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'¦-' vjw duiuiiü is hu oiu oacueior with a calloused affection. Red R. Keynolds Is now tying red ribbons neatli the red noses of Elk Rapidans. Kudner, of the Lapeer Democrat, with a Vision of the Lapeer poslofBce beforehis eyes. is Hbout to commit matrimony. Rah man! Maj. Bert Parsons, of Howell, the new judge advocate ireneral iippointed by Oov. Alyer, ie one of the "gii-up-aiid-git" young republicans of Howell. Hon. Josiah W. Begnle, who will pass down in hislory as the gieat ciiminal liberator, wil now retire to private life. As a citizen of Flint he has been u success. Senator Palmer, who Is crtdited with being worth fim $2,0UÜ,000 to $3.000,000 is not wortli one tnird of the tirst named sum, says a U. S. senator who professes to kuow. Chas. D. Sprague, of Coldwater, a printer of the whole-souled, goodfellow order, hxp had his form iocked up, old Father Time holding the shooting stick and using the quoins of death. Wm. J Waterman, known the state over as Detroit's gieat real-estate dealrr, died Saturday nlght, of erysipelas, aged 54 year?. He was a gradúate of Tale, and was a eulturcd and sm-cessful man. Hon. Sumner Howard, chief justice of Arizona, is makiuir it excteilif"'lv .wurm ... ...v. .nuiuimn urLilaiTeTritory who are brought before him for pnlygiuny. He is proving himself the right nian ín the nght place. A lndy of Coldwater, Miss Frank Chandler, has applied for patente on several surgical insti uments of her in vention. It has beeH said that "i woman's tongue s keener that) a - '¦ but that's not applicible here, probably Hon. Geo M. Dewey, of Owosso, who at the last moment got cheated out of an election Hs 8ergeant-at-nrms of thesenate, by Jay Hnbble, lias received the appointnïent of joint clerk of the coinmittee on state affairs and appropriation and tintinee. It is the flrm conviction of tlns scrlbe that the repubtlcan mi-mbers of the Michigan house of represent.itives would have done an excellent deed for themselves by electing L. M. Sellers aa speaker. Ho is modest and unassuming, yet capable and able, and tliere is no cuntes' over his right to huid his seat. A party of Michigan democratie politician?, hoaded by Hon. Don M. Dickinson, of Detroit, payed their rt-spects to Prfsident-electCh'Veland last Wednesday and talked up the needs of this state frum a dunaocratlo standpoint. No mention was made of Mr. Barnes' candidacy fora cabinct position, it is said. Sad, very sad, indeed. Chas. Hmpton, editor of the Harbor Si'rings Independent, is a democratie member of the legisluture, and when Keptesentatives Eigan und McCleland rtfnsed to sell out their party 10 put. the dimocrats in power, his rige knew no bounds, and hu wrote a scandalons article about tliem tor his paper. To this these gentlemen took exceptions, and propose to have the matter sitted, and Hampton is now on the axious seat. Mrs. Ann E. Gridley, of Hillsdale, who was. a luirse during the war, working in the hospital and in the field, han been granted a pension of $20 per month by COng'eM, becnuse of III health resulting froui overwork and exposure at that time. Theie are but few nurses on the pension rol Is, and objection was made to granting this on the ground of opening up a new cliiss of pensions. Uut why nurses should not be pensionod is a conuudrum we can not solve.


Ann Arbor Courier
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