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Compiled from Late Dispatches. CONGRESSIONAL. A niiSoi.CTios mi paascd in ton Ronati on tho lilth eallliur iui Ue Secretar) ui War for certa In document riulre! to sottle tho controvorsy lietwmtii General Shermau and Jeffi-rnon Davl. Mr. Kdmiinds Ihtroduoed a t'lll tU ailtlii.ri'e thl) l'l-oilcli'lit tO plOOS the mi ¦¦!¦ of i.i-iiitiiI (.ruit on he n-tired list. A Houw tilli wit BMMd t' mpoal the lwh irnwrniiifr pfc-empUoo, dosort lamis aml timbcr culture, aiiil tii amend the Romestrad law... In the House h bill was parnd ümltliur thn tlmofor tln pnwoiitMI'm nf hountv and Imckfmv claims tu thrwe yoarn from tlu piiairo "f hm act; of all otber claim, extwpt pens on, to six years; and provMlnff that rlaimct herouftor urlHlriff munt be praMntM wltliln ix ycurs from the timo thoy origínate. Th.' minouneetnent of tho dnitli of Col fax mu l'ollowed by hu adjournm-nt In the Sonate on tlie Uth a liill #M pamei - tl) to9- to pormlt the appointmont of Oentra) Grant to tho retirod llt of tho army. wltb full rank and puy of General. An approprlatlon was made for Mie éxpnifa 01 ¦MMvogon to Iowa and Orricon to stuit Alaalnj cliot oral roturuH. Aítir a Iohk spieoh b, Mr. Van Wyck on the Inter8tte Comrnrce bill au adjournmont wm onlero't 111 respeo' the meiuory of rtchuyler lu tho House a blll wm paised approprlatinr f 1,M.) ti somi Hpfotiil inrsspnk-it". to Iowa and Orevon u iupiu-iitn oertifloatofl of tho doctoral voto of thono State, which are requtred by law. Tho Chlno-e Indemnity Fund bill, vhioli ai' Ttased, autborict's (h Pres dout to refund to the Chinos (loK.riiimMit .Ss.i,i In cotn Mr. Wclltr Intnxluood a bill to rcfmid tho bondml driit of the Umtod Ktntpn al t% r cent. and to reduce taxatlon 011 th oin-ulatlnir banknote uurrency. Mr Miixkr introduoeil a bill in 'ho Sonatfl on the LMh to incmasu tbe petutoo of tho widow of Goneral Geonre H. Thomas to f 1.000 jiorannuni. In exeoutlvo sMslon Mr. Morjran spoko In upport of the treaty wlth Nlnaranua Tho House refiisod toconcnr in thoS'niito amendmont to the six-months Naval Appropriation bill. Tho McPhcrson Kunrlinjr bill, to enahle National bankn to securo ton per cont. addillounl clroulatlon. wm killed for tbe mmion by adjuurniiijf for a poioua Mr. Bkck Introduced a blll in the Senato on tbe leth to adjust the claims of any State for expenses lnourred In tho dótense of lüe United States, and Mr. Sab'.n Introducid a meuure for the relief of Rettler uuder the Homot4-niian-,ot-ndiuK tbe time one yoar in which they may oomplet thnlr titlos. A long debato on the Inter-StAte Cominoroe bill followod In the Houn a potltlon was proentd in faor of tho Moxiean Pension blll, Hinod by 1,80 1 persons. Tho Indlan Approprlat.on blll, setting aside $5.164,188, waa reportcd. A rosolution to cali up the bill passed by the Senato for the ret're ment of General Grant was defoated In the Oommlttee on Military A flair-. Pension rit were eonsiderod at the eveninjf session. OOMESTIC. Enolisb sailors in a dranken rouditioa boarded a British bark the other day at Portland, Ore., and a fight aroso between the crew aboard and the intruders, marlinspikes and hand-spikeg being used wlth deadly effect Three men were fatally wounded and sereral others were badly isjured. A tovr-tox dintilling ressel in the sodaash works near SyraCTiae, N. Y., exploded the other niorning, the great iron tank ascending soventy-flve feet and tben crashing tbrough the roof, wrecking nuchinery, etc., and cuing a loss of $75,000. Twelve men were wounded, several of them seriously. Gkoboe WArrra attemptod suicide recently at Leadville, Col., claiming in a letter tbat he deslred to explore tbe other world. I In a quarrel a few evCTiifgJago about the distribution of beer at a wedding at Camden, N. J., George Zant, the bridegroom, was fatally shot by his brother John. The recent cyclone In Alabama caused great destruction of property in Hale, Perry, Bibb, Chilton, Macon and Ureen Coonties. The path of the storm was half a. mlle wide. Five persons lost their lires and numorous horses and cattle were killed. A PEOCLAMATION has been issued by the Governor of Now Jersey conveylng a warning that pleuro-pneumonia exist among the cattle in that State, and ordering all dUeased cattle to be quarantined. J. B. Greoo & Son, of Binghamton, N. Y., boot and shoe manufacturers, failed a few days ago for $120,000. Five hundred pounds of dynamite exploded on the Hth in the Somerset (Pa.) chemical works, causing the burning to death of two men. All the houses in the town were ihaken, and window-glass was shattered in residences half a mile from the scène. Thomas H. Graham, cashier of the Baltimore fe Ohlo works at Mount Clare, Md., was missing on the Hth. His accounts were short $10,000. Aftir an idle period of aeveral months work waa on the Hth resumed by four tobáceo faetones at Lynchburg, Va., and others were preparing to start, giving employment to two thousand colored laborera. While intoxicated the other night Lewia a train near Delaware, O. The Grand (Jury of Warwick County, Va., on the 14th found indictments against nineteen holders of that county for fraud. As the Grand Jury was still in session it was thought that other indictments would follow. Georoe P. Cürrt, an insolvent banker of Augusta, Ga., was found guilty of larceny on the Hth and genteneed to üve years In the penitentiary. Curry is worth $300,000. chesterdarbt, proprietor of ifcjm flouring-mül at iCortland, N. Y., failed recently with $117,000 ÜabilltieK. Advices of the 14th reported great suffflring and loss of stock on the north and south sides of the Red River, in Louisiana, caused by floods from recent rains. At least flvo thousaiid head of stock were lost Tns nw capítol building at Bismarck, D. T., was dedicated on the evening of the léth. Two colored men at Charleston, S. C, were crushed to death a few days ago by the caving in of a pile of fertilizers at te works of Wilcox, Oibbs & O. Michael Mansy, farmer of Saxton Station, Mo., started home whila intoxicated the other night. He took the wrong track, got bewildered, and, lying down, was frozen to death. The bodies of four infants were fonnd bnried under a bridge in Franklin, Pa., a few days ago. They were in rough boxea and one was but recently buried. Four Mormon elders recently estaMished a settlement near Spartansburg, S. C, and have tuken thither twenty-three Indian convertí froai York County. Heavy rain in Eastern Texas had on the 18th waihed out ralbroad tracks, serioumly impeding travel. A BED of salt ninety feet deep is said to have been discovered at Bothwell, Ont. The firm of Olirer Bro. ft Phillips, leading iron manufacturero of Pittsborgh, Pa., failed on the löth for $5,000,000. Th milis employed four thousand hands. Abel Kictharx, over eighty years of age, was burned to death in his home in New York City a few days ago. John J. Cisco & Co., of New York, bankers, failed on the 15th for over $2,600,000. Thk bodies of two young men, Thomas Harvey and Samuel Knox, were on the löth found in Brush Pond, Greene County, Ind., where they had been drowned New Year's Day while out hunting. Charlotte Hock, of Baltimore, aged forty-üve, hanged hentelf recently, when about to be arrested for spendir g $300 belonging to another which wat left in her care. The County Commiss'onen of Maine reoently voted to abolish the syaten of workshops connected with the county jails. This action would doubtless lead to the abolishment of the ystem in all the Maine priRons. Ccts were being made on the l.'ith in th price of passenger tickets across the Atlantic, and the emigrant rato from New York to Chicago had been reduced from fl3to$8. Qeoroe Traviss vu hanged on the 15th ut 'WeHsboto. Pa., for murderlnir a woman I in 1883, and ersmatíng her eorpts ïn an ¦¦ tempt to conceol tho crime. Samckl Williams, a stock dealer, was murderod the other night by a uighwayman noar Red Key, Ind. The aHsassin fled without securing tlio $1,000 hls rlctim ponsessed. Mrs. Mart MoCot and her infant chüd were burned to doath a few nightH ago nor W influid, W. Va. Accordino to the annual report of the Department of Agrlculture at Washington, the corn production of the country last year was 1,793,000,000 busheU. Of wheat there was ,113,000,000 busheU, and of oats 683,000,000 bushels. These are the largost aggregates ever recorded. Williak Gates, eighteen years old, confessed on the lOth, at Warren, N. Y., that Mrs. Druse kilJed her husband December 17 last, and burned the remains. The woman compelled Gatos to asslnt in the tragedy, and both were placed in custoly. A FUIK a few doys ago destxoyed the store of F. W. Thornton, at Lafayettevillo, N. C, valued at $115,000. A THREK-HÜNDRED-POUND hog, OWned by Farmer Buchanan, at Roscoe, DL, was accidentally buried under a straw -riek last Uctober. The animal was unearthed on the 16th, alive, and found to weigh buttwentyÜve pounds, but had increased ita avoirdupois inaterially siace its disoovery. For clrculating false reports against the character of a young lady at Americu, Ga., G. W. Murphy was taken from hls house the other uight by a party of young men, stripped to the waist, and giren thirty-nlne with a cowhide. ¦Focr men were probably fatally scalded by the bursting of an englne boilur at Laclede, Mo., a few mornings ago. A passenger train on the St. Paul Road was ditched the other ulght near Storm Lake, Ia. One coach was turned over, and several persons were injured. TnL Ohio Legislature on the lfith adopted a resolution for a Joint committee to inqulre into the cause of the strike in the Hocking Valley, and report on the condition of affairs withln a montli. The failure is announced of Martin Del Escobel, a tobáceo nianufacturer of New Orleans, for $34,000. Reports on the löth to Brudstreet's indicated that the general commercial situatlon throughout the country was sli lmproving, but the industrial outlook, owing to strikes East anfl Wpst, was conidereil dljpoD aging. Snow feil hon-rily throughout the entlrs West during the tn houra nuded on the evening of the 16th, rearhing as far South s Northern Texaa. Railway traftie waa greatly impedod. William Fklix Henrt (colored) was hanged on the 16th at Ednrdsville, 111., for murdering two negroes in 188.X Weight Leroy was executod at San Francisco for choking N cholas Skerrett to death. Fivk employés in the oil-works at Poiut Breeze, Pa., were fatnlly injured by the explosión of a gas tank ou the Nith. In the United States nnd Canada there were 4KÍ business faüuris during the seven days ended on tbe l(ith, agaiust 470 the prerious seven days. The distribution was as follows: Middle States, 81; New Kngland States, 5-_; Western, 168; Southern, 10; Pacific States and Territories, 37; Canada, 37. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Hon. Schuyler Coi.fax, of South Bend, Ind., on arrivlng on tue 13th at Mankato, Mimi., walked three-fourths of a ntile to the Omaha depot in an atmosphore thirty degrees below zero, and within flve minutes thereafter expired from heart-disease. He was t)orn in New York City in l&S. He erved seven ternis in Congress, was three time elected Speaker of the House, and beeame Viee-President in 1880. Since retiring to private Ufe he had spent much time in the lecture-lield. Govirnor Hale, of Wyomiog Territory, died on the evaning of tbe l.'ith at Ohtíyenue, aged forty -eight years. W. Ar. O'Bp.ien, the noted criminal lawyer, died in Chicago on the 13th, of yHH-itonitis, in bis flfty-flrst year. In the Illinois House of Representatives on the 13th a motion to proceed to the elecHon of a Speaker and ('lprk was promptly declared by Speaker Haines to be out of order, he claiming to be the presiding offlcer. A long argument by Mr. Linegar was followed by an adjoutument to the 14th. Captain Isaiah Ryxders, of New York City, who flgured prominently in New York politics for nearly fifty years, and waj known as "the war horse of the Democracy," died suddenly at his residence on the night of the llith. The Legislature of Nevada on the 14th re-elect.ed John P. Jones (Rep.) to the United States Senate. The death of Prof. Benjamin Silliman. of Yale College, occurred at Hartford, Conn., on the Htli. The Wisconsin Legislature met af'Madison on the 1 Ith. Edward S. Miner was chosen President of the Senate and Hiram O. Kairchild Speaker of the House. The remains of Hon. Schuyler Colfax, who died suddenly at Mankato, Minn., arrived at South Bend, Ind., on the evening of the 14th and were escorted to his late residence by numerons sorrowing friends. The West Virginia Legislature convened at Wheeling on the 14th. George E. Priee was elected President of the Senate and R. F. Dennis Speaker of the House. In the Indiana Legislature on thr Hth a ;loinv rpsolntion was proposed flxine t term of all county officers at four years, and making them incligible for more thaa one term at a time. Governor Huoher, of Arkansas, was lnaugnrated on the liith. Thomas Karrell, aged onehundred and eleven yenrs, died on the löth at St. Paul, Minn. Bills were introduced in the Michigan Benate on the 15th to amend the Constitution so as to prohibit the trafüc of liquor, and to re-establih capital punishment for murder. Barber Nichols died on the 15th at Lock] ort, N. Y., aged one hundred years. Ji dok J. W. Dunlop, of Kansas City, died on the 15th from wounds received by the accidental discharge of a pistol. ApoRTRAiTof ex-President Hayes wal received on the 15th at the Whit House, and would be hung in the main rorridor. The American Protective Tariff Association, the objecï of which is to secure and maintain protection to American labor and American industries, wasorganized in New York City on the lüth. The special Grand Jury concluded its Invegtigation of the Chicago Eighteenth Ward election fraud on the 16th, and voted to indict Mackin, Gallagher, Shields, Hansbrough, Sulüvan, Biehl and Gleason. Mackin was also indicted separately for perjury in swearing that he did not order ih bogus tickets. A DI8PATCH from Washington on the lOth announced the death of Rear-Admiral Powell. A bill wai Introduced in the Indiana Senate on the lüth prohibiting aliena from lolding real estáte. FOREIGN. On the 13th the fcSpanish city of Albama ivas again shaken by earthquake just aa iCing Alfonso and suite were leaving the :ity. The Mexican soldiers stationed at Enlenada mutinied the other night, murdered heir Captain, his wife and several other Íer8ons, and fled with artns and ammuniiions. They were reported to be making 'or United States territory. Vast tracts of land in Italy were inuniated on the 13th by the overflow of the [liver Tiber. The stream had risen forty eet and Rome was threatened. Datist official records on the Uth placed he number of killed by the recent earth[uake in the Province of Grenada, Spain, it 695, and the number injured at 1,480. Superintendent Mai.lon, of the Dublin olice, said on the 14th that Feuianism va rampant In all the mining towns and nanufacturing centers of England. In rfeds, Manchester, Sheffleld, Newcastl ind Liverpool thig form of lawlessnesg ras at its worst. Prime Minister Ferry said In th Vench Chambor of Deputies ou the 14th hat the Governraent had decided on the inmediato and complete occupatlon of 'onqiün aa the only meana to settle th I aüuKse dlfflculti-. -voioassrowMi Rmtrrr w killed the other night at Frankfort-on-th Main iu front of bis own house. It was believeil that the murder was the work of Anarchist. A v explosión on the l.'tth in a coal min in Franco burled forty-eight men. The bodies of twenty-eight of tbm had been brougtat to the surface. It was announcod on the l.'itli that. civil war had broken out in the Unitnd State of Colombia. A battle wns fought atTunja, tb result being the dufont of the Federal forecs, and the killing: of their eommander, Uoneral Montlafar. Outbroaks of a desperate charocter had also oecurred in I Santander and Boyaca. The revolutionists seek to overturn the liberal State öoternments as a preliminary to au effort to displace President NuneAK Anarchist plot was uucarthed on th lfith at Lyons, Franco, which eoutemplated the soizure by night of arm and the Imaudi&to proclaniation of a revolutioo. LATER NEWS. '"Ai 4 :25 o'clock on the mornlng of th ISth a detached wa d of tbo Eastern Illinois Hospital for the Insano at Kankakee wa totnlly destroyed by flre. The huililing was occupied by forty-Hve patients, six attendants mul one night waU'hmnn. Soventeen pntients were mihüiug, and up to flve o'clock in the evening th rteen bodios had been taken fruin the ruins, buruod beyond recognition. t Amos Hknderson's banking-house at Lancaster, Pa., one of the oMost in the country, failed on the 17th. The funeral services over the remalns of the late ex-Vice President Col fax took place at South Bend, Ind., on the 17th. Edmund Aboit, the French jourunlist aud novelist, died on the I7(h in Paris, aged fifty-serenyears. Fuhthkk hoeks of enrthquake were ex peiienced on the 12. at Granada and Canillas, Spain, and Malaga was sulToring from the sererest anuw-storm since 1861. 9 Haii.uoads all over the country wer blockaded by suow on the 18th and telejjrnjh wires were down everywhore. A Bill was introduced luto the Legislature of Dakota on the lTth to remove the Capital from Bismarck to Pierro. D1SPATCHK8 of the lTtb from Texai contlnued to report great loss to cattle and sheep by the severe cold weather in various parta. Tuk house of Abial Ketcham, at Huntington. II. I., was destroyed by flre on the lTth, and Mr. Ketcham and his wife, an aged couple, perished in the name. Ten miles of telegraph poles in the ricinity of Cincinnati were destroyed by a wind-storm on the 17th. The packet Admira! Moorsom and the hip SaDta Anna collided near Holyhead, on the British coasc, a few nights ago, and the forrner vessel was lost, witb twentytwo live. The residence of a Mr. Phillips, at Mobile, Ala., was burned by an incendiar on the lTth, and Mr. Phillips, big wife and daughter perished in the ñames. ¦Klaoenfurth, the capital of the Prorince of Corinthia, in Austria, was visited by an avalanche on tbe 18th, which wrecked several buildings and killed twenty of the inhabitauts. Many others were injored and rend ered bomeless. A hchbicake whieh swept overSteubenrille. O., the other nigbt caused damage estimated at $2f0,000. The First Presbyterlan Charch wa a complete wreek. Ilt the United States Senate on the lTth Mr. Slater's amendment totbe Inter-State Commerce bill probibiting bigber rates for short tban for longer bauls wa defeated by a vote of 11 to 32. In the House, in Comniittee of the Whole, a long debate took place on the Consular and Diplomatic Appropiiation bill, after which tbe measure was passed


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