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Ann Arbor Minute Men

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" Elphteen Hundred and Sixty-one, The Year th Cruel War Bigun." In 18U1, nearly a quartei tt : ccntury ago, exoitement rap high all over tlu northerii Itatea, and Anii Arbor, conservativii thoiigh sho was, did not escape War, war, v;ir, rang iu tin; e:irs of every one, aml the military spirit purvaded tlie community to KICh a degree tliat old and youngalike were Ounillarlzing tliemselves with military tactics, preparatory to be coming soldier in earnest if nccessary. The little boys In tlie tchools liad tlieir military companics, md inany of the lads grcw fa.t cnough to expeiienoe a laste o: real wiir bufore tho rtbellioii ended, and many of thcm sleep today ou sonthern battk'üulds in unmaiked graves. Washtenaw sent forth some gallatit soldiers to the Held, and Ann Arbor supplicd lier full quota of them. Atouetime tlit; " lirein-the-rear " scntinu;ut was siilllrifiilly bohl to make things look rather gloom; to the patrióte, a::d it was deemed advisable to orgauize eompanics of home guards, or minute nipn, as they were tormed in old revolutionary days. Helow we give a document that will be raad with interest, as brini;ing vivldly to mind the scènes of those fever8h times. It is the roster of a eouipany organized, and gives the ages and nativity of those enlisting. It will be noticed thai tlie first name is one whosc memory is dear to the peoplo of Ann Arbor tor the many excellent quulities of heatl and hcart hfl possessed. By far the írrefttiír niinibcr of this old yuaid - too old at that time Co be called into service - have pawod lo the land where wars are unknowu mul peace roijjucth supreiue. But mauy of them are wlth us yet, some of wbom ure bii;;ht, active business men, scurcely showing the ti:ices of üld Time. The document sijrned by each one of the gentteaMs below glven, Is preserved aoiong the recorils at the Pioneer society, and is blgbly prized not only tor tsvalue as in old document but for its autogruphs. It might be well to add that the company never held but one ov two meetings. Gen. Eihvard Clark wal chosen captain, and Isauc Klliott, tlrst lieutruant, but the remainder of the offioers vr are not :ible to atcertaln: We, tbe uudersigned cllizena of Anu Arbor anil viciniiy, in lïie Couuty of Waíhtriiaw, of the nge ol forty-flve years nuil upwards belng deslrous ol' fonning a Company of Home Guards or Mlnuu Mm. ín couipiiance witii a -uü liiteiy mad6 ty the Oovernor of this Btuie, hereby pitilge onrselvai aacn to the olher upon honor, Ihat as .soon as the requlslte nambei n qulred by llie late cali to romprlse the Compauy be obtalned and the Company oitianl.e! we wlll present OUrselvei u tlie proper oillrrrN tor Iramediate service. And wo hen-by furlhel' premlM anti agree tbai we wilt falthiully fierve m said Company as iood and ïaithuu Boldlers aooordlDg to Law and EtagnlaUona, 1 ted, Anu Arlior, April í, 18U1. II. P. Tappau, 5i, -N'uw York. William H. Mayniuil, 68. MMlftnhlIlflltj Bmanael G. Wlldt, 51, Qormany. I.i'inuel Koster tW, MuiUHctiUMt:s. Oreo Collier, 53, Vermoot. D. V. Bllss, 53, New York. E. M. CroRby, 47, New York. in. Clark, BO, Wlilimore Lake, Mlch. T. M. Ladd, 54, New Hampxlilre. lOilward Clark, 51, Connectlcut. Kobt. öhankiaud. 6i. New York. Benjamin F. Hale, I, Mauaohuaetts. Charlea F. Wllsou. 55. New York. Darius lou(ïlass, ál. New llampshlr Geo. MacComber, 57 New York. David Mat leson, st, New York. Louis H. Bucboz, 51, New York, Solomoii Manu, tií, New York. K. V. Morgan, 56. New York. James Kln?sley, 50 Connectlcut. j. DaviK, ff, New York. Thos. Alexander, 74, Knsland. L. it. Slawson, 4ti, New York. O. '1'. l'erry, 57, New York. J. K. ieer, H, New York. Wm. L. 1 .ooinis, 55, New York. Paul Mlnnls, (il, New York. Moses M. lioylun, 56, Pennsylvania. Kdward BrlKgs. C-i, New York. Lewls Hunl, 49. New York. J. 1. WIduiis. M, New Vork. Alvin Norton. 51, New York. E. t'. Weainan, 5:, New York. Stephen Websler, 1. ' "" "fifíMpJj R. li. ('has. . ur.'New York. J. J. Traver, 55, New York. Tlioiuas Irlh, 5ü, New York. Frasler Uarrls, ü'J, New York. Win. Leaon, 4(i. KnKland. Win. MeC'reery,47, Ireland. TlKimas Fltzslminons, 61, New York. Nelson Strong, 60, UaMaonuetta. Klcliard lioouer, (il, Kuuland. C'. HUss, 48, New York. Wm. M. Davls. 56. New York. Hogers, 51). New York. J. H. Morris, 47, Vermont. S. A. Sperry. 5. C'onneollcut. A.G. DeForaM. 17, Ann Arbor, Mlch. Wm. ö. Saunders, ftl, Massaeliuxctis. S. Ide, 48, Vermont. J. S. Weller, 5U, New Jersey. E. Lawrence, 5:i, Vermont. C. H. VanCleve, 53, New Jersey. REunen Newton, ti3, New York. K. M. llenriques, 80, West Indles. Heuben Hale, 74, Massaclnisetts. i I.ntlier D'Uoge,54, Massachusetts. Newton A. Prudden, 51, Connectlcut S. K. üoty, 5S, New York, Samuel Chapín, i, New York. Erasmus D. Nlchols, 52, Vermont. Jacob ttchnapp, 6t, New York. C. Clark. 50, New liampslilre. Samuel Unsson, 47, (iermuu. 0. Slmmon, 50, New York John N. tiolt, 4i, New York. Mordan S. Wrlght, 50, New York Sam. Pettlbone, 62, Vermont. Varnum Cook,50,New Hampshlre. Q. W. Goodhue, 49, New York. Munnls Kenny, 7, Vermont. Wm. H. Martin, 68, .New York James MoMalion, 4ï, Ireland. Leltoy Perk Ins. 4S, New York. O. Hawklns, 57, Vermont. A. H. Walker. 5 . Kboda Island I). E. WInes, 49, Connectlcut. Cha. Trlpp, 48, New Hampshlre. D. T. McCollum, 60, New Jersey E. Terhune. 45, New York. M. S. McOmber, 45, New York. Andrew Bell, 45 (slion), New York Thomas Wüklnson, 8i, New York ' C. Gil eaple, 60, New York. Hogers Malthews, 19, England A. Hawklus, 47 New York. Roswell Waterman, 48, New York Randolph Uavls, 62. New Jersey. Wllllam Leonard. 60, Pennsylvania Millón Peitlbone, 6., Massachuaetts. Bernard Harklns, Si, Ireland. lluheil Gregory, B4, Pennsjlvanla. M. Clancy, 56, Irelnnd. Gilbert .Shattuck, 61, Connectlcut. Peter Hawklnu, 71, Connecticut P. C. Murry 6fi, New York. 8. S. Beshey, 56, Vermont. Alanson Doty 61, New York. l'.i astu Hoot, 70. New York. Wm. B. Mead, 64, New York .1. C. Leiand. 65. New York. 8. J. Cnase 56, New York. Zenas Burd, 6T, New York. Qeo. üanforth,50, Massachusett Ezra Platt, 71, Massachuselts. L W. Bodwell, 66. Canada Kast. Solon Cook, 0 1, MauaoQnietU Hansom 8. Smltli. 50, Massachusetts HoraceCoy, 51, Vermont. 8. D. Noble, (iï. New York Kufim Knljjht, 62, Vermont. Horace Carpenter. 51, New York. John Powell, 6S, Vermont. Horace Lathrop, 65. New Hampshlre jOouglass Saxion, 55, New York Alex. Kerr, 51, New Hampshire. J. K. Amaen,S8, MiiKsac.husetts. James E. Koster, .'(( New York. Heñían Ticknor, (19. Connectlcut " Benjamin Woodraff, 77, New Jersey Orlu, Michigan. John Holf, 63, New York. 1 C. B. Cook,5i. Massaihusetts. David Mowtíison, 4x, New York P. White. 72, New York. Wm Moe, 57, New York. P. B. IngallM, 47, New York. H. Arnold, 55, New York. J G. Botsford, 56. Connectlcut. H. Cushman, 6ii, Vermont. J. D. Osborn. i. New York. Alonzo Healy. 48, Vermont. .JH.1. OUlUUfl, Uï, iUft' I OIK John S. Hatrum, BS, New York. Newton Sheldon, 51, New York. A. H. Murkliarn, 51, Connectlcut Oeo P, Williams, 68, Vermont. Jtweph Rogers, b, New York. C. Hranch, 57, New York. Isaac Lovejoy, 51, New Hampshlre Cbarles Spoor, 47, New York. Cornellus Henlon. 87, New Jersey Tliatcher Sweet, 64, New York. Wm. Mend, 60, New York. J. Peek, -fö, New York. Charlo Hretille, W, England. Daniel Hiscock.ñO. f'ennsylvanla. Jumes Jones, 57, New Yol k. Nathan Uurnham, 5t. Canada West Ebenezpr West, 71, Vermom Norman Chapín, 60, New York Peter W. Hlelutit. 51. New York'. R. Schuyler, S3, New Jersey. Jacob Hnapp, 81, New Jersey. Kber White, 62, New York. Patrlck Duros, 5-i. Ireland. D. H Vaudercook, 45, New York Asa Burnett, 46, New York. Nelson Healey 47, Vermont. Robt. T. Speechlev, 53, England Wm. Kerues, 48, Ireland. R. Carpentr, öl, Missouri. Angus McKey, 53, Scotland Loren Rloe, 48, New York. John West, 6i), Connectl out. Thls woukl have been a good sized corapany g there nre 167 nameg. Some of wliom it would have worned to have answered to the buglo cnll "in a minute," as the nam of tha company woultl lraply. It would liave been a dlstlngulshed organzation, but the proltcieucy with whlch some of the mcmbers would have handled a gnu uiight have been amusing; for in.slunce, the venerable nnd beloved l'iol (ico. V. Williams who would not hnve tiiken the life of the vilet worm that ( rept. Tlicn t'.incv Judgo Klngtloj ir .litilc Dunforth or Olnoy Hawkii:s In bftttle array ; or bow difflcult tt would have beim for Kzra C. Searaan, Emanuel Henriques, NV. s. Maynard, R. S. Smith, John West.ltichard Hooper, Chas. Tripp, II n uu Arnold, Dr. Bliss, and a niiuiber of other gentlemen on the roll to have appeared in military air! The sight would have been a strangc one! But it sbowed to the people their patriotism, and helped nerve the arms oftlie younger men who maiched forth to b.iitle for the unión and for üumanity. The nativity of these toldiers of a quirter of a century back, proves that Ann Arbor wad settled with eastern people principally, New York far in the lead with 77 eons; Vennont fullowing with 16, Massachusetts 15, Connectlcut 12, New Hampshire and New Jersey 8 each, England and Ireland G each, Germany 2, Scotland and the West Indie 1 each. Two were bom in tliiR county, one at Ann Arbor, and one In Whitmore Lake, and one other ín Michigan, while other states have representatives. The very few QerniatiK enrolled is a little ninvular, for the 2d ward, tlien as now, wan mostly coinposed of Germans, and thcy were not laeking in patriotism.