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Auother cold wave coming. Nine linurs and a half ot dayllghtnowThe 17-year locusta are ilne this apring. 'l'ne IC. O. T. Wa. hold au Lnatallation this evoning. I)on"t forjrel tli'ii laxes nut pald thi tuonth will be return cd as uneollectable. 1'rnt.eeuting Attorney Norria will be foui.d in Manchester Saturdaya and Moa days. P. J. Davison, of Pittafield, just loatb of the city, is eiecting a line new burii on hij faro. The T., A. A. & X. M. R. R. Co. has chosen Dr. V. J. Herilman, of tliis city its chief surgeon. Workracn are putting t lic Court liouse in good repair - pátehing ii all tlie little places neealng it. Sheriff Wiüab took ChrUtlaa Sinith, the iisant; uia'.i from Ypsilunti, over to Puntiac Moiulay. Abigal Jacbu5, of the 4th ward, died January 21st, 'Sö, ged HO yiais and two taonthg, of oki ;'r Any ono Imving papéis r notes for Sherilf W'alab, can drop the eawe. utu the letter box on bil offlee tioor in llie court house, sliould he not be theie. A good accimnt of Denver and its peculiar characteris'ics will be found upon the first pare, in the Miape oi au interview witli Mr. A S. Pettit. Kead il. Saturday gome of the residents iu tUe of N. lngalls st., 4th ward, were nearly frigbtened to deatli bv the appearance of asiiow plowon the Bldewalk The house of Ezra Marsh, in Sclo townhip, burned to the grouud on Tucsduy. of last week, with all its contenta. Loss about $'.0C0, partiully insured in the Walertowu. The poem on the rirst page bv one of Ann ArboHs grado&tes, Will T. Whedon, is a beautiful linie tlilbg. Kead it and you will appreoiate it. It bas the ring of the true poet. Mis. Moses Seabolt while endeavoring to adjust a clothes line In the yard at her home on X. Fifth st., Monday, feil and injured lier head tererely, bal s recoverIng slowly uow. John W. M.iynard haa purchased the store which he [ occupylng, on Anu st., together with the one adjolniog, for the suin of $5,000, f Mrs. Jeruslia Noble. Which is considered goud bargain. With all tlieii' fine regalia, handsoine plumes, and licaiing, one of the Jack.sou boot blacks took our boys for the salvaticn armj as tliey marched from the depot to the asylmn last Friday in that city. The proper authorities released the now somewhat notorions Myron Still last Fridajf on a pledge that he would inake himself scarce in this section. In view of the faet that he has ni;ide ome dire thrcats it might be well to keep an eye out for hini. Itig estimated thnt if the oyeters eaten in Aun Arbor dnring theyear 18S4, could be piled up in one heap, cans and all, it would make a bank 100 feet long, 90 feet wide and 150 feet high. About the size of the court house. Thinkof tunt ye vegetarians. The wagon roads In and about this city are in anythiug but passablc shape. Workuien have been engaged for the past two days soooping out snow banks and levelllng drifts so that teams may pass in safety. This year is ''ueyond compare" with anything we have üad for a long, long time. Complaint is frequently m:de of the petty thieving done In the hat and cloak rooms at the high school building, and only last week one of our cilb.ens teil U8 liis bny had a sea) skin cap stolen that he had but just purchased. Something ougbt to be done to stop it, even if a system of cliecks has to be invented, and some one placed in Charge coutinually. Tuesday eveuing John J. Kobison of this city, Henry D. Platt, of Pittsfield, E. M. Cole, of Superior, representing the Washtenaw Mutual Fire In?. Co.; and Geo. Aprill, of Scio, and Henry l'aul, of Plttsfield, repre8enting the Germán Fai mmer's Mutual Ins. Co. of Washtenaw Co., let t for I-ansing to attend the state association of mutual Insurance companies. They expect to return to-morrow. One of the deeds recorded hy Register Kearn's last week, was given in 1838. It run to Dr. Amos Giay, of Dester village, and the house upon it burned some montlig ago. Had the old doctor himself been living in the house at the time the deed would in all probability have been burned up, and no record of it to show the ownership. Dr. Gray, the grantee, died a few months ago, and bis heirs have just had the deed recorded. Tuesday of last week the aiithorities arrested one Fanny Garrison.for keeping a house of ill repute, and not being able to obtain bonds she was Bent to jail. Finally, upou di-positing $50 with Justice Urennau, she was liberated upon lier own personal recognizance. The day of hearing carne, but no defendant, she had flown, but in her place carne an afrfgrb meMt of the $50 to au Ann Arbor lawyer, who paid $i2 costs of suits and took away the remainiug $28. Dillicult problema seem to be the rage, and we have stnick one. A certaiu flrm of this city contracted with a Detroit house for gix car loada of coal, to be delivered free of charge, for Which they were to pay $190.00 (less freight). When the coal was delivered the freight cliarges amounting to Í234.00 were paid by the Ann Arbor firm, and a bilí for the differenco, $35, was sent to Detroit lor collection. ïtow the problem Is, at this rate, how long will it be before that Detroit house becomea a "blarsted monopoly?" The beauty of thl problem is that it was an ctual buiines transaction. - Neit Mondsy is Candlemaa day. Some of tha boys were tl red and sleepy Satnrday after their Jackson trip. Tho advent of the elcetric light in Ypdlanti bas brou;bt gas down to $2.00. Trains on the T. A. A. & N. M. K. R , Imve been greatly dclayrd this weck by tho snow drifts. (ico. Miller, a tramp, was sent to lonia yesterday by Justice Breiman, for the thett of a coat from Fred. Camp, of Northfleld. The Joseffy concert is to be given Friday evening, January 30th, and not the :ilst, as Btited by a '"'usual accurate, estceMiied, etc.'' A farm house occupied by Rachnel Coe. in York townshlp burned last night, witli contenta. Loss $1,200, iusured for $r00 in Wash. Mutual. R. E. Frazer denies having received $7,000 for liis services in the Croueh cases. He says that Is about the araount of the total expense of the tria). Mrs. Frederick Alber, of the 5th ward, diel Sunday evening, having been ill for three or four months. Leaves a family of five childrea the youugest belng 14 years of age. Only one day in two weeks with the tliermoraeter above zero. And that sinal service has another cold wave coming ! In the lnnsruape of the stage: " What are ye gtvfn' us? " A party of some twenty Ann Arborites purposed going to Ypsilanti Tuesday. to try the speed of one of the driving strects in that city, and the metal of Ypsilanti steeds, but the day was so cold and blustcring that the visit was given up. They will probably go Friday or Saturday. David Luick, who lives about one-half mile this side of Lima Center, is to lmmediately coinmence the erection of a iiow dwelling house npon his farm, the sanie to cost about $2,500. His brothers, Luick Bros., of this city, have the contnic-t. Tlic very best musical, theatrical or any other tiilent iu the world, oan be seen and hcard at Ann Arbor for the least money of auy place In the United Stats. Kiitortninments tluit brinjf $1.50, $2.00 and even $5.0(1 in larse oíties, are eiven liere for r)0e., 75c. and $1.00. hunnes n. vvoraen says, 1011 talk about new snow plows being brought out, as if it was something new. and here Ihave run one for the past flflcen years. The walks are always clean aroun'd my block." Tlmt's so, but unfortunately we lon't all live on nis block. Wish we did; wouldn't we keep that plow bitsy, thoufrh? Monday night Ilenry O'Neil, of Sharon, went out to his barn witli a lighted lanterii, and wliile there the lantern got tipped over and the Iight went out, nc he supposed. He went to the house to light nis lantern again, and upon coming J !. he found the barn on flre, and it was all coníiimed with contents. Loss estimated at about $1,500. Last Friday the family of Auditor General Win. C. Stevens was called to Green Oak, Livingston county, by the death of the mother of Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Robert Warden. Deoeased was a sister of the lateex-Gov. Kingsley S. Bingham, was 67 years of age, and died of consumptlon. Funeral services were held Saturday, the rematna being taken to Brlgliton for interment. According to the erop report from the secretary of state's oftlee we notice that 3,303 bushels of wheat were marketed by Washtenaw county farmers duringDecember, only nine milis and elevators out of twenly reportins:. The total cost of producing and marketing wheat per acre for Washtenaw county last year was f 17.60; the average yield $22.05; and cost of grain .727 per bushel. Qeo. Aloore, son of Edw. Moore of Scio, carne near being run over at the Liberty st. crossing of the T. A. A & N. M. It. R., yesterday afternoon. He was returning home at about 4 o'clock p. in., and did not notice the incominj; train anti] it was too late to pass. so he turned the horses to one side and jumped. The team feil by the aide of the engine, one of the horse8 being cut in the side a trifle, but not serious. It was a close sluwe, The following named persons have been appointed Notarles Public for Washtenaw county and their commissions recelved at the county clerk's office : Geo. W. Turnbull, Ward M. Swift, A. F. Freeman, Geo. II. Rhodes, Wm. W. Whedon, Peter .1. Lehman, John A. Palmer, Fred. J. Vogel, James L. Gilbert. A. D. Urane, Theodore E. Woods, B. J. Conrad, and Heman M. Woods. The above gentlemen will oblige the clerk by calling for commissions, with $1.75 in their pocket. The next lecture before the Students' Lecture Association wlll be given by George Alfred Townsend (Gath) in University Hall, Friday cvening, February 6. The subject for the evening will be ' Dublin," being a sketch of ruling Irish characters and Irish iufluence in America. Thu Bubtect is quite intimaíely connected with important questions of today, and is therefore very appropriate. Gath's faiue as an author and journalist is well known, and his depth of thought is well ahown by his able articles in the Ciucinimti Enquirer. $1.50 will buy a -cason ticket for the remaining four lectures. Reserved seats for "Gath" at the usual places Wednesday inorning, February 4. Sarah C. Wilkinson, wife of Dr. Thos. Wilkinson, of tbe 5th ward, passed away from earth's sorrows and troubles, last Friday, Jauuary 23d, having reached the ripe oíd age of 83 years and 6 months. The deceased had lived in lower town since 1855, and was a pergou well-known and greatly respected in the community. She was a person of excellent education, luid been a flrm member of the Baptist churcu since chlldhood, and at the Urne of tke dedicatiun of the new edilice on Hurón street, wrote a dedicatory hymn which was used on that occasion. She had also been an invalld for nearly ten years, Döt being al)le to walk about the house in that length of time. Several of her children, ome of whom have attained prominence In the walks of üfe, were present at the funeral Monday. An amusing little incident occurred on Main street yesterday. Twoyoung gentlemen were going In opposite dlrections - one wearing a '-mortar board" the othera "plug." Both were on the same side of the walk, and when a few feet from each other both commenced shying to one side to let tlie other pass; they continued their endeavor for several seeonds until flnally they both concluded to choosc one side of tbe walk and remain tirm in the decisión, but both unfortunately chose the same side, and they carne together with a u-g-lil that might be heard for a block at least. The "mortar board" feil to lts owner's right, the "plug" to its owner'a right also, and in stoopiug to piek up their chapeau's the owners tound them on opposite sides of the walk, and so each passed on. Their hats tatight them a lfM--ic.ii that they should have been familiar with: alwuys turn to the right. A Bohemia oat man carne to grief up in Xortlificld a few days since. He stopped at the residencc of Wm. P. Oroves, and sitting down by the cheerful stove commenced expatiatlng upon th great wealth there was In the Bohemia cereal. It was a glowiug picture he portrayed, and the old gentleman looked on with eyes constantly buiging and growing larger. Final ly when the timo carne to sigu the contract, he aróse and said: "I am subject to strange spells of temporary insauity, and I feel that one of them is coming on now ! Here, John, John.bring me my shot gun, quick." It was enough. No ccoiid iuvitation was necebsary for oat man. He lit out and meeting the ülred ïnu'i outside the house, advlseü him to have the old fellow taken care of at once, as lip was Hable to hurt some one. "Yas,1' replied the hlred man, "but I m used to him."