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Our County Jail

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Tlie special conimittee appointed by the Boird of Supervisors to investígate i tue necessity for the erection of a new jail made their report whicli being too lens;thy to give in full, we condense as follows: lst. That the old Jail building In lts present condltloti is unsafe and nearly useless for llie coullnemeul of prlsoners ; and for ho class convicled of high crimes aud mlsdemeauors thcre In no adequate securlty whatever ; that a Wholesale jail delivery may be effected at any timo whenever the Interests and change of conditlon on the part of the prlsouers may wem (U-si rabie. 2d. The expending of any considerable sum of raoncy for repairs on the present building wou ld be unwlse, bh no permanent god could result ; and that noihing butlheconstruction of a new olie at the earllest time posslble, wlll remedy Ihe matter Thiit prompt and decisivo action must be taken to Save the county expeuse by reasun of havliig ihe prmoners coullned lu other Jalls outskle the coiinty. 8d. Tbsf the old Juli premlse be utilizad thiissaving the exi)ense ol a new site. It 1h belle ert that 12,0()0 would be sufflclent to DUlld Uu neceKsary addltlon to the old Juli ironía plan submltted by Supervisor .Mathew4lii. ïhat the levying of the tax of $12,000 payabie in two unnual iustallments, with' interest, would not exceed 2 cents aunuallv on each ÍI0U ot the present equallzatlon 5th That the peace of the county demanda a new Jail. Therelore, Resolved, That the sum of $12,000 is herebv npi ropriated, subject lo the approval of the electois of the counly. Sald sum to be ralned by loan on the bonds of the county, pavable wlthln t%vo years from February lst, léö in two unuuiil lusiallmeuts of $(i.u00each, Interest not to exceed 7 per cent. Jleaolvat, That lf the voters authorlze the oan tshall be the duty of the chalrman of t hls board and the county clerk to make the loan, by advertlsement and sealed proposals. y liesolved, That the questlon be submltted at the coming spring electlon, the county clerk be auUiorized to furnlsh ballo's : luspectors of eleclion to lurnlsh boxe ¦ ballois to read : For tbe Loan," " Agatina the Loan ; canvas of voten to be made according to sec. 45, Comp. I,aw 11. Xtsolved.ilmlH building commltteeof tliree nu mbers beiselected by the board, wbosball proceed lmmedlately, In case the electora voto to ralse theamount, lo adopt such plans and speclHciUious for a new Jall as they may laemed best; umi iiiuliorized to recelve and accept sealed pre posal lor bulldlnir unie. " Sigued by Geo. 8. Wheeler. H. D. Bennett Lee Yost, C. 8. Gregory, P. O'HeHrn. J. L. Gllbert, C. A. Mathewsou, .. F. Case. The followlng gentlemen elected, after several bnllots, as a buiklinjr commlttee : J. L. Gilbert, of Cheleen; Ilenry D. Bennett, of Anu Arbor; Morton F. Case, of Manchester. A good, sensible coinmittee. MATHKWSON'8 PLAN. The plan submitted by Supervisor Matlieweon, and whicli the conimittee greed to adopt, we onderstand, provides for tbe erecuon of an ddition to the present building, 30 by 00 feet, the ceilng belng n feet In the clcar, containlng 24 cells below; the upper part belng for jen and boys. The walls floor and ceilng being of railioad iiou 30 feet lonir lied in with brick for the sides and the ceillon boarded or plastered as deslred Thls, it isthought, will be perfectly secure lor prisonere. The present rosideoce portion belng conslijered good eoough for a íherlfl'. The esümated cot U $12000 Thif, in reality is but building au nddition to the oíd jail, a tUlug the commlttee u its report abovo saya cannot le done. As long as a new and complete structure can bc put up for $13,000, why trv and add to or cobble up the old one,whleo is In very bad conditlon? Would it uot bo "penny wise and pound foollsh'' to do o '! And a;am, ia railroad iron safe? Cannot it be cut very eaaily with tools and a jail dclivt'iy bo cffected as easlly wlth the DflW U witíi the old? Why use Iron for the cells at all, wben chronie steel can be obtained that no tooi can cut or work, and which is absolutely Fafe? ANOTHKIt PLAN. The plans from which the Oakland couiity people built their new jail, were digplayed at the court house last Fridny to the supervisors and others, by Mr. A. W. Atterbury, of Detroit, represeuting the Kagle Iron Works. The plans denote a very line looking building outgide and a convenieut and safe one inside. The iron work, the plan of banking and locklng the doors and grates were especially good, and the cost was but $14,000. Thli included cut stone ornaments fortlie outside and the very best of material all through. 'l'liere were 'S cells for prlsonent, besiues two infirmarles or hospital rooms. The gratiiijr, doors, etc., were made of chrome steel, tiie peculiarity of which is that no edged tooi or instrument has yet been f ou ml that cn cut or work it. Thus making escape by cutting out ImpOMlble. Tüe new jail at Port lluro iá alno practically a repetitlon of these plans. A 8CGGE8T10N. If tlic county votes for ttiis loan, would It not be wise lor the city lo buy tlie corner lüts in the rcar of the opera house 3i ii 1 1 jirc.-cnt tliem to Mie county, on wliich to builil a ncw jail ' Tliia location would be admirable, }{ood feweraffe coulü be obtained, and cverythlng made handy. Tben the old building and projierty could be sold and the proceeils added to the $12.000, thns nmking for the county a building .-In; necd not be asliaincd of.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News