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THi inrs smtom bt tbk v, . ott XO C AEBT...

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THi inrs smtom bt tbk v, . ott XO C AEBT THI TAiT MAH GOING WEST. OHXT USE SÜNiniïG TWO THEOTGH TEAIHS DAILY FKOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Tbrougb the Hertof theOontlrwnt b wajr of i'uciiic juucilou or Ouiaim to DENVER, orvia Kanmui rity and Atehliw.i to Denvw-, rooncilngiii Union lepon at Kuu Cliy. Atohlsou, ouiu.liu hiiU Denvar wlih tliroJifh tralia (or SAN FRANCISCO, aJifl 11 polnla In tb Far West. Sborteat Ut to KANSAS CITY, And all polnta In tbe Weit. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Mhould not rom tbc fact tbat Round Trip ticket at redinfd rates can be piircnaiw! vta tlus (.riM Tbrouab l.lue. toali lüe Ufalth and Fisw.ur ltmoru of tbe Vt and HoutbWejt, Ircluding tbeVMounlaln of CO1.OKADO, Uw Valley of UK YwMnlVetlCITYOF MEXICO, and all polnta In the Meilcan Republlc HOME-SEEKERS Bhonld also mnember tnat tola line leads direct to tbs baart at tbe (tovernment and lunroatl I.aiKW In NHhraïka, Kanaas, Taxa. Colorado and Wabln"iJïïOSi&wt tbertt THROÜQH [CAR IASK r America, nd Is uulveniallr admltwd to be tbe Flnest Eqalpped Rallrond In tke World far all claiwrx of Triiifl. Throngh TlokeU Tla tbta line for ale at all Kallroad CoSpou Tickot OUice lu tbe üolted Btate. and Canada. Oen. Pau. Asi Chicaca ISO. Q. A. BKAN, Ora. EMtern Ag'. ' 7l7 Broadway. New York, and HM Waabliuwo Hl., liootou. W. TREMAÏNT" .i.m :it vt mum IciincyI 1 j BFFICK : OYer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, C'OF. IIUKON AND KOURTH: STS.. North British Insurance Co., Of London and Kdinburjr. Caplul, I3,nO0,(K)0, Gold. Detroit Vire umi Marine Insurance Co., QMt Assen 800,(J0(l. Springfleid Ing. Co. r Maüsaebusetts, Cash Au em $ 1 ,800.000. Huwiir.l 1m. C'iMiiiaii) of Sef York, Cub AlHM $1,000,000. Agxicultural Ins. Co., Watertowu, N.T., Cash And! tl.300,000. Lc)"ei Llberally Adjus'ed aud Proroptli Pald. AT1 T" T rj T"l Snd iii cen(ü for potaee. I II I ƒ Ij and receive free, a costly bx I II I V nf f01"1" wh on wlll h'jlp you I I II I J 'onio-i'in-im'y riph' away ihau ¦ ¦¦¦"¦¦¦" inythliiü .1-e In 'hi wrld. All, 'f ei'her m, mccved l'rom flr.-t huur. The brund road 10 lortune opeup belort) the workeri, a'oluie!y are. At ooc addreiB. Tkuk & Co.t Autiota, Muine. OPIUM HABÏÏ! Suffer frcim thiï pmin"s hábft wil) do wll to writ to DR. AKSH, of (JulniT. l'.iflt., wh.. 1. a world v.ii repuutiun tal th currs h nat nid dorinth past twolre yfars. The roain poinu tv te cvmnn.ii.i4t"! the pnM alara of liMlui K-tiKlh of time uw!, and pr=ont amont of drur usid prr werk. Saolt&rtnru T-catiiint whM rtesirM. Ë:1 fur t'ininijï trwm lMbu itliysic:aiii and repiaseawtiTD i.,iu and onifta cured. Tnotiaiul II.i!( iicd to tlieir Graves. IJv relying 011 testimoniitls wrilteu in vi vul ulduiiiff lanuügt of soine niiincuIcms eurej niiidc liv ome largelv pnffeil up doctor or patent medicine Ims li:i-t-neil tboutnlidi to tlieir graven; the readers haviiitr aluin-I niinc taitli tlnii the a:i me mirarle II he perforiued on theui, lotimoiiiHls mvntlon, whiie the socnlled mt-ilicine ia all the time hastening tlit-m to tlieir gruve. Altliough we have Thonsanils tipon l'lni isands ! ! ! of ttalünniiiali of the mot woiukrful eurea voluntaiily el]t us, we do rot puii lish tliem, as they do not make thé ium-m. It is our medicine, H' Bitters tliat niake the cures. Jt Ims liever failed and nevcr can. We wlll itive rtferenoe to any one tor any dtwafe Imllar to iheir owu f desired, nr will rettr to any neij;hlor, hm theie is not a iitijihborliood in thi' kuown world but can show its cures by Hop Bitterg. A Losiiii; Joke. A prominent phjaictan 01 Pitiebnrsh raid to a la ly patiei t wh -ompl liilnt; "' her coiiiluai'd ill h'Mlrti, añil ui hls Inabint) M cu-e her, jukiuulv eaid 'Try Hop Biters ! " llie lady tuok U I . earneei und used lae biiler, from whu'h she oitaui d peimai.f i.t healtli. rsbti now I'ü at the doctor .or In julo', ba hu U -owrli p pned witu it, a 11 cvtrt him a uod patli nt. Fees of Doctors. The fees of Doctors at $3.00 a visit would tx a man for a year, and in need of a daily visit, over $1.000 a year for medie il attendance alone ! And one single bnttle of Hop Bitters taken in time would save the $1,000 and all the year's sickness. Glven up by the Doctors. "I8it posible that Mr. Gidfrey is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy ?" "1 asnure you it is true that he is entiielv cured, and Wlth notblns hut Hop Bitter?, and only ten d;iys ao his doctoro g ive him up and mid he must die, from Kidney and Livei trouble! " EffNone genulne without a bunch of green I1iihihi iiic -luit lahi'l. shun all the vlle, polMoiious, Htuff with "Hop" or "Hops'Mu tlieir ouuie. The veiy perfume of flowers seems lo be an incensé uücending up to heavcn. Send to C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Ma'.., for a book cOBtwlDlng statements 3f niany retnarkable cures by Hood's SanaparlHa. Every land has its own cutom, yet no ivoinati ilnteWS litlmv herself from mere :apiice. Mv pbysictan said I could not live; my Iver out of order; frequently vomitfd ;reenish mucous; skin yellow, 8mall dry iiiiiiois on face, Btomnch would not retain 'ood. Bunlock Blood Bilteis cured me. Mr.". Adelaidc O'Brien, 372 Excliange st., Uutlalo, N. Y. If you have but moderate nbilities, inlustry will supply this deticiency. A lliisliiinil'.s (jreatt'St B'essing r a slrong, healtliful, vlsrorous wifu witli I olear, har.dsome complexión. These can ill be iicqtiired by itslug Dr. Harter'i on Tonic. [IÍIMÍ morc ""5 tharn'arythlupel'ehy uk 11 I Ik i" a. eiiry or the bent el iug hook ff 111 'tl'. RrgHMwr ncewd gtlndlr. N ne iI 111. Ttrm lree. iiiojjrer Boo Co., 1 ortUDd, Main. '


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