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[The followlDg aniclo will doubtlewbe of Interest to man y readers of the Coürif.b telling as it does, the mimes of the pepple froni th!s counly who liave "gone nortli" from here to the famous custom house city of Port Huron. There are many families referred to with u-hom our rea'lers will be familiar.- E d. Coukier.] In the year 1819, about the time that the flrst qucer linie steainboaf, Walt '"- the-Water, pas-ed up thnu=ii the fresh WHtf rs of the [ak i'd rivera, wheii the territorji r lïiculgaii had about 8,800 popffiHllon, the lirst scitlemeiit was made at Ann Arbor. In 1822 "Washteuaw connty was surveyed; in 1826 it was organized leg&lly. Soon thereatter citlzens began to IeHVe tluie md come to Port Huron. It is mit certniii that they were frightencd away by the terrible luchan word, which heads this sketch, trom which their name Washtenaw doubtless orijrinated, but they came, and niany of them are here to-day. Their old counfy lies nest west of Wayne county, is the seeondlcounty norlh o ihe Ohio state line, is ricii and prncpernn, had 41,848 popalatlon in 188'J, bat their eeeond love, St. ülair county is nciw ahead w-th 4t,l'J7 population, as shown by the census of 1880. B. C FarranU llvetl In Aun Artjoi from 1825 to 183fl, part of the time on a farm 1$ miles east of the city. Went to Detroit and rem lined till 1S43, then lived in 5t. Clalr one year and came to Port Iluion in the Pprfiig of 1844. Hil honeet lile rtince is kuown to all our prominent resident. J. B. Farrand, of our city, was born on a farm H miles from Anu Arhor, elerked when a young min in hia brothers' store in Dentcr; there he mide the acquaintance of bis wife. He was in the V. S. navy during and atter tlie war Was an eniflneer on the ste.imer SouthnVld which was run luto during a naval brittle by the rebel ram Albemar, iu the Roanoke rivt-r In April, 1863. All the crew hut four men lelt the siuking vessel in her boats and were taken prisoners. When the boat sank a large yawl that could nut be launched till tüetl, was tloated, and the tour who luid refused to go ashore and be taken prisoners pulled seaward and ten plckéd up by the Ü. ïi. men of war Miama. J. B. lived here two years betoie mxrrtajre to Miss Gray, und has lived here every si nee. The steanier Michigan was tiie flrst boat, and he was iu sixteen others afterwaid, and was the engiiicer in charge on nearly all of them. Mrs. Farrandwi'S a Washlonaw county lady, bom in Dexter. Kiti'hel Fairand, deceased since, lived here for about two yearg, 1845 to 1847, as cleik for Martin Ö. Gillett, wilh wlioui be lived while heie. Gage Inslee and B. C. Farrand were boye togetber in Ann Arbor. Mr. Inslee came here about 2S years ago. and was iu the hardware bu-iness wlth lk-ld. The liim was Inslee & Field, who kept where the Minnie block stands on Waler Itreet He had long been in the customs torce in bis colleelion district. Ucn. Win. Haitoaff, our collector of custom-, u from the town of Unadilla, Livinjtf O i coumy, jut across the county line of vv'ashtciiaw county. He came to Port Huron ni.tny years ago and began as a school teacher. Jacob Brenner, the Huron avenue boot and shoe man, who come from Germany in 1869, lived for flve years in Wnsbtenaw county, living iu Ann Arbor, Pittt-fleld and S iline by turns. Came to Port Huron in 1879 and boujrht out A. H. Slierwood, who who wasalso of a Washtenaw couuly famüy, as was bis wife. Tbey are now living in Chicago. Jas. Shuttleworth, the Imnerial Tea store manager, is lately from Wiishtenaw county, baving eome here in Febmary last. lra. II. J. Kobepon's people live in Ann Arbor, wheie the Professor and she mirried in 1877. E. J. Inslee lived in WaphtPiiaw county when he was a child wlth hi parents; moved Inte Livingston county iidjolning lt about forty-thrce or four yeais go. AtterwMiil went t Detmlt for a year or two, and came here in November, thirtvtwoyiars ago Is iu the grata buying business heie now. .ludjre John Mcííeil, so well known in Port lluro'i, c.ime from the county which is the lubject cf t li is sketch. He was teacher in what was known as one of the pieparatory schools tor the University, away back between 1835 and 1S40. líe was Jud;e of Probate of Öt. Clair county alter he einne heie came here aml reslded iu St. Clair. He bas hvtd in Port Huron every -ince, Vl fl. U. Mills CTOP" loom rltjof l-rt Huron in the lall ot I8S0, came down on the last steamer trom Fort Muckloac where'he had heen lucated as post mrgeon. The Ur. was boni in .Saline, Waslilenaw eounty. and ihinks he came into Mk-higan, gooil state that it is, earlv enough He gnuluated f rum the University In 1861 ; la '02 he went into the anny and rim.uned lili $i, when tie was sent to Macklnae. there a flag staff wbich was put up in 183U showed rotienness, and was Sa wed down. In the stuinp was found a bottle contai.iing Iu writing the ñames of the Preildent and VicePresident of the United States iu 1830. and the omeers present wiien the pole was ruised. The Mime pole was nut up hgiin and the siiiiiï botlle is in it. Dr. Mills when about eleven years old beard Judge Miichell, so well known here, deliver a lecturo and display an eltctrloal apparatus in a school house in the town of Saline, and ïemembers the imniuture telcgraph. He says Prof. Nicbolls coiisidered it a good lectura. Jas. McLuren of the custom house foree, fiuut'j from. l.:m i, Washtenaw county, near Gen. EbrWnTl old home. llarry Triver, who lived in Port Ilurou many years and was biiried here December lOlb last, halled from Ypsilanti, where lic al. -o passed his last on eaitli Dr. T. 8. Murdock, who used to be in partnership with Dr. (-'. AI. Stoctarell long years ago iu Port. Huron, is now u resident of Indiaii'ipolis. He was a Washtenaw county man. S. C. Ooopiir namcd the Dextcr House at Oratiot Centre, alter bis old town "f Dexter, Wa-htenaw county. Mr. C. tlOW resides on Huron avenue, in the resklence fonnerly occupied by Mr. Starkwenther. Walter T. llusby and Chas. K. Bul, of Fort Graliot, mul their s'iHter Mrs. John Chambers, of this city, ure Washtenaw county people. D J. Guerin, famous in the livery Une here, came from Lima, V ashtenaw county to 8t. Clalr couuty iu 1861, lived fonr ye&ri in Algonac, four year In St. Clair city, and came to Port Huron in 1868, hls flrst venture being in the boot ml shoe line on Huron avenue, in tlie store where C F. Taylor is iww. C. S. Frazer lived in Ann Arbor gpven or eight years, whieh brlngs hig name withiu the scope of tliis subject. Reverenda J. S. Smart, Air. Klwood and T. C. Gardner, uil ministers of the Methodist ehurch, at different times in Port Huron, came from Washtenaw connty. Robert Beaumont lived in Ypsilantl before coming liere, wliicli was in 18G5. He lias been engmviujr Christmas presents for Walker and tor Patterson every since. Mr. iVttibone and lier dausrhter Mrs. C. 1). Probett a iwra WofcttM.w connty. Conductor Rut hm ft', who used to sell peannta at the Narrow Guüge and G. I'. K. crossiiijf, was a rather unworthy Immigrant trom Washtenaw county. He' wan .mee iisoldierin the 82d Mfch., Co. F. Dr. S. W. Sinlth, wlmse office and residence II next door to the Commercial oflice, was a Washteniw county boy. He was bom in Ann Arbor and lived tl ie re uearly uil his lite till lio cune to Port Huron In the spring of 1877. 15. C. Bedel!, wtio did a sewing machine business in Port Huron, but nuw represent his company in B.-iy City. hails trom Washtenaw couuty, whère Bedell ig and old and establislied family name. Dr. Hartsuff althoujrh nnt a resident, owns property here and visita the city quite ofte n, so we mention that he is f rom near the line between Washttuaw and Jas. H. Wheeler, a Port Huron 6cliool teacher of ye oldeu times, came from county Washtenaw. C. J. Rathfon lived In the townshipof Pitutield, Wasntenaw county, in 1SG5 and where hU father liad lived for 25 years. From there Clint came to Poit Hurón wheie he has since been married and has one cliild. He is Interested in the VVolverine Dry Doek wilfa the Stewart estáte and Alex. Stewart, and is doing a Inrpe business. Altliotigh a republican he reads the Commercial and is one of its friends. Poatmaster White left the town of Whitestown Ontida county, Jfew York, a town nanied after his frreat grandfather Hugh White, left there just atter election in 1846, lived for two and onp-half years In Aun Arbor, then canw to Port Huron nine woods March 9, 1849. Has lived here ever since. His first wife was Miss Jones, of a Wa-htenaw county family, a:id ihe pre ent Mrs. "Whlle Is lier lster, who was Mrs. Geo. Millen. Mr. Millen, longago, owned the waj;on shop now A. U. Wrijftu'fc He sold out and became postal route agent on ttie G. T. K., and his trugic dealli in an accident near Detroit in December, 18ti4. is vividlv remembered by many of our readers. Mis. Geo. Nairn, deccased, was a dangliter of Geo. Millen. Mis. J. E. Quick is a'daughter of Geo. Millen, md is from WashteuawcouLty. Mrs. L. N. Minnie, of our city, is a sister of Mrs. Ed. White. Jas. T. .Iones, a brother of Mrs. Ed. White, is now of the postolh'ce torce. He is from Washtenaw county. After coming to Port Huron about four years aro, he worked atcooper buisness for a while and afterwaids went iuto;the custom house. Jas. H. White lived in] Ann Arbor at 'lm time his brother Ed. did. and c:imo liere in Nov., 183U. He was deputy collector of customs four lonsf yenrs, but rjsigned, and is now capltalist, landowner, shrewd politician, active in the Upton Works enterprise. Gage Inslee went to Ann Arbor with hls parents in 1835, was there till 1850, and ran a frist mili for a few j-ears. Then he removed to Uriadllla, Livingston county, and went Into the milling business for himself. Came to Port Huron in 1856. lïcv. Sidney Beckwith, of Gracechurch is ii son of Cyrus Beckwith, who lived in Ann Arbor, and afterward in Chelsea in Washtenaw county. Mrs. Beckwith was the daughter of Luther Boyden, of Washtenaw county, whOM louation wasknown as "Boyden's PI ns." Mrs. Beckwith was the wite of Major Henry S. Burnett, her danghters by alm were also born in Wat-htenaw county. Wm anc'. Gcorge Brower used to live here and worked for J. H. and Ed. White. Wllliam has gone ba -k to Washtenaw county. Qeoitre is living somewliere in the lower part of this county. Miss Jennie Crowell, now stamp clerk In the postoltlce, came from Washtenaw counly. Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow, who used to live here, relations of the Robeson family, were from Washtenaw countv.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News