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fROYAL'ESSWiïJi POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A marvel of purily.strengtliand wliolesomeness. Moreecunoimcal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold 111 competition with the multitude ot low test, shoit weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Royal Baking Powder Co., lOfi Wall St.. N. Y. (pecina Mrs. Smlth's cnrc, and what the Bev. JTIeK luMt y has to suy about it. Tothe Public:-! bave Leen afearful auffererfor flfteen years. most of the time with what has been called Kczeuiaor Salt Kb nin, Psoriasis and Lepra and the like, ami have alwajs beun told that there was no cure lor me, aud have been eo dlacouraued ihat I had as Boon die as live. 1 have been so badly afll;ctcd sometimes that there wad not the smallest spot from the crown of tuy head to the soles of my leet that was not diseated and as red as crimBon. It would commence in smull wbice spots, which bad a aiivery appearance, but were not oeep, but tfl attempted to heal them, or eoon after their flrst appearauce, they wuuld barn and run together umil tbere was u complete dry, red scale, which woutd become so ii:flim-d as to crack and look fiery and angry, and tho burning s'-nsatiou would M almost intolerable. l was ut tienes so lame that 1 could scarceiy get about, and could not dress myeelf without assistauce. I have tried many remedies and have paid t!00in aeingle inetar.'.'e 'o n ' - 6 ever obtataed oüiy km irary reliel . -íoon relapaod aLii to hiï as I id dúrüig the winter oí ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ue k ¦ ¦ ¦¦ J ul laet I ¦ thar. ! a permanent ïraprovemi-nt, unttl nuw (Uct. J) I am about as goud as new ai.d my flesh is as the flesh ot achild. MKS. UENJ.SMITII. I certify that the above statement of my wife is correct, and 1 join with her in expressinti my gratüude lor the great benefit she has received, B. SMITH. I certify thattheabove slatement is correct. Mr. Smith is a prenoiuent man m this community, where he lives. lle is a vvell-known dealer ín stock and hia etatemeut wkh that ol his wiie, Is fully entitled to credit. Done at Sianslead, Provlnce of Qucbec, thie 2"th day ot üctober, 1882. L. C. McKINSTRY, Minister of the Gospel. Latee.- I have seen Mrs. Smith lately and believe her to be thoroughly and permanently cured. , L. C. McKINsTÜY. Sec'y Advent CA. Ccnf. P Q. ITo. Vt. and A'e. N. R. Boston, Sept. 9, 181. Cutlcura Resolvent, the new Blood Purifler and Cuticura and Cuticura iSuap the great Skin Cures and beautiiiers are sold everywtiere. Price, Cuticara, 50c; Soap, 25c; Resolvent, tl. 00. Pot'er Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. CATARRH. i rpilE Great Balsamic Distillai ion f JLot ' Witcbllazcl, American Pine 13EBL Cnnada t'ir, Mariold, Clover ?È5 Blossoms, etc, called Saul'oril jÊ& üadical 4'ure for the imme diate relief and permanent cure of { k every form of Catarrh, from a y simple Cold in the Hoad to Losa of Ui JIÍ . Smell, Taste and Hearing, C'ongh tíflt and Catarrhal Consumption. Comatui plete treatment, consistine of one p Ij í bottle Radical Cure, one box CaMêf Êl tarrhal Solvent and one iraproved wmr- "@ Inhaler, in one package, may now Il'KIM De hlld of' al' DrugKlsts for 1.00. ii-% Ask lor SANFOKD'iS RADICAL CUKE. $1 Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. 'The only absolute epecific we know of.1' - Med. Times. "The best wehye found in a lifetime of Buflerin?."- Rev. Dr. Wéggln. Boston. "Alter a long etruKK'e with Catarrh the Radical Oürk has Rev. S. W Monroe, Lewisburg, Pa. I have not found a case thai it did not relieve at once."- Andrew Lee, Mancheeter, Mass. PoTTfiit Drug and Chbmical Co., rioston. .1 I Ui For the relief and prevention. COL.LIV,Y the Instant It itt applied, rIOLTAIo ol Rhi-timatism, Neuralgia, Scik.U , at'ca. Coughs, Colds, Weuk back, Btomach, and Bowels, Shooting "X í= Paine, Nombne, Uysleria, Fe-"1.. male Pnlns, Palpiiatiun, Dyspep'vlB'V fia Livir Complalrt, Billious SrX Fever, Malaria and Epidémica, E LECTRICX UPe Collins' Piaster, (an LL7S V Electric Batfry comb-ned A5TE "ilh a l"oroa"i Pi1") aud laughatpaiu. 5c. everywherc. DcCLARKE 0 FEE ' ( Establiaed 1851 Í Merrill üntll Bsttor! DETROIT, MIGH. f BiOCk MgxflKSSV99! The79Kularoldestabllihed RfBSn19 riiyicin and Surfeon DR. fXfíí KitSvJt'I-AKKK, at the old number iJSl;í()lr'ntnucsti)trcat with his usual mlL?ïn& iVScrat klH all private, Hl"O JeST HSchronlo.nervou and special BlL trlJÊL.sto lii I)K" CLAKKK is lISKjiflBKlIthcoldcstAdvertisingPhysician, pü„ files of Papers show and all 5d Residen know. A8e aai xperience Important. . vou have Uken orwbo has f ailed to cure yoi. name and natura comnlctely eradicatcd. B1"111bï th" t one horrible dis.aso, lí neglected or Sjwooerlv cated, carses the present and coming tËSsm uudortaken. mMsmmÈ mÊmwêm. ward & Jefleríon Ave.. DETROIT, mivn. . 1211-1209


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