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Rhetorfo U Juít hdw InlerMtlngthe Dcxcr high sohool-ers. Mr. C. A. Blas, oí SfáncheBter,h&sgoue o Kansas City, Mu. Mrs. Dr. Howoll, of A I pena, foimerly }f Oexter, ha been very III. The Fellows' lamí, on Sharon liill has een bouglit by Krank Welt. Mr, s. o. Colé, of Sylvan Center luis ione to HiUadaíe to livu. The Chelaea band liare invested SO.1) in icw instrument.-, says the Iferald. JO. A. Nordman, latecouiitv (lra'ui comDlMloner, has 'Diití to New Orleans. Tlie pogtponed Presbyterlaa concert akes place at Milán Filday evening. A clas of 13 will be conliiincd at Dexer by llcv. G. RobeFtU8,Oi) Palm Sunday. Ij. I). Watkins of MniiclieKter left for í'loridív last Monday for un extended trip. Principal Willits assi.mes liis iipw iiuies at the ggrtcoltural college July lst, íext. For berter or for werse: Geo. V. Tayor, of Milán, atid Mi5 Klla E. Mlnzeyof Augusta. V. H. Wiiics of Chelsej has bren oliosen a trustee of the Ulllsdale, Hfch. Alu. Hen. Ass'n. Jíut a Dexter bachelor orbaohelet maried duilng 1881 - same of the boys aud gh Ís were. Próf McLuuili, of Ypsi. glveea inaglc ttntem exlnhition ar Saline scbool bal), ?w(lay fcvening, Fob. 6th. .1. Willard Babbilt of YpKilanti, lito tettfe $000,000 estáte for the lielrs ol ('lias. Crawförd ot'Caseville. Dexter peonle reiolce over tlie faot that there Ima been do diphtherla or Dther seTOua rtluésa there this winter. About $50 was realized for the Dexter adíes' library association, says the Leader, y the " oíd folks' dance" recently };iven. A short telcgraph circuit has been ereeted in the Dexter high school to ihow the class in physics how they make lightnlug do tbeir bidding. R. W. Comstock of Sharon, has finished a new house whicli the Enterprise asserts is ' the flnest residence between Aun Ai bor and Jackson." The first township meeting ever held in Sylvan, was In 1S34; Stephen J. Chase, of bis villaje, is said tobe tlie only man livng who iitteuded tlie meeting - Chelsea Herald. Fiank Mallorj-, of Ann Arbor, has a class of 25 scholars in vocal musió at Vlooreville, and puts theni throujfh theii sprqutsjanMondav aiul Fiidav niirhts. - The Enterprige Isautfrority for the statement that one of Albert Cases' hens nenced the new year ly coming off with i brood ofchickens. lietterthau running tor oölce, that. The county exchanges are just now aníounring the l'act that Benton postoffice, n Salintí township lias been diacoiitinued. .í we are correctly infornied it was diseoutinued over a }rear ajo. - Saline Observer. The Chelsea Ilerald man has gone into the weather prophecy business! Ilow hanre tlie mighty fallen ! ! A newspaper man h weather prophet ! Mereiful blizzards! These be queer times we have fallen upon. Tlie Dexter Leader thinks the M. C. lt. 1. authorilies are getting rathir too economical in cnttins: off passes from newsjaper nien where the circulation 8 less han 700. And the re are others of the rae thinking. Good sense from the Chelsea Herald: 'Thereason we have not ' tulkedback' wlie certaln ones attempted to abuse us a because we took Josh Billings' advice : Don'l jew back- it only proves that yu iré i?, big a pliool az the otlier phcllo." Dexter girlsgo upto Chelsea, and richt n the face and eyes of the Chelsea fair ones take the piize belng the handsomest and best dressed ! And the prizc a"pickle caster " at that ! itousc up ye maids of Chelsea! Wheie's your flnger nalls? At Salem station, Thursday eveninjr last, the lartre tank house owned bj' the 'F., A. A. & JT. M. R. R., was burnetl, though full of waterat the time, and the hotel located near by liad a narrow escape from destruction. It is tln.uLTht that a dlsappointed seeker after einploymentset flre to it. It was a Dexter youth who, upon beiiijr asked by his stern parent where he was the evening (Sunday) previous, replied iliat lie was Bgaged with the religión prees. Further inquiry developed the tact that he was buggiog a pretty Sunday school teacher. The old man forgave hini. Frank McFall, of Ann Arbor, and Miss Cora Adams, of ïpsilanti, were recently nutrrk'd, and have completed their wedding tour. Tliey were entertained by mnny of their frlends hereand at Fowlervillc. The happy couple were formerly resident! hare anil the best wishes of many wil! go with them to llirir fiiiuro homo ut Adrián. - South Lyon Excelsior. Milan is assiiming metropolltan aira. Our vil lage has a population ofabout 1,000 people, I good iiUmber of mercantile and manufacluring enterprises, a bank, two rallroads, two telegraph Unes, a telcphone Imio, tlnee churches, flve religious societief, a graded tcliool with tour departmenta, and two newspapers - in fact is i sniall city, and yet it is hot incorporatie!. - Leader. Mr. J. White, who died in this city last week, was probably theoldest paper maker in the state. He learned his trade while puper-maklng was yet done exclusively by hand, and served the regular term of apprenticeship. He was employad in the lirst paper-mlll in tliis state, then lerritory, built by Capt. James Jones & Bons, at Ann Arbor, afterward ruu by Page it Onnsby, who were succeeded by Orrusby, and linally by Lund & Cbapln, until dertroyed by lire. It occupied the site of tbfl present Agricultural Works. The county histories, are all in error In regard to the orlglnofthla mili. Mr. White entered the service of the Coruwell compauy almost at its first formation, perliaps ijnitu. :md bal l)c'ii willi tliein ever since. For the past few years he lias heen almost B pensioner ; his hralth and eye i-iglit preventing full work, his name was kepl on the pay roll; working was optional with himself. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, onder which iiis toneral took place, from the residence of Mr. Claik Cornwell, his chlldren of whom he had six. residiiii: in different parta of tlie Mate.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News