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Mllan supports three dnmnpn. The Saline Baptist cliuich is without a pastor. The M. E. church of Chelsöa Is holding revival meeting. Rcv. V. Pieice and wife lost their iiil'aiit kim). Jan iiili. Chas. A very near Raulnrllle, has sold liis farm (tor $5,000. A ChHsea sewing machine ajrent selU iinichiues to people way down In Florida. The Chelsea Congregational church luis chosen C. H. Kempf and L. E. Spaikus, trustees. 11 rs. J. K. Yocnm, of Lyndon, has been aeriously ill fur soiuo time. but Is now recoverinp. John Fiecel recently paid $353 for ten eres off the northeast tor. of sec. 15, Pittstield. Chelsea has an nnnamed streot that the UemKI wants nained alter Gov. Alger. Good suggestion. Harry Phelps, of Dexter, was quite severely inju'ed by the running away of his team a few d;iys ago. Milan has six doctors which accounts In some degree for the unhealthfulnessof that localily.- Saline Observer. Chelea now glories !n the lipht of her new street hiinps, but Ann Arlxir with all her èii-ligïïtenuient, is in darkness eveninga Levi H. Revnolds rlledat Milan, Friday, Jan. 0(h, aged 77 yeurs. !!¦ had been a ¦nember of the maaonin fratd-nit v of 8aIme over 20 yearg. Ourj;asconipnny have reduceil the prloe of gas to $2.00 so all tho-e usiiiir 2000 feet mid over; less.the same as liefore, $2.50. - Ypsi. Commercial. W. E Boyden, of Webster, has been addin; sorne very Une slu-ep to his fluck, which were purenased in Vcrmoiit. He has an extra fluck. li.i i-in bas i young man whose hair is so red, that for economy's sake he has bceü Cbartered for an eleèlrie llght at ihe station. - Milan Journal. Farmers throughout the county have been disposing of thelr wheat rapidly since it went above 80 cents per busliel. This ought to ease tip limes a little. Mis. J. Bchumaclier Vislted friends in Ann Arbor Ia9t week, which she had not ¦tu in twenty yvar., ut wliich time they were residents ot city.- Chel-ea Herald. Tho followinir are the offleers of the Sylvan debatlng club: l'iesuleut, Ira Glover; viee president, P. .f. Lelmiin; sic'y.lilla Dancer; treas., John Kalm bacli. Mrs. Ruby Burlingnmc, of Saline, ajred 9G y.-ars, du-il Tburstlay, Jan. 8th. Dei-tHSed was bom in Coun., Mirch 27lh, 1789. She had lived in Saline for about 12 years. The Chelsea lyceum bas declded that ' Man is what woman makes hiin." Quite riíht. Their beada are levcl. But there are min y women tiiat are wbat men have made lln-in, too. The polo game bet ween the Fut nnd lean men at the Dextcr roller rink Thur.-clay nitrlit lust, was i bijt success as far as fun aml a pood tune were coucerned. The lats took the pork. It is faid to h-ive cost Eilitor Smith, of the Mllan Leader $30 perday lormtornev te-s in bis recent slmider suit. EilitorV always difend themselves when attacked, il it does come hi;li. At the earnestsolicitation of miiny formcr md triends, Mis Flora Stewart has repuined her mullo teaching in Dexter, giving lessons here everv Wedncsdiy.ancl ai Chelseii, T'litnsdays, Frklays and Katurtlftv-i wi. nee-u no nanmnvnQ trom us. - L-ader. Several of our citizens, anionjï whom ure Q. J. Nisly nnd H. T. Nicbols, are talkiug of gning luto the poultry busiue-n on an -xtensiye scale next season. All infiiimition relatlug to the poultry business will he thanktully received by Mr. Niscly. - Saline Observer. Prof. Albert J. Vol land, principal of'the Ypsilanti hlffh school, was giveu a very pleasant surprise one evenin; last week, by the classes of the school trom '83 to '86 inclusive, lorelher with the teachers in all niimbi'i'ing tifty persons. They presnted him with an elegant easy cbair. Milan lays claim to two of the youngest if not the handsomest (?). editors of any town in the peninsular state. Their ages are - well, lndd on, we came pretly near lettinjf the teline out of the bajf, Any way the Leader man is 25 years of age, and tlie Journal scribe isu't tnuch younger.Mil:ui Journa1. The lst national bank of Ypsilanti will be otUcered na foliuws for tbö coming year: Presldent-D. [,. Qulrk. Vlee-preHlden t- Ij. A. Barnes. Ciiahler- W. L. Pack. Dlreclors- U. L. Qulrk, L. K. Bnrnpo, W'. L Pack Ü. 8. Wurtley, ,(Jhas.tKiii({, S. H. Uodge, E. F. Uhl. The senate committee for the state normal school at Ypsilauti con-ims of, Senatxrs S. W. Sinith, if Pontiac; Chas Ausrin, of C.ilhoiin; and Jas. Haeston, of Wfiyne In thehou-e, Representativo Chas. Brown of Ívhíiiiizo:i ; Iï F. Beekman, Ka ton; A. I). Kldicd, Cülhoun; H. Hammond, Öt. Chir; and L. F. ('onrad, ut Clinton. There is a ruinw, and it seems to be pretty well autbenticated, that the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern rail road will be taken up trom it present bed from Milan noi th and be elaid throuirh Mooreville and Haline.crossing ihe Lake Shore branch about a half mile above the depot in tliis vilhige. We hope the rumor will prove tiue. - Saline Observer. The Detroit E veninjj News gives this notice of one of Washtenaw's most valu ible citizen's: "Thomas Birkett lives in Deiter townshi ', Washtenaw county, and DWlll uil Dover, even to the geese that qu ack along the roadside. He was bom in Eujiland in 1888- came over in 18"2 - mentid ihe track that led to Miebijfall, and in 1S,"3 was tliinl miller in the Dover milis - next year had charge of the busines - in 1861 bouglit a half interest and in ]8(5owued the whole establishment. Ile then luvetted iu the Hudaon milis - went Into luniber business, but not very deep - bnujiht a 400-acre farm - raNed slioithnrii cnttlt; and a line berd of goats - loaned the goats to his brother prangers when they nitiated new mcnibers - built a mansión west of Prospect bilt, the hijrhcst eminence in the lower peuiusula - finally built a church. TliDinas is looked upon as a wise man - as wise as he is good - but he can't explaiu how he happeued to strike such n steady stieak of luck."


Ann Arbor Courier
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