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George Martin to Francs O. Logan, 4 aerea, . anclieister _ t 435 Stepben J. Chase to Edward Moore, 6x 18 rods 500 A. & F. Blggs by sheriff to Oscar Brlggs lot, Sallue 5S6.69 Cath. Otto and A. O. Connor to Beruard Comlske 50 acres, Northfleld 600 CD. HendricksontoChristlnaSchmtd, lot. Aun Arbor 175 Wm. F. King to Dorno D. Allieon,12 ure', Augusta 650 W. AHUon to Jas. D. Allison, 160 acre, Augusta 1,800 Lucy A. Red, et al., to Jno. Ray, M acres, Dexter „. 100 Alva Freer to O. C. Burkhart, Lima 125 Hanna M. Chase et al. to Mary J. Einbler, 20 acre. Manche-ter L 100 Tho. Wilkinson to Bertha Helmrlck, Chelsea 165 Henry Vedder to Nathan Lee Button, 40 aerea, Augusta. 1,600 Nathan Lee Vedder to Harvey Vedder, 40 acres, Augusta 900 Charles J. Sweet to Hanry Van Tuyl, lot, Ypsüanti 00 Edwin J. Sralth to Loulsa J. Drury, 78 acres, York 4,2!K) Samuel n. Frederlck to Margaret H. Frederlck , 46 acres, Salem 2.2C0 Daniel E. Wines to Maria .1. Jones, lot, Add Arbor 3,700 Florence H. Stttts to Eden B. Daines, 3 acres, Saline 850 Wallace Durhee to Robert Brown, 10 acres, Augusta 450 Kllsha Conglon to Madison Miller, lot, Chelsea- - - 800 Madison Miller to Jane Ames, lot, CbelDwaR"HÏiëbëöcktö'Vfivi&W.HÜck- oock, 100 acres, SUaron 10,000 Henrietta A. Shter to Helen A. Taylor, lot, Ypsiluntl - 1,700 Chas. J. Howell by ex. to Rosa Long, to Ann Arbor 1,350 E. G. Reynolds to Joe T. Jacobs,80 acres Pittsfield 8,000 Chas. H. Kempf to Chauncey Hummel, 80 acres. Lyudon 1,675 Jas. McMlllan to Chas. .11. McMillan, , 20 acres, York 1,500 Anule Wood to Courad Scuafer, lot, Mllan - 300 J. 1) Corey to Johu Schafer, lot, Manchester 100 Frank N. Derbyshire to Jas. C. Bemls, 30 acres, Ypsilantl 400 Davlil Maloy to Ellen A.Maloy, 40 acres Lodl 2.400 George Stoll to Mary Mills, lot, Ann Arbor 150 L. D. Watkins to W. L. Watkins, lot, Manchester 2,500 Geo. R (ilazler to Frauk P. Glazier, 40 acres, Sylvau 73