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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thfs powder ncve...

POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thfs powder ncve... image
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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thfs powder ncver v.irles. A marvel of purit.v.MiriiKÜiHii'i wholesDinencsD. MoreeconomicHl tiian tlieoMilmiry klmlR, and cannot bf 8 ld In i-oiiii ei i hou wlth the multllude ol luw tl, lbo t weighl alum or phosphate f.iwrtorK. sold nuly 'n caiui Hoyal Kivmu .. ir.iv v vf., lui wan SI. N Y DisFicüRii mm. HÜMILIATING ERÜPTIOE Itching and Burning Tortures. 1 have trled for eleven years to have my wire rund of h 'errih e skin disea The C iticuka Kekkiheh (riiTircnA KhfOLVïNT, ih" newBlxin Puriöer, luternnUy mul uticika. the t-rem Skin Care, nnd (Out.cbka Soap a rxquii-ite xkin Heamin-r, ex ernallv) bave dnne in t x weeka wha' Ihuvetried for cl veD yeiraio hivedune. Yon utaall hnve "he itarticulHrf h 9 mn & I cn eive ihfm toyou, nd e we are hu well kmiwn In thi psrt o the riHinirv, ft will hrneflt you, and ihe remeditB wili nra ui! wlm ue iheui. Mats ilue, Kt. CHAS. A. WHITK. BLOTCHES CURED. I n!"ed your Citktra Wkmedies fnr Bltchoc, and xm r Mni.lct-ly cur-rt t my Inexpren-ihie j . 'utici'i a S ii thi' hfi-r I have oer u ed, and t-th, int wulv i tl ! ilt i ii lor Cl-ODSlng the pkin, thirebv remnviner all cork." ereace pninr, and all the muff ncod b ihom, leviag the nkii pur1 a d whitn and olt. Mv irrewteBt pleanro 1 In ec'immenri'n wirh an rticle. YUUNOSTUWN, Ht. H. MATR. Cfutmpion Oomique Boller Skatcr. SALT RHEUM. I hfive had the Snit Rhcum for aboiit three ycarp, and hiiv pent time an! m'nev to hnvf x en red, withat arrppji. mitit I tii-d the Cutjcura Rkmkdibs. wh ch trs doiny the work. MAisiiritLT). C. J. YOUNG. COOS COÜNTY, ObEOON, $200.00 FOR NOTHINC. Hiv'nrpiid ant (300 to arntrla" doctor" to cnre my liinr, without ouecc-'s, 1 tried the Cotí otra KEr du h, which completely cn-ed tffer na iun tnrte bot'lsi. wvt. O'iRDnN. 87 ulinetnn ve.. Charle" on, Mau. Hold eveT wher. Price : Cntirnra. 50-.; Soap 25c ; Rtiinlvent, Hottisb Urlo and Chkmical Co., .iostun. titend for "Ilow to cure .kin Dlneaneit" MNffC'l'RA HOAPtnr Kougti. lir pped UUÜ ""d Hrdilenrd Skin nl hands. CATARRH. Complete Treatment with Inhaler, for evarr fora of Catarrh, $i. SANDFORÜ'i RADICAL CURE Hcad Cold, Watery Discharges froin the tioe and Kyc. Kin'.'inir N itses In the Hed, Nervou Haadacheand Fever Inn'antly relleved. Chokins mncn didlod?ed, memhrane clean ed and healed, reath eweetened, smell. taste, and hearing resiored, and mUM checked. Cuu?i Br -n hiti J. D oppiiirs in'o the Throa' , Pain in the ChBt. Dyspcpala, Wasiln.' of Strengtb aud flesh, Lom "f sleep, etc, ciirel. One hottle Ka lic il Cun-, onu hoi C itsrrhal Sol vent and one Dr. Sandford'a Inh iler. In one pk age, of all druifLCtsts, for tl. Aslt for Sandío u a Radical Cure, a pure d jTillition of Witch-flazct, Am. Pine, Ca., Fir, Marlgild, Clover Blossom, etc, etc. Pot'er Draz and Chemical o.. Boston. ¦ la. %¦ L fr for Sliattered !yLl"IIMi'UV;ki.;1(.r Ormns. Col' VOLTAIC i nl)' Voltnlc Kltttne Jf"Sh Plant r lnauniiy btlect )¦ T the iiurvous eytt-m and -'t Jl hanis'ies piin, nervon.nese iWKVHii'l dehility. A períeci -fLn ".leoro - Cinlvai 1p ELECTRIO „H,,er oomilned 3 A CTtKj"'"1 a hlKhly m-dl(O I W% -lnal Planter lor V Cis. All dmegistj'. mui m ii i n A HEALTHY AND EXCITINQ EXERCISE Can be had durlna the winter months by playlng TEN PINS, COCKED HAT, Or anv nf the enmes nf n bowling alley. On FOI K I II H III Dl, o,.poslU( the Cuurt 11 nu', 1 JS JL JU SS BowIIkz AMcy, which hun reoently been tliK'iy decorated mul ttucd up lu good slyle. PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE. Htndf nt here can gel ODe of the best advantages of a Kymnalnm. The exerole Klves Koi clrcu iiilon. help digestión and appetlle. COME AXU TliYIT! A. C. 11LIN CO. Annnr Sendslï cent for pote. and rf1)1111 c Ivf frec. acostly box of good hlch F M Ti wl" hnlP ' ""her ¦ 'o more I IIILLI mon(.y rlKhiaway Ihan anythlngelM In tuis world. Fortune walt tbe workrra abwlutely iun. At ono ddr T Co.. Augiiit. Mals.


Ann Arbor Courier
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