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SCROFULA. A remedy that can dcstroy the germs of scrofula; and wlien once settled lias the power to roet lt out, must be appreciated by thosa aOHcteii. The remarkable cures of young chlldren and the more wonderf irt cures of tln of middic Lo ana late in life, as illustrated by our printed testimoniáis, prove IIood'8 Sarsaparilla to be a reliable remedy. containlng remedial agents which do posltlvely cure scrofula and eradlcate it trom the blood. Wamíer, N. n., Jan. 21, 1879. Messrs. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: Gentlemen - For ten years previous to the early part of 1877 I had been a constant sufferer írom scrof ulous ulcera or sores, which had finall y reduced me to ahelpless condltion, as dcscribed in my letter to you In September of that year. The continued excellent health which enables me to keep house for my aged father and to enjoy life, kceps alivemy intense personal interest in Hoors Sarsaparilla, and 1 cannot rif ra in from expresslng my gratitude for the permanent cure this wonderf ui medicine effected in my case nearly two years ago, while Hvtng in Lowell, wnen all my physlcians eave me up as being in an incurable condltlon. One thlng berore I close. I have recommended your Sarsaparilla to hundreds, and Itlilnk more than a thousand cases, and my f aith In ltsinvincibility in curing scrofula has become absolute by the wonderful cures lt has effected aside from my mvn. I trust you will not be slow in making the merits of Hood's Sarsaparili.a known everywhere, forltisaduty you owe to mankind. WIth best wishes 1 remain very truly yours, 8AIIAIÍ C. W1IITTIER. HOOD'S STRSAPARILLA Is a skilfully-prepared compound, concentratcd extract, by a procesa pcculiarly our own, of the best remedies of the vegetable klngdom known to medical science as alteratives, blood-purifiers, diuretlcs.and tonics. Sold by all druggists. Prlce $1, or six tor 5. C. I. HOOD & CO-, Lowell, Mass. To Whom it Ma? Cobcgie. I have brought a large Stock of Clothingfrom the Northern part of the State, and will close it out at wholesale or retail, REGARDLESSofCOST Already some Merchants have madepurchases of me, and others will, because they well know that this Stock of goods is going tobe sold. These goods did not cost me a cent, and I can well afford to give my numerous friends a benefit. Store No. 16 S, Main street, Ann Arbor. Joe. T. Jacobs, Jan. 20, '85. ASSIGNEE.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News