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II sol DIRECTOHT. ann A-EBobComm imii..;i, No 12raeetí Bral TneSday of eaoh month, W. Q. Doty. E. 0.; V. A. Tolobard, Recordar. Wiiiirnvuv CHAPTKR, No. 5, H v . M - Menta Brul Mooday encb month. T. 1'. Wil¦on, il l'.; Z. Etoath, SeorMary. (m in K-ii LoDOB N '. 168, I'. :i li '1 A. M. - Ihursdny of earh mootb. Johu A. Gates, W. M.: N. I' Gales, Beeretary. l'i: ; . v Lodgr. No. '64, F. and A.M. Wcdnesday ol each month. W. I). Hi. - rlmai, W. M.; O. J. Renl, Seoretary. BUSINESS CARDS. iv. hTj a kso, id;eï: isr :T7iiiiiemi1ii. OFF1C1-: : Over Bachs Abel's Dry Goods Store. Knthaxce bt Fimt Natioku. Bank. GEBJIÁS CLASSES by Krall Baur, formerly teacher of Oerraaa iñ ilie a n ii Arbor Hlgli school. Beginning mul :ulv;tnv(i conversatlonal classes wlU lx arrange1 abovc sheehan CJo's book Btore on nijiIc strct-i SlgmoD siccns "m-mIí n and Pluuderelen " wlll ba used forconversatlon. for gram mar olassea any gramraar Ihestuiltni deslres. m itotlen If nol u nctlci il. bctnember the ereal udvantagÈ of Knowlng Herman In buslnesa as well ai llterary pureulta. Beglnn ng the IL'l h 'il .J inuarv. Eleferences: lr. Benry F. Prlere.Dr. AU'xander Wlnchell Dr. E.L alter, l'roi EllRba Jonen, supt. W. S Pi Ftir i'ns torins enqulre of Messrs. Bheehan & ('o., nssius $ ('o., or addi PROF EMU. BAUE, city. WILLIAIH HSRZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paneri n.GiailuR, Olldlng, md Calclmlnln, ud Würk '" l and wnrmiii.d io ' i'on. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. 1. 8CBAEKERLE, RMdHci RTHomra Main St., Tkai heu op Piano,7iolin and Thsory oí Music. TOiTsarxTCTioisrs liinn on PI.hii of ibt 8oyl OonMTfUOi of Uvatf. at Leipsic, Saxony. "Tv. v. & v ;. Mtiioi.s, New Dental Rooms, over loe T. Jacob's Store. GAS or VITILIZED AIR AdminiüUrad for the paloles extraction of teth. JOSEPH ISEUKY, The Practical TAILOR P (JUTTER, Ol the late flrm of WINAN8 & BEKKY. has located his placo of bneineu at NO. 7 HÜRON STREET, WITIT A VI '1 I. LINE OF Suitings and Trouserings, And would say to hl oM Irleoda and ne tlnu i: they wam GOüD PIT i d NOBBY FIT ai RBA8UNAHJ i all on htm and Ihey will be fiire to Kt'1 lll(RIN8KY & SEABOLT'S iiïOIIlii AND Flour and Feed Store. k.'C c"htam!y on h:ind, BREAD, CBACKEB8, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Ketall Trnde. We shall also keep a snpply of SVVIFT & DBÜBEL'8 BB8T White Wheat Flour! llhi IMour, Kje Flour, ISiu'kw lioal Flour, Corn iloal. l''cl. Etc., At Wholesale aad Ketall. A general stock of GROCERIES au! PROVISIÜNS Oonetantly on hand, which wl!l h f on a rettMumhif ternis a at any other houie In the city. Cash paid for BUTTKR, K(!;s, and COUNTRY . PKODOCB generalij. ;oot dellvered to any p.irt of the cuy without extra charge. 1UXSEY & SEABOLT. DO YOU K1T0W THAT LORILLARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO With ItedTm Tg Is Un' t)o-.i? [a the puresl is nevar udolterated witta glucose, baryte, umlasfie, or ti u y fleletarloui IngredienU, :is the caíe wlth many lobaocos. LOKILI.VIMIS BOU lili rUTB nr tobaovo u abo inndf of the Bnesl itook, and IbT aromatlc ohewlng qualliy la leoond lo uon. LUKILLAKU'N XAVY OMPPISO. take flrmt rnnk M ¦ iotid dnrabl imoklng tobáceo wlii-rever Introdnoed. I.OBIU,AK'S FAMOUS SXIFFS. have been net for over lil y.-.irs, iiimI re soid lo u laiger extent than any otban. LXJMBBR1 LT7MBBR! L7HBEE! it yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON llllEI l'lll! Corner Fourth and Depot Sis., aad gt oor Ogaret tor all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture oúr own Lumber and gaaraotoc AERY LOW PRICES 4VGivc US a cali and re Will makc t to your interest, as our larga and wel] graded stock fully kusuins our sseruon. Talepbone Coaneetáoni with Office. T.J. KEECH Sopt JAMES TOLBF.RT, Prop


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