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¦"FERRY'S INVALÜABLE TO ALLff #ƒ Jl Will be rntLivdpf%fp_SSZ4 f toall tpplloanu r nLCIBVS and U customers of last year without orderinit It contales illustrations, pnces, descriptions and directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower SÜEDS, BlXBSTetc D. M. FERRY& CO.DEi;f Estáte of Hminnh M. Cate. QTATIÏOF MICHIGAN, C'ounty of Washteuaw. I. J8S. At a session of the ProbateObnrt for thei;onnty of WaahWnaw, holden at the Pmhatu ihecity of Aun Arbor, on Wfdneiday, the 31t day ol December in tne year on thmisand eight hundred and elgbty-fonr. Present, Wltliam D. Harriman, ludiic ol i'robate. In the matter of the estáte or Iluiinah M. Cate, '1. ün nading and lillniï the petltion, duly vcnili'il, 01 liiuns Cat ¦. praylng that a OrrUin i stnimi-ntnow mi file in ihig court purpnrtiiii; to be the last willand testamento] iald deceased, may be admttted to probate, nnd thut he may be appolnted exicutor thereef, Thereupon il ie ordcred, that Monday, the S8th diiy or Jannnry nt'xt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be for ihe hearing of eald petitlon, and that tb dcrtaeea. leKatees, and lwlr al luw of sald deceased, and ill other ]i'imir interested in sald estáte, are reqnired to appear at a íesRion of eatd court, then t be holden ut the Probate the cityol Ami Arbor, and show cause, if any the re be, why the prayer of ihe petitloner sbould not be granted. And t is further ordered, that aaid petitioner eive uotice to the persona interested in sald i il the pendency of said petltion, and the hearing ihereof. by causinR a copy of this order to be pubIshed in The Aan Arbor t'ourier, a ni'wspaper printed and circulated in said county, three sneexsllTe w eek previou? to aaid day ol hearing. (A truc :opy.) WILUAM D. HARKIMAN, Judtrc of Probate. WM. O. DOTY. Pnihnte Résister. 1228-1231 GERMÁN CLA SSES y l'nii I Baar, formerly teacher of Germán n the Ann Arbor High school. Beglnnlng tnd advaooed oonyertatlonal olaaaes wlll ba irnuiged nbove Sheehati d) ('o's hooit slore on tate Street. Slcmon Bteen'l " studiën und 'landerelen " will b ued for conversation. ?"or gram mar olaaaei any gramiuar thostuiriit detlrea, modern langaagee ure soon for;otten if Dot praoUoed. lltiin'inbcr the (jreat idvaotage of knowlog Gi'i-man in baaioeu iswellaa llterary parsnltl. ISeginn ng the üt h of J;tnn:iry. Rersrencea: Dr. Henry F. Frieze, Dr. Alexmder Winchell. Dr. E.L W alter, Prof. Kliüua ..nes. Bnpt. W. 8. l'erry. Kor easy terras enqulre of Messrs. Sheehan t 'o., i Isslus Co., or addreu PROF. EMIL BAUR, City. 'innfl rtííin ?¦. given away. ' I 1 1 I I Send us S cents poBtw, nd I by mail you wilfget ƒ a ilJUUiUUU l'cl'(te o( (fond of larKa irw w w w V th1ui, (hat w)11 etan you tn ïork that will at onc brinif vou in mon"y faster linn anythinti clBe in America. All ahout the í200,ü)0 in presenta wilh each box. Agenta wanted w-i vu here, of either ecx, of all aices, f r all the ime, or pare time only, to work for as at their wn homes. Fortunes lor all workers abaolutely sured. Dou't dulay. II. Hallett & Co., Porttnd, Malnc.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News