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Our Esteemed Cotemporaries

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The Stanton Herakl is usually a paper of most excellent judgment, but wheu it takes kindly to a plan of Meeding the tax-payers of the state to build an asylura for the inebriates of the citles, it provea itself clean gone daft. If the [egteUture would raise the tax to $500 for carrying on the saloon business, and have all such taxes go fmo a coinmon fund for tho purposn proposed, the proposition niiht be a good one: ffi fee there is a move beinj; made in Detroit to induce the legislatura to créate art Rgylum for tnebfiatM nul other persons who become a barden to tlieir famiItoi and the public. This is a sensible inovt'iiK'iit lo the rlgfat direction, and il will soon be adniitted by all sober men tliat is not onlj' a schemu of public ccouomy, but it is absolutelv needed to lili a long feit want. When grown up men witli families dependinu upon tin ir labol lor support, waste tlieir time day aftel d;iy liHiistitiff around drinking saloons toatttog tlu-ir ihlni by thu warm tires while waiting for omebody to eoBM i and troat nr itebe diie tor 'the drinks, It is time tlie law took bold and placed them in lome place wliere tlieir bodies coulil bc relleved trom alcoholi.-m, and their beadi giveu an opportuuity to become clear enougfa to comprehend the tnie nature o tlieir chionie shiftlesanesa. In short tliej slidiild tuj put where they could do some gooO, while Ihuy Ut Oured of loaiVrism


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News