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Milan's new opera house is seated with hairs. Three churches in Milan, all well-fllled nee a week. H. Hews, janltor of the Chelsea school ouse, is very sick. John W. Navry, of Superior, goes to New Orleans as a delégate. Chas. A. Smith, of Milan, died Friday morning, Oec. 19th, aged 50 years. There are 19 Germán ftimilies in Supeïor, compiising l-13th of the population. The Chelsea M. E. and Lutheran Sunay schools have Christmas trees to-morow. Jos. Pray, of Whitniore Lake, has been quite sick. A hule better at last eports. Rural Johnson, a Dexter young man i years old, died at North Lake, December llith. The revival meetings of the M. E. hurch at Whitmore Lake, have been disontinued. The Chelsea Herald says that a rumor s prevalent there that br. Depew of )akota, is dead. Miss Ella t)ancer has been obliged to give up the school at Sylvan Centre because of sickness. And now Milan is intriguing to get a Jetroit man to open a photographic gnery iu that place. Tlie Dexter Leader speaks In great praise of the celebrated ' Kazoos concert company," of that city. Prof. Waller, of Dexter, entertained he high school studeuts at Mr. Mains, Thursday evening last. The Dexter cemetery is hu ving its drives gravelled, and otherwise improved by lot ownera. A good work. The waj' the Milanites skimmed around heir new mik last Satuiday evening was enough to make one dizzy. Jan. 7th annual meeting of Washtenaw Co. Mutual Fire Ins. Co., at Secretaiy Fairchild's office, in Ann Arbor. Parties at Whitmore Lake will eany passenger to and froin the railroad on an lee-boat for ten cent a hoad. Christmas, the young folks .it Whitmore Lake will see their canoe come n, or their pre.ents come In a canoe rather. Washtenaw's first newspaper bore the date of November I6th, 1829, and can be seen at the pioneer's rooin in the court house. C. D. Johnson, of Dexter, and Miss Ida Watts, of Lyndon, were married at the residence of the bride's parents, on Dea 3d. Jas. Kearns has changed the days of being at the couiHy treasurer's office in Ann Arbor, to Wednesday, Dec. 24 and 31. t to received Scio taxes. With flour at $2 per hundred; round, sirloin, and porter-house steaks at 15 cents per pound, surely Dexter people ought not to go Imngry. - Leader. At the dedicatory services of the Milan Baptist church the suni of $800 was raised to wipe out the church debt. For these times a rtmarkably large aniount. Tlie express office has been removed to the Barthel store, where Mr. Hatch and his clerk, Elmer Hammond, have vgry tasty and convenient quarters. - Clielsea Herald. The Dexter Leader publishes a terrible rumor to the effect that certain young ladies of that place propose to change their naiues before Jan. lst, '85. Look out, boys. C. T. Conklln has received Information that ?e bas oranges on tree set out lat spring. Tliis i an unusual ocuurence.- Chelsea Herald. Yes, it is unusual, and with the thermometer bobbing up and down over the 0 mark, especially so for oranges. Dr. Wrigtit and wife who recently went to California froni Dexter, write back about enjoying lettuce, radishes, 8trawberries, etc. That's nothing. Don't we have oysters and ice creani socials and f now ballsV The Milan Leader editor, A. B. Smith, was a?saulted by J. M. Orcutt the otfter day, for some strictures he made upon the Bohemian oat business, and a iaw suit followed, Orcutt buing fined $"i for assault and batlery. There are about 25 members of the Dexter gymnasium, and they have things titted up in a neat marnier. The exercise the boys get there will never hurt tliem any, but may be the uieuns of developing their bodies and muscles and uiakin powerful men of tliem physically. We have been seriously ihinkitigof getting an accident policy on our life, as recent developtnents tend to the opinión that it isn't hardly safe for a poor editor to walk the streets unprotccted. - MUan Journal. Editora who do not teel their (Bohemian) oats are all safe, aren't they. Our exchanges are noticing a cyclone, that is said to have swept over this city a short time ago. There was a smart snow squall for a few minute?, which nobody would have thouglit of the second time, hnd they not read of " clouds of inky blackness," and "persons fainting,'1 in the papers. The horrors of the storm were all in the imagination of the writers. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. On Saturday evenlng last, the residence of Wm. Phelps, about four miles east ol Dansville, was destroyed by lire, and the games were so plainly risible at thi8 place that it was generally thonglit that the house of some of the larmer's just west of town was on fire. Ann Arbor folks thought Pinckney was on fire and telenhoned to learn if it was a f act. -


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