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Compiled from Late Dispatches. CONGRESSIONAL. Sacona Krislnu. Bir.i.s wem tntrodueed In the on toe 6th to oréate a rovemio oommlsslon and to amcnd the rovlsod statutcs relat ve to tho lease of Indian land. Tho lnt r State Commorco blll waa considnrwl In the House a mot on to mii-ii,i tho ml.-s and pass the bilis to anolish tho Interno! nivenuo tn on tobooco und frutt liquor and Moxic:in Pon on bill was doteated. Bills wore IntrrHhiriMt : To inorwiHB the number of Judirr ot tho Unlted Htates (urts; to próvido for tho l.sueof one, two and ilve dollar silvor eertlnotitiv; to kt. uit copyrights to oitizens of foruirn rountrioa, and to throw open tor oucupanoy th' mineral lands bituated On the Indian r-crviii ons A motón Ui Oí i day to contfMer the Senate Bankruptoy bfll m lost by i:tr yia to 1T, nays- loss than the nocossury two-thirds lii the affirmutlve. Mr. Hawi.kv Introdueod a bill In tho öenate on the 6th to eetabluh Into-natlonal co-pyriiflit. The Oreiron Central Land-forfeituro blll pnssod In tho House a resglutlon was piLvflod nppi-opriatiux SSO.OiO for t)io support of dwtiluto Indiana ín Montana. The Pension b II, anproprlating 188,978,000, hiis debated and pHMt A RWOitmos waa pawnd lo the Sonafc on tfce 71 h appropriutiiiK $50,000 to relieve tho sutliTint- of destituí ludians. Mr. Tlumb piosentod a uetitum from thci klhimn settiers protosttnff against thetr i'iin ui from thoirhtmiH, and prayfnjr ('oiijfri-ss to with'lruw tbs militar)' torces and thu Torritory of Oklahoma iuto a Bata. A Jonjr debate on thp Xntor-ytate OonunefOG b:ll tollo wed. .. .In the Houno a motion to strike f rom the luior.suto Clommerue tiill ttm xeotlon prohlhilin? railroads í'rorn chan?inr moro for a short than h long haul was rotM dowu. An , ftmenrlmont was adoptod tri i m jr Federal courts power to Issue vnit oí raandamu oompeUing raiiroad companios to forward troljrht. The time of tho Sonato on tho Hth was ocoupled in a debate upoa the blll concemlnjj the fees of ponsion elalm :yronW and the policy of attachlng (ronoral lofflslaton to appropriarjon bilí In the Houso the [hieran InU'r-Stato Oommorco bilt, for the national regnUtioa of tallways mw i;i-hc,i 1 u vote of 161 to 75. A fourth NuvhI Appropriation blll wa roportod by Mr. Kandall, oallin? for $0,13U,LU. lutheAlabama oontosto.t nloctlon oan the aeat ras votinl to iiï. KpubUoau. rho was oworn in. Abii.i. was passed In tho Senate on the i'th dlrectinff that oae of the Grooly relief vesseU be used a a rovenun eutter off tho coat of Alaakn. Mr. OocKMll lntroduced a Mil to makft tho Ilounty law npply to the hrirs of all colored soliliers lost In the Federal service. Mr. Garland made a speech on lutor-State coininerce. Adjourned to the 12th In the Houso alarife nuraber ot' private bllto were plnccd on tho calendar. A resolution waa adoptod i'allinir upon the President for infonnatlon relatlnfc to tho Cotijro (.'onferenco. At tho evoilng: sesslon twenty-one peiwlon bllls were pnssod. DOMES7IC. The steamer Belle, loaded with passenger and freight for the New Orleans Expos. tion, Miuk uear Island 66, Ark., on the lith. Only ons passenger, James Moon, of New Albnny, Ind., was drowued. Therk were 27,133 marriages In ühio last year, 66,000 births, 1,7 dirorces and 24,364 deaths. The bodies of three dead f fants were foaud on the bauks of the rlver near Dayton, O., a few days ago, within a short distance of eacli other. Therk are now 79,886 Morraons In the United States. Thoy have 267 churches, with a seating capacity of 0B,flB3. The flrst train irora the East fortwentythree days arrived at Portland, Ore., on the 7th. The roads had been blocked by ¦now. DuRiNrt a fight on the Tth at Lexington, Ky., between whiskv dealers and officials, several men were killed. Three trampa recently attacked John Varek, a track-walker of the Lehigh Valley Hoad, near Easton, Pa., and af ter brutally beatlng him stripped hitu naked, tied him hand-and-foot, and amused themselves by sticking knives into him. Varek would probably die. ALFREO H. Oljvkr. caaliier in the Eaatern Railway office at Boston, confessed on the 7th to havini embezzled $12,000 during the paat eleven years. Armed men from Oettysburg reached Forest City, D. T., on the mornlng of the 7th, wrecked the building iu which the Potter County records were housed, and carried off the safe and all public documenta. The Sheriff, with an armed force, had gone ia pursuit, and a battle was imminent. Details on the Tth from the recent cyclone which swept over Lancaster, Clarendon and other counties in South Carolina show terrible loss of propertv, but miraculons escapes of persons from loss of life. In Lancaster a numberof barns, ginhouses and other outhouses were blown down. The greatest damage was done in Clarendon County. The cyclone cut a road fiva hundred yards wide through fifteeo miles of tha oouutry, maktng a clean sweep of buildings and timbar, and killing or crippling large number of animáis. The woolen milis in Shannock Mills, R. I., employing several hundred persons, were burned the other night, together with several houses. Loss, $100,000. In Newport, Ky., on the 8th Adam Brown, a huckster, was chloroformed and ÍTtiS) taken from under his pillow. Tuis was the savings of himself and hls wife for years. The extensfve Iron-worlts of Stovering & Fleming, on the flats at Cleveland, were destroyed by fire a few evenlags ago. Thï county jall in Fredricksburg, GUlesple County, Tex., vu burned recently, and one of the prisoners perished. The Denver Chamber of Commerce Invites all friendly to the unlimited colnage of silver to meet in national convention in that cHy on January 28. William Vauohan, of Orafton, W. Va., became jealous of his wife, whoin he married four weeks ago, and shot her dead through a window of theirresidence on the 8th. In an affray with knives recently at Rut-, ledge, Ga., twenty-flvementook part. One was killed, and inany of the others were badly wounded. Snow in the Indian Nation bas caused considerable suffering to stock. The losset thus far this winter are about fifteen per cent. No LESS than 1,805 new manufacturing and mining enterprises were started in the Southern States last year, with an aggre gate capital of $105,269,1X10. Arnold C. Stacy, of Bath, Me., wa ¦hot dead by his wit'e a few evenings ago during a quarrel. Mrs. Stacy said the shooting was accidental. The cloak manufacturing finn of Stix Brothers, Kernan & Co., of New York, iailed recently, with liabilities of $160,000. Four boys were drowned at Pottsville, Pa., on the Oth by the ice giving away. An extensivo movement is on foot among the miners and laborers in the vicinity of Wilkcsbarre, Pa., to organiza for tht mutual Trotfrf"ion of thir intorst-s. Fire In a tobáceo storage warehouse at Durham, N. C, the other night destroyed proper'.y valued at $80,000. Rïpgrts to Bradstrtct'a on the Oth from leadins business centers throughout the United States indicated, in many instances, evidence of an improved feeling in commercial circles. The general situation, however, was considered far from satisfactory, and the industrial ontlook wai unfavorable. S. 8. Voorhees, for attempting to wreek a train near Burchard, Neb., was on the 9th sentenced to flfty years' imprisonment. T. W. Clark, member of a banking flrm in Boston, was missing on the Oth, and was upposed to be sojourning acroas the border. His shortages were placed at f13,000. AT one o'clock on the morning of the lOth two business blocks had been burned at 1 Sioux City, Ia., and the flre was spreadIng. Numerous offices, dental rooms and 1 other establishments had been burned out, j and tbe water supply was meager. The 1 loss thus far would exceed $100,000. 1 Elïvin persons drank coffe at th home of Mr. Van Fossen, of East Liverpool, O., a few eveningi ago. Mr. Van t Fossen and a child died at midnight and L the others were not expected to live. A f package of rat-polson wai found at th botixrm ot th coffeo-pot. I t Tu Bask oj A.umtta. G-, oharttd b c the Stat long twfor tha war, haa Da forced to males an atistgnmenti. Tb capital il $150,000. Major B. Bmor, a welltnown 8t Louis eitizen, and M. Guild, excaahier of the Ftrst Nat oul Bank of Cineinnati, committed suicide a few nights Wbzckkbs ditched a passenger train th othor night near Bethpage Station, I I-, the locomotiva falling opon and killine the engiueer and flreinan, bot th few passengers on boord escapad with a bad haking. A nkoro In Fianklin County, Mits., blew out the brains of one of a party of bulldozers who recently came to maltreat hlm, and the Coroner's Jury declared thal it was justiüable homicide. The commission sent trom Washington to the Central and South American States in the Interest of commerce reported to the President a few days ago that there should be regular direct communication by team, and reciprocal ooncossions in tariff duties. The recommendation ia made that the Gov - ernmant establish an Executire Department, similar to the Board of Trade In England, to have the management of OUT foreign commerce. In the office of O'Donovan Rossa, in New York, an affray occurred on the 9th between Captain Thomas P. Phelan, of Kansas City, and Richard Short, leading Irish Nationalist, the foruier of whom was fatally iujured. Br the explosión of an oil-lamp Catherlne Van Nessen, an aged woman, waa barned to death at Pittsburgh the other morning. J. A., of Chattanoga, Tenn., flfty years oíd and a grundfather, eloped recently with hls wife's servant girl. In the United States and Canada there were 470 business failures during the eeven days ended on the 9th, against 381 the preTÍOU9 seven days. The distrlluition was as follows: Middle States, 102; New England States, 61; Western, 157; Southern, 119; Paeifle States and Territorios. 19 Canada, 22. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. In bis messagu to the Pennsylvania Legislature, whieh eonvsned on ths 6th, Oorernor l'att son recommended the passage of aCivil-Service law. James L. Graham was elected Speaker of the House. Thk Nebraska Legislatnre eonvened "at Linixla on the (th. Church Howe wt elected Proslileut of tho Sonate and Allei W. Field Speaker of the Hoe. The Sixty-second Legislature of Main orgaiüïed at Augusta on the 7th by tb choice of W. D. Pennell, of Lewiston, a President of the Senate, and Genera Charlea Hamlin, of Bangor, as Speaker o the House. The Washington Monument Commission has selected John W. Daniel, of Virginia to deliver an address in the House of Rep resentatives at the monument dedicatio ceremonies Kebruary 21. The Legislature of N'orth Carolina me at Raleigh on the 7th. E. T. Boykin wa chosen President of the Senate and Thoma M. Holt Speaker of ttie House. The Massachusetts Legislature was or ganized at Boston on the 7th by the gelee tion of Mr. Plllsbury as President of tha Seuute and J. Q. Brackett as Speaker of the House. Sergeant Holtnobth, who rifled Lieutenant Greely's private papers, ha been dismissed from the Signal Service. The Connecticut Legislature met a Hartford on the "th. W. Edgar Simond was elected Speaker of the House. General Grast on the 7th declined to accopt the proffered fund which Mr. Cyrus W. Field and other gentlemen were collecting to relieve himof tlnanolal embarrassiuent. The Michigan Legislature convened on the 7,h at Lansing. The Senate elected T R. Belknap President pro tem., and thr HoLse chose Newcomb Clark as Speaker The wives of the Cabinet oOlcers a Washington held their first formal re ception of the season on the 7th. Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Lincoln did not receive. Wintar gayeties are now fairly begnn at the Capital. An inventory of the real and persona property of the late John W. Garrett, of Baltimore, shows an aggregate of $36,000,000, all of which is bequeatbed to Li-, wjilow and three children. The Illinois Senate organized on the 7th by the election of VVilliain J. Campbell, of Cook County, as President pro tem. In the House Klijuh M. Haines received 76 votes for temporary Speaker against 77 for J. B. M( ssick a:id others, and an adj urnment was taken to the 8th without periectiug au orgmization. The Electoral vote of Texas was received in Washington on the 7th. This completed the hst. The inauguration of Governor Robinson, of Massachusetts, took place at Boston on the 8th. Major Nctt, the famous dwarf, four feet Ijjgh, and agnd forty-four years, was iuarried in Boston on the 8th to Clara Corfield, aged eighteen, and of the ordinary size. Ki.i.i aii M. Haines was on the 8th chosen temporary Speaker of the Illinois House, and the Democratie caucus nominees for temporary officers were electeit In the Senate Mr. Clongh introduced aa electiou bilí which prevents unregistred citizens trom voting. A resolution was passed flxini; January 21 as the lay for the Senatorial eleetion. Thk Legislatura of Connecticat balloted for State officers on the 8th, electing tha Republican nominees of November, headed by Honry B. Harrison for Governor. In the District Conrt at Chicago on th 8th Judge Blodgett overruled the motion to quash the ind ctments against Mackin, Biehl and others for the recent election fraud, and flxed January 22 as the date for trial. The death of ex-Lieutenant-Governor James M. Bingham, of Wisconsin, occurred at.Chippewa Falls on the 8th. The Indiana State Legislature met in blenniol session at Indianapolis on the 8th. Charles L. Jewett was elected Speaker of the House. Mrs. Myra Clark Gaines, tha famous litigant, died in New Orleans on the evening of the 9th, aged eighty years. Governor Porter's message on the 9th to the Indiana Legislature stated that tha debt was $4,878,U08. He recommended refunding the foreign debt of $585,000, and announced that the school fund amonnted to $9,339,328. Number of children in schools 501,142. FOREIGN. The Catholic Church at St. Therese, in the province of Quebec, valued at $90,000, was reeently destroyed by flre. Heven persons were killed and sixtecn others were injured by a recent railway disaster in Nicaragua. The cable on the 6th chronicled tha deaths of Rt. Rev. John Jackson, D. D., Bishop of London, and Prlnce Adolph Wilhelm Auersperj, the Austrian statesman. Earthqdake shocks were still agitating Spain on the 6th. Immense coal deposits west of Pekin, China, which are said to be the richest In the world, are to be opsned. A railroad is to be constructed at once for trausportation. Mor earthquake shocks were feit on tha 7th at Loja, Spain, and at Motril a church, convent and live hundred houses were destroyed. Series of shocks similar to the present prevailed in Southern Spain im 1829, and lasted forty days. Owino to the continued eartbquak ihocks 15,000 people had on the 8th left Branada, Spain. The village of Snevajar was slowly sliding downward to the valey. WiLLIAM CffTBCHlLl, and four brothers, esidents of Newfoundland, are said to lave fallen heir to a fortune of $35,000,000, eft by a relatire In England. Dürino a calm off the Spanish coast 'ew days ago the British bark Isabel exlerienced severa] earthquake sbocks lastng fifteen minutes. The ship was shaken n every flbre and the submarino roarinj; as terrifle. Prinob Albekt Víctor, the eider son of ;he Priuce of Wales, became of age on the Ith. The occasion was celebrated in Bn land with great rejotcing. Advices of the 8th from Montreal state hat the total number of Canadlan wreek m tha laxes darlos JS84 was flftr. t rtn a los or $571.000. Th teaaon wa ald to hare besa tho most unprofituW one flnanclally ever known. fcTHE village of Quevnjar, Spain, wu mored bodily sUty feot (rom 1U former location by the rorent earthquako and wu in a emi-circular crevaMe sixty fset deej. The hotwon of tho rlllage, though greatly ilamaRixl, had not fallen. Tk Mexican Stamp act, so impopular anu oppresive to comniorco, ha been repealed. A new law has been adoptd which meets with favor. Au official bulletin Btates that up to th Oth, in the prorincei oí Granada and Malaga, 1,400 persons were killed by the earthquakes, 900 were wouuded and 43,000 rendered honieless. Dübino the year 1884 the total nnmtar of immigrante arriving in the Province of Ontario, Canada, was 87,360, agaiuát 97,015 in the prerious year. Of the total niuabar 58.489 carne to the United Statea. LATER NEWS. W. H. ;Vanderbilt. having yielded to the request of General Grant, on the lOth Uniülit in all the real estáte, war relio and work of art mortgaged to hiia by the GeueraJ, and presented tho eutire liat to Mm. Grant, also the debt and judginent, with the conditiou that ou the death of the General all articles of historical valúa stiall becoine the property of the Natlon, to be preservud at Washington. Mrs. Grant accepted tho Kift of tue relies, bul) refuseil the debt gift. Imi'orts at the port of New York, exclusive of specie, for the week ended on the lOth were $8,774,000. It has been asoertained that, under tho provisions of the Constitution, a vote for United Htate Benator can not ba taken by the Illinnix I.effislnturo until January 27. A RiVBn boat stink the other night near IiOCkport, Ky., and the Captain, his fainily and orew all perished. It was reported oo the lOth that General Grant wta ouffering from cáncer of the tongiie, caused by excessive smoking. I the Silverton (Col.) district snow wal three feet dnep on the llth, a storm having prevailtxl thirty-ix hours. Tull roads were biockadcd and busiiKws waa uspendod. Thk special grand jury impaneled in Chicago to investígate the Kighteenth Wanl eleolion fraud and any other irregularitiea of the kind to which its attontion may W called began its wurk on the lOth. Tbs Louisville & Nashville freight and pnaHenger depots at Nashvillo, Temí., all the freight, one hundred loaded cars and Linck'8 Hotel were burned on the evening of the lOth, cuusing a loss of $175,000. Hi'oh McCallister and wife were found burned to death on the lOth in th ir house in Tippecanoe County, Ind. It wis supposed that robbers looted the premisos, killed the aged couple and then set flre to th house. Dan Holoomb, whowason trial at Jackoa, Mich., for the murder of foar people at the Crouch farm, near Jackson, mora than a year ago, was acquittod on the lOth. Mink No. 5 of the Hocking Valley prop. ei-ty , at Straitsville, O., tho largest iii tliat región, was on the llth flred by strikers. Captain Charles W. Folder, only son of the late Secretary of the Treaaury, died of cousumption on the llth at Geneva, N. Y., aged forty yeais. Earthquake shock were feit again on the lOth in the Spanish Province et Malaga. The United States Senate wan not in ses¦ion on the lQth. In the Hou9e a bilí approjjriatiiig $ü,li(),ir)ö for the support of the uavy for tho first half of 1S85 was passet!, and the Consular and Diplomatic Appropriatioii bill was debated at leugth. Adjoui ned to the llth.


Ann Arbor Courier
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