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University hall, Frklay evening, Jan. 80th. C. F. Adaun. assistant to Prof. Van at Orcliard Lake, fllüng the chalr of sciences. Prof. A. B. Prescott Las been appointed one of the aseay commissioners by President Arthur, tó meet at the Philadelphla mint Feb. llth. The Ann Arbor School of Music is on tlie boards tor a concert Fcbruary 20th, at which Barnaby'8 "Kebecca," and "Costa' Dream" willbe brought out. The Joseffy concert at university hall will be somethlng well worth attending. Never before has he appeared in Ann Arbor. The next lectnre before the Studente' Lectura Association will be delivered by Geo. Alfred Townsend (Gath) Friday evening, Feb. tith. Subject, "Dublin." Ormond F. Hunt, lit. class of '81, forraerly with Sawyer & Knowlton of thls city, is one of the stockholders of the new 'Citizens' Savings Bank," just organ izi-d at Detroit. The Hon. Tom Hendricks bas presented the stndents of Nortre Dame (South Bend) wlth a portrait of himself. Modest Thomas! He ought to send one to the boys of the U. of M. Dr. EL Sewell is to deliver a lecture brfore the Ann Arbor scientific association Saturday evening, in room 24, main building. Subject: " How we Move." Tobe illuslrated. Public cordially invited, no admission. Conimences at 8 o'clock. Scène medical corridor. Dramatis ucrsonir : two lady medies, lst lady. "Say, Sarah, did you everattempt to chloroform a cat? " 2d lady. " Yes, its perfectly awful how they do kick, isn't it?" lst lady. "Oh! terrible! VVhy, its as hard to hold a cat when administering clilorof'orin, as it is a man ! " A bilí has been intmduced Senator Ilawley, of Detroit, looking to the removal of the Homeopathie departinent from Ann Arbor to soine other city, and prartically establishlng another state institution. Whether the tax-payers who constitute our legislature will dectn lacfa action wise or not is extremely doubtful. The college boys still have the gymnasium idea in mind and they propose to make a push with the legislature for .in appropriation of $10,000 for a building. Mr. A. Cumie has interested himself in the matter, and throoffh him, E. E. Myers, the well-known Detroit architect bas cousented without charije to ilraw jdans for the structure. The above ainount with the present low prlce of bulldine ninteritil -wouiri errct a bltllUHOtBO éulfice which would ornament the campus, and the $3,000 DOW in the iund could be used to furnish and equip it in {ood style. Dr. L. L. Van Slyke, of the chemical laboratoi-y, bas just slgned a contract accepting, for a term of years, the position of cheumt to the goveinment of the Hawaiian Islands, and Professor of ChemistryinOahu college at Honolulú, atan animal salary of $2,000, together with house rent and travelinjr expenses. The offer of the position wa received lastsumrner, hut was not accepted upon the terms theu proposed. Dr. Van Slyke will continue to hold his present position in the university during the remainder of the year, and will enter upon his new wolk next 8eptember. The alumni of the Michigan University living in Washington, D. C, niet at Willard's hotel in that city last Satimlay evening, for the purpose of forming au association, singing old college songs, telling old college adventures, jokes, stories, etc. Many of the boys are in conjjress, and many more in the departments. At this meeting between thirty and lorty were present, and (Jen. Cutcheon was chosen chairman of the meeting. It was declded to hold an alumni dinner some time during February, the exact time to be tlxed by the committee. A committee on invitations was appointed, cousisting of Senator Palmer, Congressmen Outcheon and Maybury, ex-Congressmon McGowan and Keightley, Messrs. J. VV. Sergeant, Edwin Fleming, Miss Grace Roberts and Miss Anna M. Chandler.


Ann Arbor Courier
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