(inqni-red."-7?tt. S. W Monroe, Lewisburg, Pa I huve ntitlound acaeeihai it did not relieve a once." '--Andrtw Lee, Manchester, Mass. Pottbk Umio akd ChhmicalCo.. rfoeton. -i ¦ I. For the relief and prevention COLLIV i :,.- i.i;.ui il isappllea lV VOLTA 10 ot Rhi-umatism, Meuraliia, Sci v.V,il jS t'c. Coughs, Colds, Weak back VVíí-Stomacli, and Bowele, Shooting ÍV í-. Haii.K. Numbnei-8, Hysleria, Fe - O.. male Pine, I'alpi'ation, Dyspcp l!JV pia Livcr Complaint, Billlou yjÍ7nS Fuer, Ma'arm and Epldemics E LECTRIS ie Collln' Piaster (an „ k rV kleotrl Battiry comb.utd PLASittö ""ha Piaster) and laugh at pain. 25c. everywhere. DrCLARKE NO FEE I Establised 1851 ) Merrill üntil "orí ] DETROIT, MICH. f BlOCk. M Wmmi Thr regular oldeitabllihed ctiTSTa ïhyfllc"iHn and SufRcon DK. HTVSraMICLABKE, at the old number Bl7ijÈya9ll continúes to treat with hij usual Bil Si ST jHchronicnervouinndiipej tol ¦19 éBÊMhhc oldest Advertising Physician, mtJrïlijM", files of Papers show and all oUÍu-sidcnTsluSw. Age and experienco lmhave an elh " „_„J..,el. Consultation which to dy your OW. "nsult the oU mÉmmsm


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