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Katon cotuity farmers are kicking about tliflr heavy drain taxes. On the 28th of Jan. the Central Micli. Ag. 80. holds ts annual meeting at Lansing. Port fluron youngsters have been persecuting saloouist-s of (hut city wtth snowbalU. It takes I-W5.000 ech montii, for the Qrand Tinnk to pay its employés at Battle Creek. The salvation army are making bosts of convertsat Lnpeer. TUin skinned people up tliere. At Ba Ui e Orcek socials have recognizcd the hard times by rcducingtbe priee. trom 10 to 5 cents. A Muskegon eounty man, W. F. Stone, who lost a mu in the late war, has just received f 4,800 back pay. St. Clair supervisors are wonderfii'ly tickled over the new eounty jU at Port Huron. It is said to be a da'inj'. Alpena eounty milla tlils year have tiirned out 177,307,360 foet of lumber, 42.330,450 lath, and 49,272,500 shlnjjles. Grand Kapitls is teaching her gamblers manners, prep.'iratory probably, to the expected visltof Red II. Boynold in a few day. Inted of a "trnttfp'g hotl," the people oí Detroit better bulld a tramp'tt work liouae. That would be a long way more sensible. Cold water has damatfed Grand Rapids over $.')0,000 the past few dayx, aud mili ttn-y Ui) nul ravii proliIDItfoil in thut lively burg, The new furniture for the new court house at Saffinaw City will cost $20,000, and her lawyer wlll have to exp ectorate in cuspadores. Would the reetoration of eapital punighmnt lessen the record? During the year 18S4 upwards of 10Ü intirdurs were committed In Micliignii. Hed Ribbon Reynolds is " gathering tliem In'1 by the liundreds at Tr iverse City, and vet the sluners the re are iiuiii beied by the hundreds. A bilí has been introduced in the legislature providing for a state home for disabled union snldiers and suilors, anü asking for $200,000 to bulld it with. The Orchard Iiake military academy is chock full, and more too. There aie 10j cadets, and Col. Hogers has to share hls quarters with tome of the boys. The state and district associations for the promotion of holiness, proposv to promote that end by holding n monster cuinp meeting at Lansing next summer. The board of supervisors of Lapeer will bond the eounty in the sum of $8,000 to build a new poor house, to be of brick on the site ot the one receutly burned. An old tnaid in Nashville keeps a parrot which swears and a monkey wliii-h chews tobáceo. She saya, between the two, she doesn't miss a husband verj much. The only change In the ofncers of the Coldwater natioual bank was made last week, when Geo. Starr was elected president iu place of the late Hon. H. C. Lewis. Saginaw now requireá the R. R. Co.'s whoge tracks orosa ony of lier streets, to put up satety gatea at all crossings. Corect. Other cities sliould follow Saginaw's example. The grand chapter of Royal Arch Masons will convetie In annual session at Masonic temple, Detroit, Tuesday, Jan 20, Tlieron r. Giddings, of Kalamazoo, pregidiiíg. The pro8fecti are that the otflce of Mate swamp land commiasioner, and cpnimissioner of iinmlgralion will bu :tlolihr by the leglslature. There never was any eárthly use for the latter. Aiulrew Jackson Shakespeare expects to be the tirHt democratie potmater of Kalamazoo for 35 yearR. Great Grover Cleveland! What batie uses great ñames are put lo- and in the name of civil service at that!! Congressman Wiuans has been playinc detective on the alleged ''U. 8. Mf 'ir Co. of 615, 7th st., Wasliington, D. C, W. W. Giles, Sec'y.," dealers in sewlng machines, and bi-lieves them to be frauds. Don'!, send them any money. The supervisors of Charlcvoix Co., have voted to 6ubmit a proposition to the people of that county removlng the county teat from Chai levoix villajie to Eat Jordan. And the lurid smoke of Dakota's war bi-gins to be s i in Michigan. At Grand Uaplds a man rras flned $32 and 90 days in for steallnjr a 75-cent chromo. If he had scoopcd sorue poor depositors in a savings bank out of all thev had, he would have been patted on the back, and told togo and gin- again. Such Is justice! The T. & A A. rallroad is kept busy haullng the immense amount of freigiii daily received for shlpment over ihe rHd. Last Sundny Hve heavily laden trains went north. The M. & O. road also is dolnf a heavy business hauling freight.- Dundee ReDorter. The great Fontaine engines (two nnmber) that started off with such brill lant prospecta two years ago, were sold the otlier day in Detroit tbr f2,700. The. cost the company that built tbcm $4S,0(X Tlius anothergreat "spec" has fndüd aiic gone. Not quite as bad as the Keelej motdr, lioweTer. The LegislHture commenced lts sesslon at Langing Wednewlay, aud the repiibli can caucii8 nominations of both cenat and house werc electcd as the offlcer The otticere are : SEN AT K. President pro tem.- Senator J. W. Belknap of Muiitculm. Seorwtary- Iwl8 M. Millerof Macomb. AssUUot Becretary- John U. Humoer, o Kalaraazoo. Enrollmii and Kngrosslng Clerli - Frnn Uowe, of OUgn. Asslstani EnrollitiK and Kngrosnlng Clerlc - Mik. 1. K. Jamie on, Inglmm. MiTKiant at Arm- I. Q,' Stouer, of Menora lnee. HOÜ8E. Speaker -Newcomb Clark, of Bay connty. tem- L. M. Sellers, of Keo coanty. Chlef Clerlt- f). I,. Cronsman.of Inghum. Knrolling and Engrotislug Clerk- W. V, Hannan.of Detroit. Asslslant Knrolling and EngronNlng Cler n K Tri il at.t. nf IjtnimiM.


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