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Thousand Hastonod to thetr Oriuc. By relying on testimoniáis wrlttan In ivid glowiiifi language ot' soine min uous cures made by soine liirgely poffad OP octor or patent medicino bas hastened housands to their graves; tlie Madera iaviii}ï almost liiMtm! failh UihI the WllW nirade will be perfortned on thim, that bese tPdtinionlaU memion, while (Al .alled BMÜIctH is all tlie time hwtenlng hem to their graves. Aitlioiigh we liave riniiiinils upon Tliousands I ! ! of testimoniáis of (lie most. woiiderfoj ¦ure voluntarily ient us, we do not pbish tbem, as tliey do not make t liv cines. tiaour medicine, Hop gitten, that naake lie curea. lt hns never failed aml nerer can. We will five referenee to any on or any dwease similar to their own it'Ugired, or will reler to uny neinhhor, a there is not a nelflhbofliood in tlie known worltl but can aliow lts cures by Hop Jittera. A LoxliiK Joke. A prominent ihjicln of PittsborKh sald to a cly patletit who w complalntü ol her cunllnneii II heallh.aud o! hi lnabtlity t cure her, jokliit-ly ¦ald 'Try Hop Bitier 1 " Th l'ly took il In earnet aud uacd ihe biltern, from wbich nhe oitainoü petinaiieut health. Sho now laaahed at the doctor orhiíjoke. bu' he i o wi-11 p,eed witli lt, t lt cont him a Lood putlent. Fees of Doctors. The fees of Doctors at $3.00 a visit woulü tax i man tor a year, aml In need of a daily viait, over $l,(K)0 a year for medical aftendanea alone ! And oue single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time would gave the $1,000 aml all the year's sickness. Olven u] by the Doctors. "lalt possible that Mr. Grodfrey l up and at work, aud cttred by so limpie B remedy 't " "I assure you it ia trae tliat he is entirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters, and only ten days ao bis doctors gave him up and said be must die, trom Kidney and Livei trouble! " SrNone genulne wltlioota bunch of greo Hops on the white label, hun all tlie vlle, polonou8, stuff with "Hop" or "HopH"in tbelr nnua. It is said tbat BUnnrck bas an eye on Egypt. The other is engaged in Wütching the horns of the Relcliitag. - Lowell Courier. "Mothcr Swan's Worm Syrup." Infallible, tasteless, harraless. cathartie, for feverisbness, restlessness, worms, constlpation. Me. Olve a tramp the ook) sboulderone duv. and he will come the next for frtavy atnl potatoes to go with it.- Xew Orlearis PIciiyune. A Pure and Reliabi.e Medicikk.- A componud fluid extract of roots, leaves, barks and berries ia Burdock Biood Bitters They cure all diseawes of the blood liver, and kidneys. Some one has written a work on " How to (}row Old." lt strikes us that the best way to grow old is not to die young. - Philadelpbia Cali. A free-thinker is a man who ays, " I will fitnl out what is truth, and defend it." Trr It Yourself. The proof of the pudding is hot In chewng the stiiiiiii but 'n having an OpportUnity to try the article yourself. Eberbach & Son, the Druggists, have a fiee trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko"s Cough and Lunr Syrup lor each and every one who is ;itflicted with Coughs. Ci)lds, Asthma, Consumption or any LunL nfl'cction. Dr. Holmes says a literary min ought alwayg to have miotber business to fall bsck on - and confine liimselí to ir. Dou't Die iu the House. " Roughon Rats," ('lears out rals. mie, roaches, bed-bugs, flics, ants, motet, ehipmunks, gopuers. 15i:. He.-" I líate a soft liat." She.- " Do you? You remember the old adage; 'llke hates like.' " - Boston Transcript. A Decelyed Woniau is the lady who uses cosmetica face lotion?, white lead, bisinuth, powders, urseulc, etc., in the belief of enriching and beautifying the complexión. It is hut temporary and ultimately destroysthe skin bevond the power of nature to restore. Stop it ! Stop now and use only Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic which Impartí the vigor aiul loveliness of youth. "lioiijjh on Kafs." Oleara out rats, in ice, roacaes, Mies, ants, bed-bugs. skunks, chipmunks, gophers, 15c. DrugKists. "An Ohio girl eloped wjth a Cliiiiaraan old enough t be her father." The rage for " old China" doesn't appear toábate. - Norristown Heruld. Thls Idea of floingr West to Colorado or New Mexico, for pure air to relieve Consumption, is all a mistake. Any reasonnble man would use Dr. Bo8!inko'8 Cough and Ijunr tSjmpfr Coa snmptlon In all its lirrt stages. It never fails to give relief In all cases of Uoughe, Colds, Bronchitis, Pain in the Chest and all affections thut are consiilered primary to Consumption. Price, 50 cents and $1.00. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Master.- "Well, Susan, did you mail that letter s I told you r" FaithtUl ser vaut. - "Ye?, sir; hut I bad it weiglied lirst, and t was douhle weight 80 I put on another stamp. Master.- "Good gdrlj only I hope you didn't put It on so as to oblitérate the address." Faitliful gervant.- "Oh, uo Indeed, sir; I put it on top of the other stamp so as to save room."- Paris paper. "Bncliupaiba." Quick, complete, runs all aiinoyinjj Kidney, Bladder and Uriuary DlaPaees. $1. Drujfgi8t. Dou't fret if you cannot go into socirty. The oygter is ofte a present at supper wben he would pcrlinps jirefcr to be home in his bc-I. - Uuatou ('oillier. Charles A. Roberts, of E;ist Wilson, N. Y., had thirteen sorofnlous ulcers on hls face and neck. Hood's Sarsnparilla cured them. Two skulls of Cardinal Richelieu have come to light, and n Piench editor gravely observes that tliere seems to be a doubt as to the genuiueness of one of theru. - Exchange. Skinnr Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, IuiDOtence, Sexual Debility. $1. The Norristown Herald suggests that tho guillotine be called into requisition to suppress the tramp. Wel!, thut would be a capital way to get a head of hiin, tluu's a fact. - Puck. Catarru is a very prevalent and exceedmgly disagreeable disease, Hable, if neglected, to develop into serious consumption. Being a constitutionel disease, it requires a constitutional remedy llke IloodV Sarsaparilla, which, acting trough the blood, reaches every part of the sygtein, effecting a radical and permanent cure of catarrh in even its most seveie forms. Made only by 0. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. A nmsician whose door píate read "G. Sharp," was much disjjusted to find one morning that some envioun rival had 8crawled under itthc unquestionable tnitli -"is A flat "-Exchange. Mr. Stephen A. Aplin, Washington, D. Csaya: "A niember of my fainilyliavIng been troobltd forwveral years with Kidney disease was lnduced to use your HüNT'g [Kidney nnd Liver] Remedy, and has been completely cured." sTbsürïbe [oTíTcoübier:


Ann Arbor Courier
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