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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. CLOAKS1 CLOAKSII Onlj SU Days Left to Buy Them at Jiew York Cost. The large sales made this montli In Cloaks convince us that the people of tli is city and county believe i our aeïvertisements wliicli is exceedingly gratifying as advertisers, witli few exceptious, are i nel i lied to prevarícate, and tbe people know it. Ottomau Silk RtlMlan Circulars, $12.50, heretofore $18. Ottoraan Slik Russian eirculars, No. 356, $15, heretofore $22. Ottoman Silk Russian circulara, No. 41, $18, heretofore $25. Silk Buraythea, Roldan circulara, No. 3G5, $25, heretofore $35. Silk Brocado RumUb circulars, No. 371, $1. heretofore $25. Wool Russian circulara, No. 305, $15, heretofore $18. Ottoman Wool Rusainn Circulars, $20, heretofore $25. PliiBb Cloaks, No. 20$, $33, heretofore $40. Flush Üloaks, Xi. 210, $25, heretofore $32. Pliish Newmurkets, No. 400, $32.50, beretofóre US, ('liildren's Impofted Cloaks, veiy tine olotb, cizes. 6 to 16 jmn, $0.75 to $11.60, heretofore $9 to $16. These are the OtwapMl Cloaks shown in Michigan. CHiildrcn's Cloaks, No. 354, 6 to 1(3 years, #2 50 to $3, heretofore $2.50 to $4.50. Children's Havelock?, No. 608, 6 to 1 years, $2.20 to $,'.50, fornier price $4 t $4.50. Misses' Newmarketa, $5, heretofore $7 Ladies' Light cloaks, $5, heretofore $1 Black Cloaks, $0.75, heretofore $15. Clonks, iood quality, $1.50, hereto fore $4. Black AU-wool Newniarkets, $10, here tofore, $U. Ottoman Silk Dolmans, No. 851, trimined with 9-incli fur, $18, heretofore $25. Ottoman Silk Dolmans, No. 350, $14.50, heretofore $20. Ottoman Silk Dolmans, No. 409, $28, heretofore $35. Brocade Silk Dolmans, No. 410, $18 50, heretofore $25. Brocade Silk Newmarkets, $22.50,'heretofore $30. Silk and Wool Brocade Newmarkets, trimmed with 9-inch fur, $31.50, heretofore $40. 10 shades of Colored Silks, extra ity, at $1.10, heretofore $1.40. 3 pieces of very flne quallty of Blad Sillts, at $1.50, heretofore $1.90. 8 styles Brocade Silks and Satius al $1.62, heretofore $2. 18 dozen Stik Haiidkerchiefs, 25 cents. 15 dozen Silk Haiidkerchiefs at 60 ets. 25 dozen Silk Handkerchiefs at 75 ct9. 40 dozen Silk Handkerchiefs at $1.00. This Handkerchlef at #1.00 is the larjresl and best quality ever placed on tho market at that price10 dozen Ladies' Scarlet Underwear at $1.60, heretofore $1.75 and $1.90. These are the greateat bargalns ever offered to the public. We solicit an exauiination of all kinds of goods advertised this week. Remember we are the only house in the city that 2ves you goods as advertised. BACH & ABEL. AT THE RINK, FRIDAY EVE, JAN. 16 Ulcycle Race by the Ann Arbor Blcycle Club, and Charles Dudley, the Champion Hlcycle rider of Michigan, wlll glve a grand cxhlbiton in the art of miinteiTnK the machine. Friday Eve., Jan., 23, the Hat Carnival Look at tlie priceg : Season Ticket to Lady wearlng the Flnest Uut. Season ticket to ilent weaiing the Flnest Hat. 25 admission tickets to Lady wearing the Largext Hat. 26 iidiniKNlnn tickets to Oent wearing the Tallest Hat. 25 admission tickets to Lady wearing the Smatlest Hat. 25 admtssion HikotH to Oent wearing the Smallest Hat. Look out for the ftrand Itlanqued Carnlyal in a few weeks. Those wlshing to raask for the Grand Masquerade at the Kink wlll nlease leave thelr unmes at box office of the Rtnk. Invltatlons wlll besent and sal of tickets wlllcommenoe Monday, Jan. 12. The costums will be lat on coiuraot mi. 1 no high prlces pald. A. F. HANGSTERER'S CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST„ ANN ARBOR, Mui MIXED OANDIES AT 16 CENTS PER POUND. Kresh Stick Candy for IS centa prr pound at A. r. HANQSTEUKER'S, 28 South Main Street. Frciich Mixed Candles for IS cpntft per pound, at A. F. HANÜSTKRFER'S, 28 Mala Htreet. Nlce Oranges only 15 i-rnt pr dozen, ut A. F. HANUSTKRFEH'Ö at 2H Main street. AU kinds of NUTS, FldS, DATES, BAlBUtB and MALAGA GRM' !¦:.. at A. F. HANCSTER'S, i. 38 Main Street, Ann Arbor. COUXTT PHïSItlAN. Wu, the undersigned wlll recelve Kealed propOMla untll Doon if Tuesday, Jan. 30, 18S5. to render uil neodod sui'KU'al mul medical service - treatment of .small pox t'xcepted - at Wnnliteiiaw Oouuty Houo for mie ycar, beginnlng Fobruary lst, 1H86. r.nMi is iiium ' iipMluti' m ftirnlsh all raedicIiicb: to make ii'gular weekly vlslt to the house, Hinl tu reNund prumptly to all extra calis. Proposals uiay be banded to elther of the undersigned, who reserve the right to reject I iiiiy and all bid. WaKhtunnw Couuly House. Jan. 7, 188S. D. B. G REENE, L. DAVIH, WM. APRIL. Supt's of the Poor of Waahtenaw Oo. i


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