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üompüfid from Late Dispatches. CONGRESSIONAL. Second Hesilon. Skvikal bilis on the calendur were eonsldereU in the Sonate on the ÜOth, uftor whloh consideraron of the Inter-Stato Conimerco illl oecupied the remalndor of the sossion ii the House a Wil was reportMl to ]rolillit aliena from holding: laudi In tbe l'nii.'.l States. In Comnilttoo of the Wholo the indlan Approurlatlim hill was coosldemd. Whenthe ooratntttro rose eilo)fle were pronounoedtt) uioinoiy of tho lUe Johu H. :vans. of .South Carolina. In the innato on the ïlst the invasión of Oklahoma iands was consldored, a bilí to eatablinh a Court of Appoalswaa dlscussed, aud the romalnder of tho sesalon was occuplcd in debate on the Intor-9tate Commerce bilí. A message was reoeivod announclng tho death of Coutfressniau John H. Kvinti, of áouth Carolina, and approprlate resolutions of rpsixwt to hls meniory wr aiiopteil In tbe Hou.o conslderatlon of the lndlun Wil provoked a onr discusslon on the Okiaboina ijuestion. The Auxlcultural Appropruitlon blll was reportef Kuliiiflstlc aimresses uon tho private lo and public serviros of the late Senator Anthony, of Snode Istantt, wit deUvered by sevoral members. Tira status of tho Oklahoma lamia whs tho ohiof ubjoot. for debato in tho tenate on the 2M. Messrs. Dawos, Vest, Harrlson and Maxcy huid that tho law forbade tho Invasión of these lands by whlto men. Mr. I'Hmib cliilined that without the consent ol tbr Indiana the lmids oould be opened to wttlrment by thr ac-tlon of Confrrowt and thn President In the House, tht Indian AppropriHtiou blll wan lurtoor dlüoussel. Amenctiin-iin woro adoptcd to ostahlish an matan Industrial school at Santa Fe andto mirtiat wlth ttiire tribivi fnr tho openinir of the Okliihonia lands to wMte tetUen, ffei whloh the biü was pan.M-il. In the Senate on tho 2)rd, wheu 41 r. Vest'3 roolutlon for nosrotlatlon wlth thrro Indtan tribes for tho cosslon of tbe Oklahoina [ands camo up, Mr. Plumb offorod a substituto roquesting tho President to entor into neirotiatlons with tho ifl min Bot all lands above lfifl ai'ns to oaoh boad of a famlly, tho surplus to be used for actual ettlers only. After nomo debato, both ¦-esolutlons worereferred to theCommltt1 1" indian Afíalrs. A National fta was presentod to tho Sonato hy tho Wonion h Milk-t'ulture Associatlon of the l'nltod Mtatns ...In the House tho ilny was oocupiei! in 1i-.ousstntf Senate approuriatlon Wit. A lik na was DTOsantod to tho House hy thn Womon'8 SllkCulture Assoolation. In the ovonlns forty8lz pension Mlls wore ased. DOMESTIC. i! a struggle with oföcers on the 'JOth at Evansrille, Ind., two chioken thieves nameii Sanders and Nolly were shot, the tonner beinj; killed and the latter mortally wounded. The officers were arrested. Geokok Winans, aged flfteen, while coasting at Mansfleld, O., the other afternoon, was struck by an express train and instantly killed. The Bank of Wadena, owned by E. S. Caae, at Wadena, Minn., closed ita doors on the 21st. It was thought that not more than twenty per cent. on the dollar would be paid. It was estimated on the 21 st that 100,000 men, prevlously unomployed, had obtainod work in manafarturing etrprises sinco January 1. Thk Jamestown (Pa.) Savings Bank failed recently, and on the ïlst a defalcation of $40,000 was discovered. One of the oflicers had been missing for seveial days. Thb West Shore and the Penusylvania Roads were on the ïlst selling emisrant tickets from New York to Chicago for one dollar. Thb Committee on Public Lands reported on the 'Jlst to the House of Representatives at Washington that Kuropean noblemen had aequired twenty -one million acres In the United Status, aud that foreign capital would before many years possess itself of onu hundred million acres more by the foreclosure of American railroad bonds. Patbick Lenninoham, a laborer, living in the suburbs of Philadelphia, reportedon the lst that the savings of his life-time &i,700, had been stolen from a sachel in his room. Ten persons were iujured on the 21st b a rallway accident near Sedalia, on thi Missouri Pacific Road. The west-boum passenger-train struck a broken rail and a chair-car was precipitated down a high einbankment. Afteb an appeal by Director Genera Burke, members of the New Orleans Cot ton Exchange on the 21st subscribel $60, 000 to meet eurrent expenses of the World's Exhibition. Thkrk was great excitement in St Louis on the 21st conceming the outbreak of allegeil Asiatic cholera. Two men- a Russian-Jew pediller and a negro- hac died in tbat city of the disease within a few days. In au affray with knives the otuer da in a Louisville coal otllce a white man wa fatally stabbed, anl two negroes wer se riously wounded. Fire in a tenement houae at Baltimor on the ni;jht of the 21st created a panic. A w-mina juinpbj iroiii u wiuuuw buu was fatally hurt, aud two children would die of exuusure. The remaining oceupants had narrow escapes. Postmaster-General, Hattqn on the 'JIM sent tu the Chairman of the House Conmiittee on Post-otflces and Post-roads the draft of a bilí pruviding for a reduction of postage on second-class matter, or newspapeid, iuailed by publishers, from two cents to one cent per pound. Hou (hulera has within a short time swept off one thousand head in a townBhip near Lincoln, Neb. A band of thirteen thieves who recently stole $l(i,000 worth of goods from the Chicago & Alton freight yards at Lexington, Mo., and had committed numerous other robberies, was arrested on the 21st at Lexington. Manifacturers at Wheeling, W. Va., on the 22d advanced the price of nails tw niy cents per keg. A portable ensfine exploled on the 22d on a farm near Groton, N. Y., killing two men and fatally wounding two others. An ollicer of the Prussian war named Louis Ladeuberger hanged himself the other duy at Scranton, Pa., after havïnt; been out of employment for three numtbs. Tuk creditors of Uliver Brothers, of Pittsburh, Pa., decided on the 2'2d to raiit a flve-year extensión, taking separate noten for the payment of interest svini-uiinmilly. I'Knekai. Hatch had on the 22d surrounU;I Cdnch'fl Oklahoma boomers at Still water, and intended to starve them out. Thog willing to leave Couch's camp were periuitted to go, and numbers were taking advantage of the order. The Piutes were on the 22d said to be starving on their reservation in Nevada, haring failed to receive the Congressional appropriation of $7,010 obtainedfor them by Senator Dawes. A washerwoman at Dayton, O., who wnf sriven some clothina: K"'onsjlng to a dead woman of her acquaintance, found $800 in curreney sewed in an undergarment, and promptly returned the money to the heirs. The internal reveuue collection In the United States for the llrst six months of th fiscal year amounted to $56,&18,&S8, a decrease of $4,270,780 as compared with ths corregponding period last year. The American Tinned-pUte Association held its annual meeting on the 22d at Pittsburgh, Pa., when W. J. Lwis waa elected President for the coming year. A TROOP of the Fourth United States Cavalry had a fight with Mexican banditi few dayi ago and four of the latter wer killed nd twelve wer taken to Fort Tuma. The thermometer on Hount Washington, N. H., went down flfty degrees below zero on the morning of the 22d, one degree below the record. A hurricane was blowing at tbe time at the rate of one hundred miles an huur. Advices of the 23d to BradttntVs Journal stated that general trade throughout the country was still in an unsatisfactory condltion. The steamer St. John, of the Albany line, vu burned at her dock tn New York on the 28d. The boat was valoed at $400,000, and was noted for her speed. Asthont Walker (colored) was hanged at Marshall, Tex., on the 23d for the murder of Wmiain Henry, a wealthy white xboiter. In Morembar. 1&83. Wn.LtAM R. Iixe, report ol th OUago 7Yne, was found gullty on the 23d oí assaulting with intent to kill Henry Gregg at the Chicago Driving Park last Septemr, his (punishment beiug flxfld at two years in the penitontiary. Advices of th 2;id state that snow¦tornis and freezing rains had prevailed 'or a week in Northern Texas, and cattl and hoep were roportwl to be dying rapdly. Thk Liberty Bell was taken from Independence Hall in Philadelphia on the 23d ind shipped by spocial oar to the New Oreans Exposition. A vebdiot of $900 was given recently against Dr. M. S. Rober, of ShoemakersTille, Fa., in favor of Petor Herring, agod eighty-four, whoso brokeu legs the physician had improperly treated. A sleet-storm on tb 'S.hl in the Shreveport (La.) seetion covered the country with ice. Streains were unusually high, and the bridges had been carried away. James Comode, an aged miser of Delphos, Ohio, was found frozen to death in aia hut on the SSd, and aarch for hU treasure was belng made. As immense ice-gorge in the Susquehanna River on the SM caused the floodlng of the lower section of Port Deposit, Md., the rapid riso of the tide oausing great excitement. Cttizens removed their effects hastily, and there were some narrow escapes. Amono the three thousand books stolen irom the Chicago Public Library the pólice on the L'üd found a box containing atrevolver, dynamite cartridges and giant powder. The thief, who gave the namu of J. C. Talbert, proved to be OttojFunk, who admitted that he had been experimeutirig with oxplosives. In the United States and Canada there were 4111 txuineu failures during the sevon day euded on the 28d, agaiust WJ the previous seven days. Th distributioTi wan aa follows: Middlu Statvs, liT: NBrrEngland States, 43; Western, 14:; Southern, 9,"; Pacific (States and Territorios, 3.S; Canailn, 80, PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Thk Presideut on the -i'tH si-nt to the San&tethu aauna of CairoD I). Wright, of Boatom, Hum., tot United Btatea Commlssioiit-rof Labor ÍStatistics. The followiug were electeil (Tnited Stuti'S Senators on the 2()th : New Y.rk, William M. Erarts (Rep.) ; C'onnecticut, O. H. Platt (Rep.), re-leted Rhode Ialaml, Jonathan Ckase (K''p.i; Pannayivaaia John D. Cameron (Rp.), re-electeil; Indiana, Danit'l W. Voorhi'cs (Dem.), re-elected; North Carolina, Z. B. Vanee (Dem.), reeiected; Florida, Wilkinsou Cali (Dem.), n-etedtod. Jiu Beerstar] of Wnr declined on the tötn tb order a eourt-martial for the trial of Chief Blgoal Ofllcar Hazen on the charges prefeired br Lleutenant (ariiui;ton, and also decidad to tóke uo further action in reunr'! to tU. Creelv relief expedition. Sistkr Thehksv, who ilied on the 21st in the eouvent ut Wilk.'sbarre, Pa., was a niece of James O. Blaiue. nüued Nellie Wnlkor. Amom the cQnflrniattons by the United Ktatos Benate on the Jlst were Johu Davl, tobe Jndga of the United States Oourt of Claims, and WUliam A. Richardsou, to be Chief Justifo of the same court. QlOBOZ C Vkst, of Missouri, was raelecte.l United Btatei Senator by the Legislattire on Ihe 'Jlst. Sf:RKïAKY Henry M. Teli-kk wasolected tTnited States Senator from Colorado ou the 21st. Thk will of the lata Schuyler Colfax, ui Soutli liemi, Ind., was admitted to probate on the 2lst. The estáte, valued at .".",n (m. lefl to Mts. Colfax and her non. The Legislatúre of Ohio ba resolved to placo tu the oíd capítol át Washington u statue of iX-Govrnor Willium Allen. The Uliuois House of Representativas heM a eontinuous seSgtoïi of twelve hours on the .'lst.. (m nn appeal to the Speaker to pèrmit a. vota on permanent organization, Mi'. Huinps expressed his surprise that Iib was 11 il ileemed competent to act as Speftker, and would, therefore, resign. Kr. Croukrffc wuu iiuuit temporary Speaker, and the House adjourned to the 2'Jti, when il w ui üopeil a permanent organization would In - 1 1 UovtiiMiii Iukland. of Texas, and Governor BcaJes, of North Carolina, were inangnrated on the '_'lst. The fii-st Repu lican Mayor in twentyflveyears was elected on the 22d at Wheeling, W. Va., by 7W inajority. His name is Jacob W. (trulitif. Miss M.vtii.da Chase, sixty-three years oíd, a lineal deaoendant of a sigucr of the Declararon of Iudependence, was burned to death on the 22d at her homo in Aunapolia, ild. A Statk Tempéranos Convention wu held on tbe 22d at Des Moiues, Ia., State Senator Clark being chocan President. Resolutiims ere mlopted demaudins a botter enioiveiiK-nt of the Prohibitory luw; declariu the manu facture and sale of liqaor is a c inif and should be suppressed; that the verdict of the peoplo of Ipwa has been given t'our tinn-s tur prulertion; that Lhc triii]"-i'uiii pairpia of Iowa will stuud by the present l'rohiliitiou law of the Sttite, and will claim at the hands of the next Legislatura siioh an amendment as will cure aay ineölcieocy and rnake it more easilv ioforced. The special Grand Jnry engaeed in lnvestigating election frauds at Chicago fouml true billa on the 22d against 230 Judges of Election and the late Canvassing Board for negligence in making returns. The recount of the ballots showed that the pólice appropriation, instead of having a majority of 15,000, wu def eated by a majority of 1,030 votes. The wife of Justice Stanley Matthewi died in Washington on the 22d. Her remains would be taken to G-lendale, ü. The House Post-office Committee at Washington agreed on the2.'kl to recommend that the proposition to reduce the postage on newspapers be incorporatsd in the Post-office Appropriation bill. Mrs. M. J. Pottinoer was appointed Notary Public at Louisville on the 23d by Judge Stiles in the Coinmon Pleas Court. She is the flrst lady-examiner eyer appointed iu Kentucky. C. Godfret Gonther, the war Mayor of New York City, and for nearly half a century a leadlng Democrat, died on the 23d. The Senate of Nebraskahas passed a bill to forbid the nalo of tobaooo to miuoro. FOREIGN. Thomas Barboür, the famous lrisU thread manufacturer, died at Lisburn, Ireland, on the 20th, leaving an estáte valued as high as $10,000,000. Advices of the 21st state that at a polnt abont twenty miles from Meteinneh, in the Soudan, General Btewart had a desperate battle with the f orces of El Mehdi, wha were driven from their ranks, leaving eight hundred corpses. The English loit nine commissioued offleers and sixty-five men, and an equal uumber were wounded. Among the killed was Lieutenant-Colonel Barnaby. General Stewart's horse was shot dead. It was reported on the 21st tbat twentyfour laborers on the Northern Rail way, between Callendar and Gravenhurst, Can., had been frozen to death. Earthquaee shocks were agaln feit on the 22d at Malaga, Lola, Velez-Malga and Almunecar, in Spain. Some damage was done at the latter place. Famine prevailed on the 22d tn the Governments of Archangel and Vologda, Rusia. PüBTHBB advices of the 22d state that dozens of villages in Italy were destroyed by the recent avalanche, and overtwo hundred persons lost their lives. Scores of dead bodies had been recovered. The customs authoritiesof Montral discovered recently that by means of counterfeiting invoices made by brokors the Government had been defrauded to the amount of $45,(XX), which would be levled upon the importers. At Lime Lake, Out., ona Barton while dnmk on the tZd killed hia daughter with a chair, whereupon his wlfe left the house in terror, and died from exposure and excitement. The alleged text of an agrecment betwaati Eaglajid aqd Turjcej', annonnced on rn T-'d, pronds tor tlis 4páíttiou if " KTiedlve of Egypt, the Sultan to appoint bis sucoessor from another famlly. DURrÑo the recent preat Htiorin in Canada tour men were frozento dnata oiar St. Ami's, and tvro others mot ifmllar ft at Acton Vale. An avalauche on the2&l at, Molvulln, in the Department of the Hautes-AJpes, Krance, crushed a church atid biirlod the congregatton in snow. Twenty men workIng in a inarble quarry near by were alna buried. A volunteer force was digging the victima out. Atrkaty has been COndUded between Tlussia and Prussia, providing for the extradition of assassins or abductor of royal personage, and of persons Ruilty of the illegal manufacture of explosivo. Advices of the 23d state that tuany travelers aud sentinels In Kpain wert froiaa to dath in the rocent cold woather. LATER NEWS. Dynamiters cauned tlireo explosión in London on the afternoon of the 'J4th. üna was in the strangers' gallery of the House of Commons, the second ia a crypt at Westminter Hall, and the other at the Toirar. latost report were to the effect that persons were injurod; that the rnrliament buildings were badly wrecksd, and thut tho White Tower was greatly damagad. The exeltsment lu th city passed deseription. The entire ixilice force was on iluty, and all the troop about the metropoli W9TB uii.I.t arms. Ak-thk a wreek on the Canadian Facifle Kuad, near Hinith'i Fall's, ünt., the other niorning, three cars tooi: flro, and two men were burced to death. Three other per¦Qni mn Injured, ga fataily. W. H. GuMKitSKLr. & Co., a St. ÍíOuU dry-goodl firm, failod on the'24th for $300,000; 8. 1). McKeynold, a private banker of BattonrUla, Ark., failod for li-.,ii", aud Ci K. AiMlrews, of Milwaukee, bakingpowder manufacturer, failed for $180,000. On a shoep ranche noar San Angela, Tes., two Mexicana eutered a tent a few dayi ao whoe fonr men were sloepinsf and futally stablu'd the i-ntir.. party. i'HK Jl.'iitroiil xptM on lln ('anadian Pacinc Kailway ran off the truck ou the ¦J4th near Smith's Falla, Ont. Four cars were burued, two men were killed and ¦evural others were serioualy Injared. At Newport, Ky., on the S5th Mrs. Oarri I.. VViuslow w'hile insane kille! her two children and then committ"l suicide by cu( ting her own throat. OoLOJt&L Hatch was on tho .'4th notiüed by the Oldahoma boomers that the settler lutooded to flght. The strength of the boomers had been increasi-d by four lundred men. The United States troop were tryin' to ent ofT all supplies aud reinforcements. Di'iiiM) a quarrel at a dance In Pickens County, lndian Territory, a few nights ago four uien were killed aud two others were fatally injured. The excess of assetn ovi r Mabilltlea in the United Htates Treasury on the 24th was $143,000,000, or $.",000,000 more than the cus tomary roserve. AOMIRAL CoURET disembnrked Frene! truops and made an attempt to seize the mines of KelniiK on th 24th, bat was repulsed with the loas of seventy-live men. In the United States Senate on the 24th Kr. Ednumd intiodueed a Inll mukiug 1 felony to manufacture or deal in nitro o chloriil' rompoondl to be used t injur persous ordeatroy property, either at hom er abroad. A f ter news was ruceived of th explosiona in London resolutions were adopted expTMalng Indlgnatlon and hor ror at the dynamite oiitrages. In thf Houso the Asricultural Api'opriation bl wa passed. Au efïort tpoall up the Mexieau Pension bill was defeat


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