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Judge Joslyn's Good Points

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me uuiroit papers are louc] in their praise of the raanner in which Judge Joslyn, of this circuit, runs the circuit court at Detroit. He has been exchangiug pulpits with Judge Jennison of that city, and the marnier in which he conducts business is a revelation to the Wayne county people. But all agree that his ideas of what the temple of justice sliouki be are the correct ones, and th;it he is a most excellent judge. The evening journal of last Wednesday has the following spiiited article upon the subject : Judge Joslyn, the Ypsllanti legal briEht light who is temporarily fllling Sne of the pulpits In the Detroit Wayne circuit court seems to be nothing lf not agresslve Heretofore, considerable laxlty In the matter of order and decorum has been lying around loose withln reach of the hands of worshiners at the local legal tribunal. This freeand-easy style of performance has been suffleiently pronounced to become the rule rather than the exception. All thiu has changed slnce the Imported judge entered the arena. Disorder was grappled in a grapevine twist and placed on lts back in the flrst Inning. ïhe Ypsilantlan was eniered agalust a large uumber of stuborn llauor cases which had refused to yleld obedlence to the persuasión of home-made talent The splnal columns of the Uquor men had been stiflened by polltical lnlluence, a species of armor which proved invulnerable to posslble caudidates for re-election. In the case of Judge Joslyn thls system of proteetion fa led to protect. He deals with the cases placed before hlm without gloves and draws blood at every thrast of hls Independent lance. Nor Is thls all. The manner In which ho preserves the discipline and saoctlty of the court, whlle awing offenders into submission, Is worthy of photographic countyUJu"gesfor future relere" byVayne .v.lui ,ne ilutftnce. Juryman volunteered the Information that hewas fully determined to ralse his volee for acqulttal, before the merite of -the case on hund had been dlscussed by hisfellowjurymen. For thls actlon he was peremptorily called to account by the unbending Judge, and ihe surprise eviueed by the offender formed a valuable treatlse on the subject of prevlous local court ethles Another valuable precedent was established yesterday in the case of Justlce Schwelkart of Hamtramck. Thls astute manipulator of supposed Justlce and undoubted Intoxleants endeavored generously to load the wife of his bosom up with the burden of responslblllty claiming that she alone handled the llciiild end of lils lncome, and was therefor responsible for the accumulation of unsiened tax recelpts. By the time Judge Joslyn had ooncluded hls overhaullng efforts the rural JuHtlce was pretty well Informed In regard to hisdornestlcresponslblllties, and the public iiood was correspondlngly ad vaneed for present and future guldance. The local bar was also favorecí wllh a much needcd öunday school lesson yesterday.when the Ypsilantlan stopped proceedings untll certaln offlclous members were decorously and respectfullv seated. This legal teacher also lakes frequent occasion to remlnd members of the bar who endeavor to be facetlous that digulty should fonn the most Imporlantlngredient In courts if Justlce. Taken all In all, the Wayne Clr5ult court seems to be receivlng several sadlv aeeded lessons In equity and decorum at tiie lauds of a loreign magnate.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News