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The Iï;iy City Cali bus reeeived a cali and up. Ililton, of the Manistee Times, lias reoenily taken Cli;is. S. Brown, late of the Mantetee Detnoérat, Intó partnership, aod Hilton & Brown now fly the Times. The Oxford Ghibe man gives himself dead away in the following: Ifyougo home Mild lind your house locked :t 1 1 1 iiOwpper readv, wliy, just lay it to the skating nuk. The Dexter Leader starts out upon its 17th year this week, healthy, happy and prosperous. It is one of the good papers of the county. The Hillsd:ile Busineiw gets to the center of it in this way : If, as Gov. Cleveland suggeets in his letter, "offensive partisans" MUtt leare the service, who of the oíd euard will be left? Oftensive? Oftensive to whom? Qeo. F. Levns, who attempted to make a d i'ily democratie paper pay in Bay City, and g uve it upafter a tliree years'struggle, has gone back to his tirst love, the Siiginawian, of Sagiuaw City, and promisea to make it Bgood paper once moro. Hen's to 8ucces8. rt'ell, whose faultisit? The Harbor Springs Ilepublican says: There is an unwritten law that inakesit the duty of the press to exposé corruption and f rand, and to Strike Mie hydra-headed monster wheivver it appears, eftlier in high or low plac-s. Yet how few newspapers discharge thissacred duty. The MidlandRepublican isedited by an old school teacher, and he has a word of criticism for Gov. Alger'g message : Gov. Alger's messngc is a good one,and generally practical, but he shows gome lack of practical knowled?e of both f irminr and school teaching in his recommendation "to secure such school books for our eommon schools as will teach the science of tanning." The Pontiac Ga.ette approves of two of Gov. Algei's recommendalions : Gov. Alger's recommendation thut taxes be collfcted semi-annually. halt at the time now colli-ctcii and halt in nikl-Huiiimur ia a move in the riglit direction. )ov. Alger's recommendation for the creai ion ufa Board of Fardons is in accord with the public demand, in view of the acts of the late Gov. Begole. A lad at our neighboring city down stream, haR caught on to the ways of a class of great financiers of the day, according to the Sentiuel : One night last week, a young lud in thi city, being short of money, forged a note trom his futher to a grocer, anking hm to send a pound of tobáceo, whicli was done. The lad sold the tobáceo tur twenty cents, and hastened to the skating link, the object of his trick. That boy wants atti'iidiiig to; DOt more than nnmy others, who are on the same roai!. We had our lips all puckered up last week to writc a whistling good notice of the ncw Batlle Creek News, as suecessor to the Republican, but a boy called us off wilh a chaiige of "ad," three men and two ladies cach came in to pay a year in advancefor the Couhier, and before we got through with them the probate jud;e handed us a couple of orders, 3 f 4 t., to change over, so the notice didn't get written. But our opinión respecting the News has not changed any slnce then. The childien - two sons and one daughter, - to whom Mi'. Saundeissold the Hepubliean, eviilenlly know what a good newspaper is, and intend that Baltle Creek people hall not have to taren tar to ttnd one. Tbe Tuscola O. Pioneer has clianged from a lis-column quarto to a seren-coluinn folio, leducinji price to $1 per year, Hiid prlutlng all at home. The Fenton Independent shouldn't bo too plague-y inquisitive: 'I'here s a law in the criminal code of tlio Dlstiict of Columlria which eays thut the crime of blasphemy shall be punlshd ly boring thinujrh the tongue with a ieU hot irou. Wonder how many of our congressuien have perforated tongues ? The Alleman Journal and Tribune hopes one of Gov. Alger's recommendations will not be carried out: Goy Alger recoinmends that " means be aduptcU t ucma cuoh ohool booka for our Oommon schools as wlll teach the science of faruiii.r." We hope the legisiHture will do no such tbinjf. The district school is no place to teach (nrmlng In It was instituted to givo iiistruction in the elcmcntaiy bran -he-i of education, and we belifve it oujiht to be kept to that. The Adrián Times thus approves of one of Gov. Alger's inaugural guitgestions: Gov. Alrcr"s inaugural is a model state pnper, coiicisf, clear, ind fcnsible. His fUggestion tliat tlie law be changed so as to make taxes payable femi-annually instead of Hiinuiilly, is one that should bc adopted by the legislature. Uuder the present plan the lax must all be paid at one time, and that time a season of the year when laboring men are most likely to be out of work. To a rich man it inav seein an easy matter to gather together the few dollars nt-ceisary to pay the taxes biIt'the"7o'keil'vÍtVáVáni?íyrciep?.ü?,'.'; on lilm lor support, linda that it is only by the closest economy that he Can get a surplus over what is needed to buy clothiiijr, food, a:id other necessaries of life, and this task brcomes ?till more burdensome if the demand lor work diminishc-s or ceases altojfether for a season.


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