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Have W the RigMto Blsftj m one „I tl ¦ l problema dUcjMed , by Mr. Ourtl l" the rWthcomlng EMS Cha m n n per' for Febroary. v, otbnr ..i the laterertlng paperi on lbo rurkwilu- 'l mitural I.Moi. w brllllHMtlv lllMrat ¦ by J.C. Beard. w.ll „,,,„.¦,!¦ ii. n,-r. '.-M.ry Harpert. deaorib. i,',! '-om i i BirdV' wbo care for nthf i' anlu Mr F s Chuivli, b poetic and „ „ivr wmkhswoli himasgreatt p„tii,.n abroa), and wp-ciaUy . „, ,„.,,,., ,„ it„. February Uarnct , wiili ., iie-iifii ,.i ;Ti f Merniaid and Mie SeaWo] i he a pHrticuiarly charáeteria i '¦"'¦ fancy. Tne Ni Yñr'r numberof ld A wake InV.leligbttul fchlon, Blledaslt b wtth i.ohdHN -i...i,s. pictureN and poema, l'he „.,„„¦,-, i,-. ¦-. BJ Liinjtren, reprewntt od f Horton' BUerrlWl l i - ewplng Antinsrin ihe pobllo gHrden; thedraw ,„, pnnled bya caniilnir poem hvM rgarel SUIney. A -ris,, an.l ni.-rrj; winter tor, illnw-, s,h.w.v I'.t.r, from the pen ;i :'" Co??idei ? "ij! -i,,,! phce of llterarr woil, and ... a ,-,ll(S sujrgextive nf Hawthi.rne. Au"rato Une in Iti ijgj1 ' S rromtbei f r.hvanl Al holt. tl.o pii„.r ol ibe Uterary WiirliJ, entitled l .vu in this nomber; - 1 ire ,,,.- i,v Eate Poote. rec.rühig the tirst ÏÏfcWWt of gold in the .-si. , m HlnrtrHtetlbyMHryHHlhK-ieFoftte.-ÜHTid KcrHlio l.s u biight tv;lln Éc''. -A Srlicol In the Karre Wnttá, and rM Pliu Lee. l" "la curioiu Berles, ¦¦ Wlu-n I rës fl Hny in Cliiim, ' ck-scnbcg ¦ CliiarM booae. ïbe poen antl V,""',1" IlluBtratioDi re fine. "The Dremn I ed dier," wtth liBfnil-paiefancIftildniwlBB by R W Qarrett, -Donithj-'a Urciini." by .Mi Wilkins "Jiinuary," by M. K. i; mul tlic Btory of Chüucer'a Orbelna, wltli fi fDll-pge dmwli'g by LMjnw. The ChautanqitH ReHdlngs cover wle ninjre, Only $ a yeiir D. I.otlirop & Co , piibii-ii.i-. Barmn, S&iiSf. Tlie Iravellng pilblks- tO wt.ichi.ll m.iy' beloiijr al si. mei: me omnotbei - wlll rcail wiih n living Interew rroftww Thtnuion's inicie in the Febrnary Populo p.lenre Monthly on "Tln Sigbl and Hfrt,:. Riiiluav Kmilojé ," In wluch Udtfcrlbed tli.i ?yrtnn f lti tli bem ai)o.n-d ly tiu: Pcnn.vlv4nin Tiway. In "Tlif L:ns:er Import of Scientiiic Kdiicatlon" Major I'owcll cl.iiniurefrrence For ench educatlon because il lacalliolic, cinli.acim: tlie wlniit' Beid ol buiDHii learnlng, gives tlie highet menttil culture, is ii training n. mental Integrlty, :ind .in oducütion in oh:.rily. In "Evoluilnn ;uid ihc Dertioy of .Man' Mr . I). I.e Bneur wvlew Profeasor Ki-kcV book on tliHt mbjfet from tlif asrmislic pnlnt of view. Prof. II. P. A.m-liy. ol Wltcnnalii, OBntrlbutw .-. paper detlnlrg Ihecoi.ditlnni eaeiith"l to m-ike "Field Experimento In Agrlculiw" upcealttl iind Imtrnctive. Lucy M. Hall, M. D., oft'flS tome l.lil'l VilliOI.R "I. til'' ol.jl'CtS tO bpannglit. nd the iiretion t.-ikn.. In the "Phyaical Tïalning ol GlrU." Dr. von Pettcnknfci's psper on " C'lioleni: I tf= Bome and ils Tiavels," will comtnacd aitentlon. Dr. Cl. T. Uamibell presenU fome firurcs from the statistici of tlie Odd-Fcllows. be:iring on the snbjpet ot " Siek-Knlcs üiid Dt-uli l.';it's." Oulier artlclea re equally nrorti-y Of attentlon wiili ihesc. 'l'l.c portrait :nd sketch arp of Sir David Brewster. New York: I). Appleton Compány. iö ;i year. Tlic Magazine of Art for Fehnmiv is ¦ superb iiiimber. In both HliMtratlonl and letter-pre t i? particiilarly rich. The froiitispiece is a tac-siraile, incolors, of the DowDmaii'i portraHof Lady Maria Waldegrave, whksb jtiveg ns an ezcel lfiit idea of her piquín. t beauty. Tlie opening paper on " Artista' Home" describes the house and studio f W. Pettle at H.niistead, by Heli n Ziminem. A paper approprlately culleil "In Character"1 jïivfs V. E. IK'nU'V. Uu; i-ditor of the niiifrazine, an oppoiïunity to pay sonie diíeivid compllnieiita to M diquelin, and to exhibit some Une portruita of thta distinguislutl mem!. er ol the Comedie Francalw. "Pompei In Biuck and White" is wiitten of by Jane ïl. Harrifon, wl.ili' Misa i Habel Roblnson writes of "The Romanee Of Art." The tinted page of poetry and picture Ihis month is In Arcudy. by lïoemo Monk house, illustrated by E. F. Brentüiill. Mia Mndeline A. Wall;ice-I)un]ip. a young iünter of Philadelphla, w rites [iitercathigiy uron the subject, of "Oriental Brasa Work." Tlie lonjrest poeta of the numl)er i by Mr. Willbiin An-her, and I entitled " Tbe Marveloiis Madonna." Mr. Yeend Kiug de-cribes " A Kouiul in France," and Ilústrales lus itory. To many readers the moi Inlerestins paper in Ihe niim'n-r II prove tO I.e Miss A. Mary F. Roblnwm's' blngtaithiúiil and criticnl sketch of Mr. Elil.u Vedder. A portrail Of Mr. Vedder accompanies the kct('ll. (vhlOJb Lovi'a liim t l.-v n li..ulsome man, in the prime ..f life. The reprodactlona from Sir. Veddei's drawlngi given with lilis paper a. e carcfully selected and admlmbly esecuted. Cáarcll & Co., Limited, New York. $3.50 a year.


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