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DOYOTJKNOW THT LORILLARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO With Ued TIn Tag U the best? Is the puresl Is never adulterated wlth glucose, tmrytes, niolaSK.B. or auy delt-terious Ingredlents, as Is the case with uiany other lobanco. MKILI.AK'S KONK IKit FIXF. Cl'T TOB.tCCO Is al"O made of the Jlnest stock, and for aromatic ctiewiug quality Is second (o none. LORUUHD'N RiVÏ 1,1 l-l'l . take flrst rank as a solld durahle smoking tobáceo wherever introduced. I.OItlI,!, tKlt'S IAJIOIS 8SÍFF. have been used for over 1S4 years, and are HOld u a larií'-r eztent tlian uny otbers. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE I $29,000,000. Secarity held for Ihe protectlon of the pollcy holden. CHRISTIAN MACK Representa 'he followlng flrgt-cl- eompnnte, of whlch one, the Mui, bu alnne pald $56,000,000 Ure loeaea in nlxty-ttve yeara: Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,641 Krmiklin ot I'hiladelphU 3,1 18,713 GermHtiia. N. Y 2,100.729 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,!)68 Loiiiloii A-Miralire, Lonilon.. . 1.416,788 Micliijran F. & M., Detroit. . . 287.608 N. Y. Underwriter, N. Y 2,596.679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Plicenix, Brooklyn 3.759,036 Loss Hbirally adjusted nd promptly paid. Pollcie istued at the loweat rate of premium. U9jtr ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $50,000. Orijanized under the General Banking Law o( thi Stti', theatockhiildora ar lndivWunlly lil'e ror n additlonal amount eqnal to the itork neld hy thi'm. Iherehy crimine a uaarantee Fund lor the benetli uf Depoaitora or $100000.00. Taree per cent. Interest la allowed on all Savines DfDOdH of one dollar and npwarrtH, accordlnp to the rolm of the Bank atd Interei-t comp .undeö aeml-aunnally Mouey to Loan on nnlncumbered estáte and other eood ecurity. DIRECTOHS: CHRI8TIAN MAUK. WM V. HARRIMAN. W. WWINKS. UAN1KL UlhCOCK, W1LL1AM DtUBEL, WILLAKu B. SMITH. ÜFFICER8: C. MACK Prea. W. W. WINE8, Vlce-Pre. C. E. HISCOUK.Oiishler. UM III I send u. 5-eiii p..aMif.Hi,d (DalU U vekvit of gooda or ln;e yuUUaWW T,u.-.that III ftart. you In wurk that will at onc brinz tob ín mon"V faater than anythlng elae in América. All aoot ih" ?-W.OOO in pren-iitswliheachboi. AKenta wantnd verywher. or eiiher nex. of 11 age, f r all the time, or i-pare time only. to wotk for na Rt thelr own home. Fortune lor all workera aholutely aaured. Don't delay. U. Uallctt CO., Portlaud. Malne. I TTTIT Tlfor worklne people. 8.-nd 1U centt I Ij I Ji,j-ui"'. and we wtll mail you fret a M h I royal, vluahle rample box oi gooda I that wlll pnt jou In the way ol mak Inx more money In a lew daya thn yon ever thought noevlble Ht any bnplneae. Cupl tal not requlrtd. Yon can lire al home nd woi k in apare time on)yv or atl tbe time. All of both p'Xft, of all agea, grandly aucceanfnl. 60 centa U 5 eaally rarned ¦ Terv evenluii. Tbat all wh want wurk may ttet the haalnei, we make thl onparall.l-4 offer: To a.,1 who are not wtll ruUfled we wlll eid $1 topayfor the trouble of wntlng in. Pull pariicu'ars, dlrectiont, etc, aent free. Immence Sny ubaoluiely aure lor all h atart at once, uou'l lay. Addreaa STiMaoM Co., Portland, Malne.


Ann Arbor Courier
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