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Krv. J. E. Serles, of New York, M une of the dj t wklely-known and higúly ¦km! if Mctli'HÜst ministers. Mr. Hearle nyn: " ' í;n ÍDipn1 tkmt II la ¦ dutv 1 ,¦ íeural. iria, to ay Uu t i p-meJy has Uvn dim'o erod th::t la My min was n-atly allltctol w Itb l::t'HJi:iitlHTu, nntl mitlervtï n nverely thut. . bligod to Uuvo morí ín¦ :¦ t relief. WnÜe Luth ¦ I i r me y whicli effectwd Imine¦ r' Hn han Kimoiurnt-h :¦- aiuerwiult Ï hará a]i I i 'd it to a i ''r nf ]rAouH nmlrliif ' has beeu ínuuoOiuta I tutnteother, iKwvtit to tu ¦ ; i ol thtiOwnn st. M. K. ¦ , . , 's do w jrtHuffcriiiv' grreatly -. I will tflve you nía ou q, mk1huk him to )MtMih í.i.-t i -"-JM ¦ i ¦¦¦ni o! otlien ÉHifforins with tho nJMIii i i--'l. ' Wlmt Mr. l'orblt Hayi Now Hav..n, July V, 1885. " M r. s,'rl-, : TX'jir Sir: -I wish tn say forthe bneíltof al] whiiMH' HUlTt'riuif with Inílimmiat.'ry liheumatlí'm, that yuur UKxlicmo la lnfuljiblo. I euffuivtl wo moutba the mort eicruoaMmr tortui ; lcmt SíijuiiiLs oí Gonh, u-I wa üot out oí uiyhouMifor i m n'ili . 1 hív I Oí vouf reuimly, ami wm almtwt I i.-i c bj lt. If tiioru ís apcc-Mr for diat'Aoiof iuy kluI, oursnioetoertalnly In lor likfl&iaiuUi: v Kli-',iju:iiiHm n tu HOveroBt fonu. " ÍOUIM niost IWWCtfUlly. Wsi. P. COIBtT. r.(. ir OfuiveriL Jd. E. Ohurth. Netr Haven, Coon." Muli is Athi.ophoros - a tliorougli and efficiënt onre for the worst cases of uml Xeuralgia. If ym rannot Rvt Athlophoros of yoai dnwrtrt. m wül Mud it cxprrai paid, on reocl)t oí nyular ¦- -one dollar ior buttie. We prefer that you buy it frora yoiir tirm-vi, but If ha haast tt, do aot he ntuded u tr omnlWny else, but order si once ' rom na afl tUreotod. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK unnmmmum H. l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii Up' ¦WíiSiltr ftUl ly Liver and Kidney Eemedj, Ijl Compounded f rom the Wf11 known Ctirativea Hops, Malt, Buchu, ManÍdrake, Dandeli n, Saraaparílla, m cara Sagrada, etc., oombined with an ajrix'ahle Aromatic Elixir. M TREY CORE DYSPEPSIA k IPIGEST10S, M Act upon the Lirr and Kid&cji, I RBQtrLATETHÊ" BOWELS, U cure Rbeumatlsm, aud all 1 uury troub'es. Thy iuvigorate, m nourish, trenptiien and quiet m W the Nervoua System. W k Aa a Tonlo they have no Equal. A, J Take nono bat Hop and Halt üitcers. Ja JM FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. WÊ Bm Hops and Malt Bitters Co. Bh 'fc DETROIT, MICH. 3BI IT CTTHE3 WHE2T B ctlcn. It is ttde, AliL OTHEIt jni surc andapeody our CINES PAIjL, a lt vvJK cS a n h u u - acts DIEECTLT VlijaaredB havo and AT ON CE on 1_3VÍJp boen. oured the KIDNST8, 13by lt when ELS, reEtoring UjkJFT frienda had the:.i to a liealtliy W WJ wiven them up IT IS BOTH A SAFE CURE and a 8PECIFIC. It CtTIES all Dbeases of tbe Kidneya, I-lver, Illnddrr nml l'rinary Urans; Dropay, Gravel, IHnbcte, JInbr Diseage, NervousUiNeases, Exceaes, Teuinln Wrakoenwa, Jülili.'irc, liilioiiKllt-HS, Ill'lliln.lif, aur Btomacta, DjRickla, Constlpation, PUe, Fains In the Ruck) Joins or sidc, Ketention or N o u - IL ¦ t e n t i o u of Urine. tl. it DBl'CGISTS. -TAKE NO OTHER.- 8md f llhwtrated Pamphlet of 9olid Te tunonia.-' í Absoluta Cures. llf.NT'S KE.1IF.DY CO., 9 Proridcnce, H. I. A Bargain! The Oldest, Largest, ind Best Agricultural and Family Weekly of tho Country, at ONLY $1.25 PER YEAR. TFIE OHIO FARMKR, publlshed at Cleveland, Olilo, U one oi the oldesl and vcry best Aerlculturul and Kamlly JonrnalH of America. Jt ltas beeu estublished 38 years. Is a ltipage 61-ciiliimn wepkly. wllh frequent 16culurau Kupplemenl8 givlng to lts readers abouti.'ÜOioliiriiiisof most valuable, rellable, lnleresting tiUKi lntJ uctlve muiter lu H year, al ooly $1.25 PEK YEAR, POSTAGE PAID THEOHIO FAKMEK Is a tlioroughly practical Agricultiniil Journul, conlHliilng eacb lBsueover oue hundred únteles w.itlen eipressly for lt by actual, priu-tical, successlul Farmers, Hortlcultuiluts, Tliorougbbred Htcick HreeihTs, etc lt alins to glve aclUiil lnsliuction frum relluble Kources, tbal ny fai nier can uiidersland and put iiitopructlce. UKVHWl,i;ii(;i:) i I HOItl I V all u.iii(ii;mui, n. and Is conducted by an able and experienced Kdltoriat Manngemenl. wtio spare no expense or labor to add everylbing posslble to l(s value. THKOHIO FARMER hasowapaid SUBSCRIPTIO.N 1.1ST OF OVtr 50,000 8ÜI18CKIBEKS, GOINB TO EVERY STATE IÜTHK UNION. WII1CII IS f.NQUKTIONABLE KVIDENCEOP its value to tuk iDtelllgent farniemoF TUIS COUNTUY. Tuk Coürif.r and TIIE OHIO FARMER wlll botb be sent one year for only $2.10, whioh I onlv iilmut the prlce tha' eithet one ought toneciflVredul. Tlils Is a bargain to any farmer wlm wants Uie twu BEaT paperof thK ciiunt i y. Address, OHIO FAHHKH, 1 . vrlnnd.O. XW Send for a peclmen eopy and Premlm Lists nf THE OHIO KARMEK, fiYee. Just as Goud. unscriiptilous cle;ilers may teil you thcy liave nnicilk's for Coujthg and Colcis eqiml n ineiit and nevery respect just as jrood R the old relinble Dr. Bosniiko Congli and Lting Syrup, unlcssyou nsist upon thlg remedy and wlll take no other, you are Uttble Io be gre;itly deoeived. l'rire CO cents and $1.00. Sold by & Son. On the eartli, tlie Infinite has sowed His name in beaulitul, tender flowers. A HiinIciiiiI-. G'reatfst Blesting Is a strong, hcaltliful, vijioroiH wife with a olear, har.dsome complexión. These can all be acquired by using Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic. Trne charity fhould bejdn at home, amongour kiiulrcd and our frlends. Don't Dio in Miellonge. " Rotijrli on Rat.," Clear out rats, mlce, roacbes, bcd-bii{rs, flies, antf, mole, chipmunk?, gopherc. 15c. Tlie greatpt evil of modern educatlon 8 the injuiy it inflicta on heiilth. 8. B. Durfey, mate of steamer Arirona, had liis foot badly jammed. Thomas' Eclectric Oil cured it. Nothing pqunl to lt for a quick pain rellerer.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News