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We Want Office, Principle Or No Principle

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Mr. Editor: A ccrtain younj; man (how nld) wrote au artlcle, publlxned In Tur. ConRiEH, Decomber 17, which Deedi vontilatlon. He evldently is of tlmt class of young men, who nares moro for office tlian principies, (we huve some sucU among us, not many), who either oan't or wontcupport themselves by honest inilustry.and goon the principie, gei ovtoldfeêtil. We can spend all yon 8nved by íionest toil, without taking care of you. ís it posible that our Governor, Mr. Alger, can satisfy all tho offlce-scckci s, .youug or oíd? We have many office? (and every 2 years add n number), but not tMiough to satisfy one-twontieth part of the oíd or yonng offloe-seekers. Who are the persons entitled to office? Can we eütablish any certain age? I hold a peraon thould have done soniething to liclp make a state, before he has any clalm to holp govern it fin a republic). Of the mauy who have lielped to inake this state, how many of them are in office? (very few). The appolntments are gciierally mane f rom Hinonjr a class who liave done litile or nothing, In miiking the state (tliongli they claim to have done so). Bul s it is, and I have little hope that Gov. Aler will adopt any other rule. Ajíe shoOld not govein liim Ín ln's appointnu-iUs, and if the young men phonld po over to t tic other party, btcause no office has been given them, (like the greenbaokerr) let them go. llave not the oldi-r nion thc same rijrhts und far better ronson to do the same? What would De the result? The eider men (if productive laborera) added more to the taxable proporry of do state, from which our revenups are derived. Home of our (youiijf) officers were near 00 ycars oíd when the people honored them with an office (even a poor one). And those are men who helped to raake the state for they saw Michigan almost a wllderness, and added to the taxable (irnperty, but tuoh men are not entitled to office, (cause age), but they, the young element must be tried, nd if not, the country mu to . üur offices are lllled, as far as I know with respectable men, younir and oíd. Young men, ilon't sell principies for ofüee, no matter what party or sect. Old men, don't accept nor seek on a;e, but principie and qualirlcation. Nu doubt some politicians have changed pnrty for a promise of a good appointment, but can the party (that will be in power) satisfv all claims? Perhnps Mr. Cari Schurz & Co., will rind out after March 4th, 1885. Mr. Schurz lately said in New York, at that great festival,' wuen e and (}en. Siegel helped to consume thai Wirge sausage and loaf of bread, and how inai.y hottles of beer, etc, the Intelllgeot Germana elected Mr. Grover Cleveland. Has not Mr. Schurtz labored hard in Ohio, Wisconsln, Iowa and otlier state, and what is the result? Thc Oerman Americans have a liigher appreciation of tbelr rights and dnttei as American citizens, and Messrs. Schurz, Siegel or any other self-styled great Germans can't govern their votes materially. And those great Germans seem to belong to the assooiation of our vounsr men.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News