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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. CLOAKS! CLÖAKSfl Only Slx Days Lefl to Buy Tlicm at New York Cost. The large sales made this month in Cloaks convince us that the peoplu of this city and county belieye in onr ativertisements whicu is exceedingly gratifying as advertisers, witli few exceptions, are inclined to prevarícate, and the people know it. Ottoman Silk Russian Circulars, $12.50, heretofore $18. Ottoman Silk Russian Circulara, No. 350, $15, heretofore $22. Ottoman Silk Russian Circulara, No. 422, $18, heretofore $25. Silk Baraythea, Russian Circulars, No. 305, $25, heretofore $35. Silk Brocado Russian Circulara, No. 371, $19. heretofore $25. Wool Russian Circulars, No. 365, $15, heretofore $18. Ottoman Wool Russian Circulara, $20, heretofore $25. Plusk Cloaks, No. 208, $33, heretofore $40. Plush Cloaks, No. 210, $25, heretofore $32. Plush Newmarkets, No. 406, $32.50, heretofore $45. Children's Imported Cloaks, very fine cloth, sizes, 6 to 16 years, $6.75 to $11.50, heretofore $9 to $16. These are the cheapest Cloaks shown in Michigan. Children's Cloaks, No. 254, 6 to 16 years, $2.50 to $3, heretofore $2.50 to $4.50. Children's Havelocks, Xo. 008, 6 to 16 years, $2.20 to $3.50, former price $4 to $4.50. Misses" Newmarkets. f5, heretofore $7. Ladies' Light Cloaks, $5, heretofore $10 ISlack Cloaks, $6.75, heretofore $15. Cloaks, good quality, $1.50, heretofore $4. Black wool Newmarkets, $10, heretofore, $14. Ottoman Silk Dolmans, No. 351, trimmed with 9-inch fur, $18, heretofore $25. Ottoman Silk Dolmans, No. 350, $14.60, heretofore $20. Ottoman Silk Dolmans, No. 409, $28, heretofore $35. Brocado Silk Dolmans, No. 410, $18. 50, licrotoforc $25. lirocade Silk Newmarkets, $')2. 50 'heretofore $30. Silk and Wool Brocado Newmarkets, trunmt'd with 9-inch fur, $31.50, heretofore $40. 10 shades of Colored Silks, extra quality, at $1.10, heretofore $1.40. 3 pieces of very fine quality of Black Silks, at $1.50, heretofore $1.90. 8 8tyles Brocade Silks and Satins at $162}, heretofore Í2. 18 dozen Silk Handkerchiefs, 25 cents. 15 dozen Silk Handkerchiefs at 50 ets. 25 dozen Silk Handkerchiefs at 75 ets. 40 dozen Silk Handkerchiefs at $1.00. This Handkerchief at $1 00 is the largest and best quality ever placed on the market at that price10 dozen Ladies' Scarlet Underwear at $1.60, heretofore $1.75 and $1.90. These are the greatest bargains ever offered to the public. We 8olicit au examination of all kinds of goods adveitised this week. Remember we are the only house in the city that gives you goods as advertised. BACH & ABEL. S0MET1IING ABOUT CAJÍDIES. Polson in candy does more mlschief at this time oí year than at any other, because it is the season when people are wont to flll children's stockingsand inouths with sume kind of candy. The medtcal olflcers of the New Yon board uf health have found thatchrome green and yellow, red lead, burnt umber, Prusslan blue, rose analine, contalninti arsenlc. and vermillion containlng raercury, are largely used by candy-makers of that city for coloriug tbelr goods. Tbese things are all polsonous, and may cause ulceratlon of the mouth, Indigestión and blood-poisoning. There are a few manufacturera who make pure candles, and it is worth while to flnd them out and buy no candios unless the maker Is known to be of good repute.- Detroit Post, December 2?. ïasi. I am a first-class confectioner and fancy cake baker, having learned the trade of my father fourteen years ago, and will venture to say that the Post is correct In its statement, but will endeavor to prove that we have no impure candies of any sort, and never have had since we began business in this city overthirty years ago, and can assure you that you can come to our store or send your children with safety, and obtain nothing but absolutely Pure Candies. Our red coloring is made of cochineal. Our green of Pistachio nuts. Our yellow of the pure vegetable color, while the brown is made of burnt sugar. I manufacture candies daily, keepiag two to three men at it the year around. Auy chemist will teil you that cochineal, pistachio nuts and burnt sugar are perfectly hannless colors when applied to sugars, syrups, etc. Respectfully, A. F. Hangsterfer. REPORT OF THECONDITION OF THE ANN ARBOR SWINGS BJMK ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At Hip r.loae or Bualness, - OH- Monday, Jan. Bth, A. D., 1885, UN In Accordance with Sections 18, 19 and 67 of the General Banking Laws as Amended In 1871. RESOURCES. .mms and Dixcounts „ (221,460 8ñ rtondH and Mortgages 155,995 36 J. 8. 4 pi-r cent Registered Bond.._ 11,400 00 Jverdrafts 140 79 ?urnltnre and Fliture 1,930 85 ti.; from National and State Banks 52.858 89 .'mkIi 'in hand 36,60102 480,387 77 LIABILIT1ES. ;pltal Stock 160.000 00 lurplus Fond _ 25.000 00 rofltsnd Losü „ 20.668 11 iiinuarjr Dividend 2,908 00 )uo Di-posltora 381,811 66 ' $480,387 77 I do solemnly swcar that the above ntatement Is rue, to the beat of my knowledge and belief. CUAS. K. HISCOCK, Cashler. Subscrlbed and sworn to before me, thU ilth lay of Jannary, 1885. 12ÜI-12S0 L. ORUNER, NoUry Public. Tlie distressing disease, Salt Rheum, is cadlly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the jrentblood purlfier. Sold by all druggists. There are two ways of stopping the pains )f toothaclie ; bavlng the tooth pulled out r comuiitting suicide. Either will accom)lih the pur])ose. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, 3rainp and Colic there is no remedy superior to the gciniine Dr. Thomas' Electric DU. "Ah, Bings, where are you going for the ivinterí" "Oh. I shall take a run over :o Italy and do Mount Vesuvlus." " I see - going to a foreign cliinb." The removal of Prof. Sanborn of N. H ifter being pronounced incurable by a score of phjsicians, from Las Vegas, N. M. to hts home, was effected by admlnistering Dr. Harter's Iron Tonlc, which has restored him to his former good health.


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