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Our tui(lcrmist editor, who ii kep constantlv on liiuul to mouiit unfortunate rictims who npply to "soe the man who wrote that article," and those who ofte allt-gcd poetry for publication, has by ¦omi Inserutablo mystery conceived liim ¦elf un amateur historian, and offers us a few articles of his production respectinj, the nomenclature of this county. He says Uv. knowl what he is shouting about, hav ing been present wlien the events occnrred. We gi?e place to these merely to grntify his vanity, and that he inay know from indignant popular criticisin what it is to be an awful and consummate falsifier of the tmth - in other wordg, a monumental liar, so called. But further explanation is unnecesgary. Here are his dastaruly attempM: MANCHESTER. Utre we run upon a great fállncv. The common belief is that this pluce was nameci In honor ot' that great uianufacturing center in England of the same cognomcn, or ïts New England namesake, which is an egregious error. Tlio pluce received tta tille in thiswise: The two lirst settlors of the villajre, a man and his wile, rere ! named ' Chester " and "Manuie." As is .-UU customary in tliat riliaga, " Maunie" wore the Karmellt8 'hat are supposed to rive authority. Slie was a good wonian, however, and under her roof hos pitality was dispensed with a liberal hand tor tliose days. The Indians and other neijrhbors having 110 hotel or club room tn fto to, ased to nwke this house a general iounging place, and wheu the duaky símiles ot' evening gathered they woulil ..iv : " Come, let's go and sec Manuie and Chester." which expressiou soon feil a vlctlm to the great American Mea of condeoastion, and became " Man-chester," and his continued go to this daj'. Where onee stood this hospitable mansión of old, Matt Blosser now issues ono ot' the good papers of the county. 8uch, in brief, is the history of ManChester's christening. More might ba "W upon iijcc(, bui ii it usfiess - utterly useless. DEXTKU. Originally Anibi-Dexter. lt is passing stranufe how a talse impression will fii itself in the peoplc's mind and stay theie, desplte trutliful assertions to the contrary, for centunes and ceuturles. Now most people think that the village of Dexter received its name from Judge Dexter, who settleti there in an early day with the intcntion of building up a great city; but t 1 ¦ I t flWT 1C3 ii ! ] il l.iillcilT-jh lii.h oiA't y is iii i ufiuhne ii;in ucinauoil. All mist, vapor, fog. The true story is as I first above Stated, the town wasoriginally called Ambi-Dexter, from the lively methods of the aborigines in usingcither band with equal faeility. Theseoriginal aborfginea iaid the foundations foragreat center. All roads converged to and dlverged trom Ambi-DexUjr, and tu tlii day any Ktrangcr going iuto the place will lose uil knnu'loiljr of the poluta of the compass inside of two minutes. Thla fact operated liandsomely. Strangers cotnïntr lotlie place wouidget beuïldeied, conidia teil which way was from them, and settle down there peacefully and await the approach of deatli. Time the ambiuous De.xtcrite settled their town. Tlio early day folks would shoot game with one hand as well as theother; would ent with oneor bnth h:i!ids; cali their opponent? on a full hand or bluff them on no hand; and were goodall around hands: tlnisthe name again, Ambi-Dexter. Buf this too has 8uftered decapitation by the graat eondenser, and has deteriorated luto simply Dexter. ÏPSILANTI. it is the cominon delusion thut Yjtsilantl received its name from the great Qreek chieftain who about the year that place gained its tlrst inliabitants was winning; tiime and gore-y in hisown country. That is a lallacy of fallacies. Ypfcllantl is not ii Oreek name, tiiouKii h1h i. me tireeks from the aborigines of this country. Ypsilanti was named after an old settler, a cross between a Fiji Islander and a Uj ij ij ij cliief. He camc over to America with Americus Vespuccius on the Mayflower, and sailing np Niágara Falla, he got strayed away from the rest of bis party, and never could find them again. He wandered by day and fished by night, and ere an hundred moona had flown over hls noble brow he had meandeied up the placid Huron, gently sailing upon lts undulatiHg and liquid bosom. He ut length resolved to cease his wanderings, and settle down to business. He seiecieu me classic shades ot tliat noble instltotlon of learnlng, the Normal School, married a Flathead squaw, and started the city that bears bil name, " Ypsilanti." His is h noble history, and should be written up for the pioneer society. Besides fouudiug the beautiful Hu ron City, he founded taco or tlitop families ui üistinctioi', and his descendants are now engaged in noble pursuits. One of thera (said to resemble the old gent very rauch) publislies a Commercial paper thêre now, while a descendant ot another brancli inav be found on the Sentinel he founded. Ah! those olden days! How grand their memories: liow magnlliceut their ofl'gprlngl


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News