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Council Proceedings

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Regular meeting of the council Monday evenlng. Usual formalities gone througli with. All present exeept Akl Lawrence. PETITION Of Bernhard Morrison, asking the couneil to appoint blm city scavenger, (wbich reminded Aid. Vaughaa that some man Imtl been about the city, claiming to have been appointed to that office, and telling people that he VU ordered to clean their out-buildiiigs whether they wunted it done or not, and charge them $10 for it. The city marshal was ordered to keep an eye for him). Of Win. McCreery, H. S. Dean, .lolin Goetz and 19 other citizens of the lst ward, isking the council to appoint a comni ttce to fake steps to provide a suitable building for election, caucuses, and othcr iubhc meetings of the ward. wbich was referred to a cominittee consisting of Aids. Luick and Henderson and Messri O. F. Webster and Frederick BcbmkL Of P. B. Ingalls, R. A. Cliinie and 7 otliers in respect to the barns of Mrs. Mary WbltlDg and Mr. Xickels, on Maynard street, lst ward. Referred to lire conimissioncis. COMMUNICATIONS. Fiom the Board of Supervisors, notifyingthc council that Supervisors Bennett and lïraun had been appointed a committee to confer with the council in reference to the building of a newjall, and a donation of a bonus thereto by the city of Ann Arbor. Referred to a committee consistinjr of Aids. He'inznian, Uiscoik and Vaughan, with instructions to notify tlit' board of supervisors that the council have bad th matter under consideration, and repeotfully decline the bonus part. From th e Edison Electric Liglit Co., as fol!ows:JJ To llght the four dials of the clook tower we wlll furiilsh four lfi-caudle power laraps (such as ure in the electrolier i" the front loby of the post-offlee) with reflectors, from early lighlln;; lunirs untU Imlf pust 10 o'clook p. m., on every week day nlglil of the moiith, on a yearly contract, for Jii per month. Or, If less llKht Is required, for 10 candle power lampa with reflectors, will be lighted the same time for $4 per month. providing the supervisors will allow the wires to be plaoed in the tower. O. Sorg ssked permission to orcupy a third part of Main street in front of his premises, for building purpose, a reasonable length of time. Granted. KEPOKTS OF COMMITTEES. The Finance committee reported the followlng expenditures for December. lst ward fund $ 27 25 2d " - 13 88 3d " " , 8 50 4th " " 9 90 6th " " 2 7 6tti " " 3 20 General street fund 38 77 General funü 970 6 Contingent fund 616 4 Total $l,ü91 30 Report accepted and bilis ordered pai( The committee to wliom was referrec the subject of street lighting reported i favor of accepting a proposition of th Ann Arbor gaj l'ght co., to light. clean extinguisli, etc, the niiinber of stree lamps desired for one year, furnis hing C-f"Ot Bray burner, 1020 hours for eac post, to 12 o'clock, all niirhts when tlier is no IDOOD, for $13.20 per post. Recorder Durheim moved tluit tlie pro position be accepted to April lst, at wliicl time the gMollfie contract expired, whlol was afreed to. Afterwurd, Mayor Harriman callee Aid. Biggs to the chair, and offered as substitute the following : Resolved, Tliat It Ir the sense of th Is Board that the city slmll pay no hlgher prlce for ku than the. hlghest Iprlce pald by private consumera, who buru more than 2 000 feet per monlh, that Is, at the rate of 2.2r per thouKand feet. Resolved, That the Rpecial committee havlng the matter In charge be authurlzed and lnstructed to contract witli the gas company ior one year for llghtlng not less than 0 nor more than 74 street lamps, each to be supplled wllh. 5-foot Bray burner, to be tested at the expense of ihe city, for 1020 hours per year tor ppM lnp, at an oxponao lji Mi ngnting and extlnguishlug th same, of til 48 a lttiiip, or $2.2.") per thousand feet for gas consumed. Tlie lamps to be lli;hted and exilngulshed atsuch liour and days each month as may be agreed upon. Which was adopted with but two nays, Aid. Kc:inis and Ware, and a special committee consisting of Aids. íleiiizinan and Hifcock, to carry it into effect. REPORTS OP OPFICEnS. City Treasurer Watts reported the finances for December as follows: Balance on hund t6,237 86 Recelved il 00 Total $6,248 e6 UISBUKSKI). Contingent fund 657 44 Geueral fund u.!5 21 lst ward fund._ 27 "5 2d " ' 150 86 Sd " " 3C 4th " " 6155 5th " " 4 75 Oth ' - 253 63 General street fund 131 24 S2.231 (il Leavlng bal. on hand $ 4,017 -l't Recorder Durlieim reported the condition of the different funds as follows : Jontlngent fund on hand $5 6a) 57 Seneral fund, overdraft 2,285 411 General street lund, overdraft 181 85 lst ward fund, on hand BI ld " " overdraft 75 33 3d " " on band 49 04 4th " overdraft 89 68 ith " " on hand 27 01 6tu " " overdraft 564 29 City cemetery fund, overdraft 18 07 Dog tax. on hand 72 00 Delinquent tax, overdraft 720 23 Cliief of PoUee Fall reported the following distribution of the poor fund for December: lst ward $ 20 20 id " 22 88 !d " 66 OH Ith " 100 1 th " 44 02 Total _ $268 74 He also reported two arrest during the nonth, one tined $10 and costs; one senenced to ten days.


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