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Toledo, Ann Arbor A Sorfh Michigan Rail fray. TIME St'HSDULB. Toluke effect nt l:.'nYlok. ihm.m, oo 9ub day, Juue32d, 1884. Traint rau by Contra! Time. OOINÓ RnRTH. llulNU ttuUTH. 4lHj - LK STATIONS. 3&.o"5 Bfl iS si pTm. a. a.-p.. 5 55 7 W Toledo 9 3011 65 5 30 7 11 Msnlint'aii JumMioi ti 2i I !¦¦ 5 40 7 2 Alexia .Imicilnn 8 I 4 8- 5 4H Tí Huw h.rno 9 1 I W, R 55 7 M Samóla 9 2 ( 221 6 09 8 Otl I.ulu I 4 III 6 II K ÍS Monroe Juncllon 8 12 3 Mi 6 231 8 :W hundo) H 30 ¦ M 28 8 87 Macón 8 :8 451 6 33 g i A zalla 8 2UI8 40 ti 41 k 5 Milán .liinction s 0h3 25! 6 4B 9 03 Mllau B OKI ¦? MU U Nor 7 5S S 17 6 68 n Ur mía 7 62 ) 10 7 0 8 S2 PltsefleM Jotictlon 7 40 3 0 7 20 9 50 un Arbur I" 27 2 4 7 87' 10 15 Lol.'ind 7 12 2 ¦ 7 461U 2i Vorlen 7 l 2 SM wéWIQXg So'i h L_on IB SU 2 lo "OVíñrTtion: ÁTTol' do, Itn nnlroi si verpint.r; nt Vaiibit'an JinKti d, wllh Whei-ling A l.k" Erie K. K.; at A'rxlí Juncllon, wlth M. O. i . lt., L s. M S Ry. nnd K. & i". M R. R.; at Monroe Jlincllon. wlth L. S. A M. S. Ky.; t Dund.c, wlth L s. & M. H. Ky.. M. A O. Ky.: at Milán Jiim-tiwn. with Wrtbaxh, tft. Loa'" Pnclflc Ky.; ti IMNnVIri.wlth L. -. & M. 8. lív.; t Aun Arbor with Michigan (Vntral H. K., na t South Lyon with Ueir.iii. Untng fc Northern K. K., and Qrand 1 runk Ky. II. W. ASflLEY, General 8upt. W. H. BRNME (T. Ocr'l. l'aas. Aií.-nt. THÏ IJITE BEL1CTEB BY THÏ V. S. OOTT T0 CAERY THI FAST MAIL GOING WEST. OHLY LIIfE RUNKIIíO TWO THE0UGH TBAIHS DAILY FBOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA &ST. LOUIS, Tbrougn the Reart of tbe Continent b way of Paclllo j unctlon or Ornaba to DENVER, or vía Kannas Cllv and Atchlso.i to Denver, con Qecilngin Union Jwuoti at Kauaaa City, Atchlson Omaha and Ifeuver wlüi lliroagh traína for SAN FRANCISCO, and all puluu Ín tbe Far West, bbortest Uiiet KANSAS CITY, And all polnts In tbe West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS tibould not forget tbe fact that Konnd Trlp tlckcu a redu-4 rates can be purcnaAod vía tlils Grent Throagh Lluff, toan ihe Health and Pleaaurt Kesorw of tbe weat and ttoutb-West, Irclndm ttiM.muainii or COLORADO, tbe Valle? of tb Yofiemlie, toe CITY OF MEXICO, atad all poluta la tbe Mexlcan Republlc. HOME-SEEKERS Bbonld also remembvr tbat thls line leads direct to the beart oí the Government and KaLroad LAuda i Nrbrmka, Kansas, Texas, Colorado and Woabliuj ton Terrltorv. lili knon'nas the great THROUOH CAR LIMK ef America, and Ís umversally admltted to be tbe Flnent Eanlpped Ilullrond in the World fu all classes of Triivei. Through Tloketa na thls Une for sale at all Kall roaú Coupon Ticket Oükxa lu Uie United BUttos au Canada. T.J. POTTKK, Vlce Pro. and Oen. Manager. PKRCEVAL LOWELI., Oeo. Pasa. Agí Chicago. UTO. Q. A. BKA.N, (Mn. Eastern Ag-t, 17 Broadway, New York, and MM WastUiUiion ii. . ikwtun. Tiiousaud lliistciipil to tlieir GraTes. By nelylng on testimoniáis written in vivid gluwinjr lanjfuage of some mlracu lona cures niaile ty sonie largcly puffed u] doctor or patent medicine lias liastenet thousands to their graves; tbe reader büVlDiE ali)i(i.-t iBMirt) faith tlial tlie same mirarle wlll he performed on tliem, tua these UVtimoiiialM uii'niion, while the soCalled raeilicine is all t he time hastrniíig tliem to tlieir graves. Although we have Tliiiiisniiils upon TlioisaniK !! I of testimoniáis of the most wonderfu cures voluntai ily xoiit us, ve do not pub liltl tliem, as they d not make the cures It is onr medicine, Hop BtUew, ihai mate the cures. Il has uever failed and nevci can. We will ijKe refeience to any onc tor any diseae similar to their own if desired, or will retir to any neighbor, m-. tliei e is not a neiuhboi hood in the known woild but can iüo'W lea cures by Hop Bitters. A Losiut; Joke. A prominent pliyuiciau of Pitiebnrgh ald to a la l patlet t wht, cnaipl ilning it her coiitluaci ill h'-attli, imd ot hm imbuí!}' t i cine her, jukin-lj eald '-rry llop Bmere! " l'he lady tnolc H lu eariietti and used tbe Imu-r-, from wbich he otaiiud pennai t-iit henltn. Sbe uow 1 ujhed at the doctor :or bis jukc bu be lo noi ao Well p.eased witu it. ab u cust hiiu u uod putiint. Feos of Diictors. The fees of Doctors at $3.00 a visit would txx it man for a year, and in need of a daily visit, over $1,000 a year for medictl altendance alone ! And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time would save the $1,000 and all the year's sickness. Olven up by the Doctors. "Islt pos-ible that Mr. Gi.dfrey is up and at work, and cured by so simple a reraedy ?" "1 assure yon it is trne that he is piitirely cured, and witb nothing but Hop Bilteri', and.only ten diiys ago lila doctors give li iiii up and íaid he must die, frorn Kidncy aud Liver trouble! " ÖNone giniilne wllliouta bunch ol croon Hops on iiie white label. Shun all the vlle, poUoiious, stuff wlth -'Hop" or "Hop" In tlitiir imme. ' Sieakin' of proiliicüve soil," said the man from Dakola, " ihe half has not been tolit A ft-w weeks ago, my witu said, ' Why. John, I believe you've took to ïrowiii' again.' I meisiired tnysclf, an' I hope Gabriel will miss me ut the final roundiip, If I hadn't grovvn six inehes in two wieks. I ei.nliln't account tor it fur some time, lili al lust Itumbled to the fact hat thar war boks in my boots, an' the soil rol in ihar ai' done its work." - St Paul Herald. Captain Mitcliell, of the bark Antonine 8ala, New York xnd Havanna trude, came lome in May, entirely lielpless wlth rheunaii-m. He went to the niountains, but eceivinif no benetit, at liis wife's reqiiest bejran to take Hood's Sirsaparilla. tfe niniediately bean to iniprove; in two nontlis bis rbeumatisui was all gone, and ie failed In comniand or bis vessel a will ¦ H1.I ¦ . Hood's illa will help you. Sold by ill tlrugists. De perfeckshun o' dis woiT is eber in lanjter. De ripe applc isde soonest ter rot. )e honey bee is de iniser o' insecks, yet lis r. sulls in KoOd lerde hunian amily - Plantatiou philosophy in the Arkans, iw Tiaveler. Orangb, JIass., May 23, 1883. " My wile wastroubled with catarrh of he bladder, intense pain in kidueys and oin.', urlinitlng wlth strest agony. Six )iltles of HuNT'S [Eidney aud Livei] Kmedy cumpli'tely cured her." - H S. Fullei, New Home Sew. Mach. Co. "Helio," íaid n stream of water from a i lose, meetinjí H tire. "I'm danip (jlud to i ee yon." "Oh, you are?" responded the íre. "Well, I feel very mucli putout by i our coming." Rheunmtism is priniarilycaused by ' ty of the blood. Hood's Snrsaparil la i fies tbe blood, and i hus cures thedisease. ! Beauty has been tlie delijthl and torment , f the world eversiuce it hegan ; the phii (ihoplicrH llave feit lts intliience eo seini' ly that alinost every oneof ihein has left j orne taylllfK or other wliicb intimated that ie knew too well the power of it. Skinii) Hen. "Wells' Health Kenewer" restores íealtU and vigor, cure Dypepsia, ( potene, gezual DsbUlty. $1. i


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News