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The editor of the Lansing Journal says o...

The editor of the Lansing Journal says o... image
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The editor of the Lansing Journal says of tlie two republican labor members of the legislature, Messrs. Eiigiui and McClelland, of Detroit: "Tliey sharnclessly betrayed me interest or cttetr uungtltuents.' etc, siinply because they refused to vote fora coppurhead democrat for speaker, and stooil by tlieir party. Wbat balderdash, wliut nonseiisc! They did just whal the labor men elected aa democruts did, and notliiiig more. Lymmi A. Brant, whom the democrats were forccd to nomínate for speaker, in the hope of making dupes of uvo republicana and securing control of the house, is asteel-plateddemocrat of the bitterest sort, and always lias been. If the labor men wanted to secure control of the legislature, why didn't they nominate Sigan or McClelland for speaker? The Journal doesn't care a rush for the labor party, but it is m;u] because its sharp'plün to beat the repubücans failed to carry - as usual. The curses of the Journal are long, loud and deep, but they dont't hurt much. Both Eagan and McClelland have proved themselves too shrewd to be canglit napping, too brave to be bulldozed by hot-house politician?, and too honorable to be bought up by fair promises of fat places if they would sell out tlieir party. All honor to such men. The Normal school is to eustain a doublé loss It seem?. The slate:nent U now made that Prof. McLouth wül also join the agricultural college fWoulry. Ministers and justices of the peace who fall to return mariiagcs solemnized by them are Hable to criminal prosecution. These should be the last parties to viólate the laws. The Utah correspondent of the Xew York Sun claims that the Mormons did contribute $200,000 to the dtmocratic campaign fnnd, and that the money was expended b}' the independetits. The sentiment is gathering strength every day that capital punishment should be restored iu Michigan, and the bill introduced in the legUIature inaking it optional with juries to condemn prisoners to death or to imprisonment for lile, for certain crimes, may be torced through by public opinión yet. AIerciful Grandmother! and even that hardly expresses It. The Detroit Every Saturday has oponed a col.umii In which It Rgrees to puliih everytlilng sent In by amateur authors, poets :nd literatii of every description. We have several amateur poems laid away to season that we wül forward if the paper desires. The election of Wni. M. Evarts frotn New York, and ex-Sec"y Teller from Colorado, to the United Stntes Senate secures a clear republican majorily for the coming four years. or durini Mr. Cleveland's term as president. Even if the demócrata secure the defeat of Gen. Logan in Illinois, it wül do them no good, for in that event thcy have but 35 senators to 41 for the republicana. From all sections of tho country comes reports that the republican campaign clubs aro resolving to maintain thcir organization and work from now to 1888 for republican victory. By tlils method and thls alone can victory be assnred. Every city and village in tlils stat oujrht to have a good, sound, repuülicfin club Cid not Ann Arbor iet an exampls for Wahtenaw county?


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News