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'í' - frf&T "Ï I AKlHc POWDER Absolutely Pure. 1 hls pnwrlcr liever varíes, A marvel of pari ly, si rength and wliolexoinenesB. Moreeconornlcal i!mn lh' ordlnary kinds, nndcAnnol hn sciri ín competltlon wlth the multilude ot low test, shn t welglu, nlum or phosphate powders. Kold only 1 ti cuna Rdyai Bakino Howrnn t'... itm NVnlt CU., Ií. V. DlllIRIlUJi. HÜMlLIATIHEr ERUPTIONS. tching and Burning Tortures, 1 havp trifid for eloven years to have mr wire ¦urrd of a terrtb'e iklu ¦. The Cuticura (EllEDIES (CDTICUBA KhOI.VEST, the lu-n' ISI mil 'urifler, internally and i uticcra, the ireat Skin 'un-, und (Cutici'ha Soap. au exqulxlie Skin 3ent1fttir, exteroally) have done in mi weeks what have trii'd fur cl veu ye irs to h;ive doDe. Yon shall bmv6 'he particular." itsennn a I can t;ve them o yon, and at we are bo well known Ín thís purt of hecuiintrr, il "III hpni'flt you, aud the remedies will cure all who use them. Matsullk, Kr. CHAS. A. WHITE. BLOTCHES CURED. I used your Cin'irt'RA Kemediks for BloLches, and mn complptoly curt-d to my ineipreepible j)y. 'unct'nA Soap is tho best I have ever ued, and a Hi. prolaanlon it ia brrmlmArtv fur d ondn je kin. tiw'-1 - --n..-;-.iT u] " cork,1' greace. painr, and all the attirt" nced b them, icnvin the kin )ure 1 white und -ott. My greatei" pleamar i n recommendínp siuch an arti"cl'. YoUNGSTuWN.Ouin. H. MACK. Champion Comlque Roller Skater. SALT RHEUM. I Imvfi had the Salt Rlirum for about three year, and have t-pent time and monev to have it cured, without ncces8. umll I triid the Cuticoba Remedies, whichare doln the work. C. J. YOtJNQ. C'OOS CotNTT, OllEÜON. $200.00 FOR NOTHINC. HlYtaCpaid arontf20() to flretclass doctor to cure my baby, without eucces, 1 tried the Cüti ctka Rekedihb, whlch completely cured after usng tnree botUss. VVM. QORDON. SI Arlinjrton Ave.. Charlbstos, Mabs. Sold eveTywhere. Prlce : Cuticura. 50c; Suap, 5c ; Resulvent, I'uvtük Dolo and Chemical 'o., riostou. Send for 'Ho to cure Skln Dlnease" ñftffl'I'RA 8OiPfr Ron gli. Cbnpped UU and H. !dnfl Skin and handa. CATARRH. Completo Treatment wlth Inhaler, for evexy form of Catarrh, $1. ASK FOB SÁNDFORD'8 RADICAL CURE Hcad ColcU, Watery Dlacharxes írom the Nose and Kyes, Ringlnf? Nolse ia the Head, Nervou Headacheand Fcver instantly rclleved. ChoklnR mucus dislodged, membrane cleaned and healed, reath swcetened, emell, taste, aud learing reslored, and ravane checked. Cou?h, Brinr-hitii, Droppinga lnt0 ttie Throaf, Palns in the Cheet, Dynpep3la, Wastinir of Strenj;th and flcsh, Loas ot sleop, etc., curei. One bottie Radical Cure, ono box Citarrhal Sol vent and one Dr. Sandford's Inbalor, in one pack age, of all druists, fortl. Ask for SANDroHD Radical Ccbe, apure distillalion of Witcb-Hazel Am. Pine, Ca., Fir, Marlgjld, Clover Blossom, ote, etc. Potter Drni and Chemical ro., Boston. I luí Stw Ij'fe for Shattered f !_ 1 1x1 OiNerves, Puinful M ui:le nd -Ul"O1Tlv.,kr',,,.il Oreans. ColVOLTAIC 1 ns' Voltnlc Klectric N r"-ijjk 1'l.ut r lusuntly aflects i .' ' : if 33 ""' '!''rvou9 eyftem and J Ov' ÍL hanishea pain, nervoiiMiesp Sí iíÍKnnd debtllty. A perfect ' V „¦&, Klectro - lvaiilr ELECTRIC Hatiery comlilned O JCTFR5'"1 a lilRhly medl-y I W olnal Piaster ior 26 Ct. AH drufígiatc un u ng ilui i A HEALTHY AND EXCITINO EXERCISE Can be had during the winter months by playing TEN PUS, COCKED KAT, Or anv of the eame of bowling alley. On fÓUH'l'H SI'BEBT, opposlte Iho Court House, is JSIL JH9S9 BowIIiik Alley wlilch has recently been llnely decoruted and fltted up lu good style. PATRONIZED BY"TÑÍ BEST PEOPLE, Htndcnts here can get one of the best ad van lage of a gymnasium. Tho exerpls elves E"od clrculatlon, helps digestión and nnpetlte. VUME ANU TIIY1T l A. C. BLIS CO. ¦ f n n r 8end li cents for postage. and re 1 UU L ci'lvcfrec aouBtljrboxofgoodBWhlc U I Ml li III lir-lii i,U. nf elther rx. to mor f! I IIILLI mom.y rlulitaway than anythin els tn Uil world. Fortunes awalt th WörïörTboluily ure. Al onoe addiew Teu Wu. , AaguX. Mtlat


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