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Postal Pointers

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fiooKi paniphlet and muslo cau be -, d( „i tliird-cliiM ratet. „.„„in The poglage on ¦ pair of boots would beat therateol oncentn ounce. Tea, wfToih Wr kludred artclea nan l rnailed at the ..t one cent au te claed ai merchandise.and can lie oiaTled only at the rute oJ one cent NonvaU!ible puckage sliould ever be mail.d unie- II resrtstered . U won 1 do to forget thto. . Vu oncUlmed postal owrd is not retunied to tlie writer, bilt it is seut to the dead-letter oftiee. . A bc.ol presciited for mailing wllh a letter attnehvd t it, would subject the ent üackafje lu letter rates. M,.it.T encloseil in a 8ealeil envelope, thouubthe cornera may be cut or tlie , mls'iotrluMl. .- subject to letter rutes. i Indino-, ungravlpga or litliograpiis bcli.nsi to the thirtl class, and can bc sent ut tate ui tw o oujicea for one cent cnil no easli inoney by mail. It is mueh sater and chemper In the long run to bu v :i mouey order or postal note. T.íl all tlie 'biiiles th:it wedding cake pao only mailed when packerl in a tin or wouden box. Confectlonery tlie &atne. Oüiild, poisoiiB, ezplostres, and taOammable article re not recelved for malUnjt, no matter uow careniuy wtap' ihotogrvUio anti autographlc ilbums ire ela.-seil as merchandise, and jiostage is cliarved at the iate oC one cent an ounce. LetterheutK hillheads and envelopes, blimk or printed, are charged ns merchaudlse, and postage must be paid at the rata of oue cent an ounce. A newspuper not foiwarded m the malUúnlesa postage is fully prepatd; so don'l think you eau beat Uncle 8am by attacliing a ouc cent stamp when two are ren ui red. ... ¦ i'ostftl erds ure hundled with as much euro and protnptness in the matter of dispatch and denver) ;is tbough they were letters, even thoagh the matter thereon Is printed. There are thousands of little articles nowsent by rxpress whicli pan be more ufe); quii'kly and carefully carned by muil.' it registèred. The fee is only ten cents in addition to the postume. Any person wlio eend money or jewolry in an unregistered letter, not only runs the risk of losinj; his property, but place3 needless temptatiou before the postmaster.. who mifiht not otiierwlse be tempted to commit a felony. A box with its llii nailed on is held as be'niL' closed agalnat Inspection, and is therefore subject to letter rates. Postmasters have iio right to pry open sucli a box and then nail it up agaln. I-ven if they had the liyht to do so, they have uot the time.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News