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í ROYAL ÍSWHI Jk B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tb i powder oever varíes. A marvel of purity , streng tUand w holesom en es. Moreeoouomtcfti thttn tbe ordinary kluda, andoannoi ba ld in competí tion wïth th multitudeol iow m. s!i" t trelgtii iiiutii or pbosphate Dowdert. Hold onlv " catis Roï i. iPOWSBS Co., tOB WftH st. N. Y. (uticura THE OHLT REMEDIES FOB TUK SKIN AM) BLOOD IMVllliSALLT COMMEMED. m. T' Totten, OT2 iorth Tenth straat, PhUadelpiiii, report that ooe ol bi castoneia stated in liim iDClaentall] tba li ¦ was [ellni[ sn wi-!l nml bad tait cd twenty-eeTn pouadB In the In allofwhlchhe altfl'iaied to a systemati o( the Cotiouua ki--8OLWNT, whirh bas proi del fectual wiini ;iil otber rena SORES OX NKt'K. eten to Dr. J. .1. Wood, di iil;_;-' , ol Ih " citj , M tl8( - to ¦ wonderfal curu at r:inniug or e on m'ck hicli - .it ,1 phyulcUlM wltl onl c ure, and ¦ li to the Cun!! RA KïKDlISS. intin itv (iruiitA. My pk whirh r--!-iel neveral jximlar remedies and othi-T r physfciani ii cuivd hyyiHir Conci ba RrasDiaa. Tliey d rap- cure. Viucenuee, tod. J. C, &&BNTB1 KVO1V I'I'f VAIilJK. ïourCiTiiTiu Rsmna flveverygood ctlon. The btiouba I especlally recommiMid for ¦¦ dlneasca li r whtch ii li naed. I know trota expelí leni DB II. J. PRATT, M..NTKI.1..., Wis. IIT!lllt .VHJtO.VI. ThriMI-h ' Bfl i N'ir.Vr learned ta know ycmr Cuticora. ¦ i h ba thort time cnred mi iema that ray pliy-iclana m ' haal. Illií. ZKN, Bki (if:-;, X 'Rway, Afftnturorretning, TUK IMKT I'OWKKS. A rc'-lini; of fpaütsde impele me to acknowledffe ..,,,r dtici ha, ind I cordlally aend it to Ibe public h vlabie lemedjr. 11. N. POWBK8, Bsicokpobt, C'onn. For ule ererywhern. l'rice. Catlonr, the ereit Skir Care, BOc.; Cutlcnm Bi p, un exqalílte skin Beautifle, S5c; Cutlcura ResolveBt, $1. Pottíb vm) che.wi non. ¦amCURá soap, an exqntalte Toilet, Buth, UW il "ml Nufi'i-y Saniitivf. SAMORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH, Wllob-HZl, Amoricaii Pine, Cunada Fir, ;tlariuold, 'lover Ii:tuiii. AalMleiaoM oiSaiitord'Klladioal ure luKiamly rellevea tbe moal rtolenl Bneezlns or Ue.l(l i . ibe baad ¦ 1T magie, -i"pwatery diacharges Trom ihu Noaeana iiyes, preventi i il"a "enrona Ueadache, and ¦ - im1 Psvers. in Chronic i ntn:irn II cleauoea Uw naaal gtf,: toal ranean, reatnrea the eneea "f emell, taaie, and hearlDK when affected. Qr sathe bi ld, throat, and bronchlal tn e matter, Bweeteoj and puritti a iht lireath. stopf the con '-s'a tne nroL'i' h towards CoDsliliiplliiu. il Cure, ooe box O.tarrhal Sol Iford'a Intaaler. all In one pai'ktOt $1. Ask lur SANDFOKl) 8 liAim Al. C: Potter Drn avnd i'.hf mlcal Co.. Boston. - M I Ikf. Tor tho rehor and preventfon lIMtillK ÍI IB Htli-l, T VOLTA10 'f RhenmaÜMn, Neurali é, 8ci k ¦ lS tien. ('oiighH, C'oklc, Wi'iik beek, VVA' .,„¦_; - ' '"t Hyateria, i'V: yi .it,r v male P1db, Palpliatlon, Dyapap'VvSW'- "'" 'n'r Comptolnt, lililloim Jv3rX F't'r. Malaria and Bplderalot, tiliii 0 'oIIIiim' 1'laMters (nn isiitc-i-j combiried "JfE wi h n Piaster) and liuiti'1 ''t puin. 'i.M1. evarywberAi ÍIAUN1UKI A HKALTHY AND Ki ITINci EXERCISE Can be had fluring the wlntor montha TEN PINS! CÏCKED HAT, or 'iny "f "f 1 bowling al ley. On 101 mil 8VREBT, oppoBlte Lbe Court Hou jfUJLá A9s9 llnulln All"y, whlrli Ikik rrcciitly lieen linciv decprated ni nitnl up lu good Btyle. PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE. SIU1"II 1 -1 ¦ MUI '-!'¦' "' "' ''¦"' '"'"' :"'" rantasea 'f a gymnasium. The erercue Klvai ood olroula 1, help" iliyfKtiim anü appetlte. COME .1 l TU Y IV! A. O. HLISH A CO. ñmf r Snd tx oenti fot pottage, nd n J II I oeive fret-, ¦ i! (toodi whl-li I tl li 1U he'P :'"- "' etther '" '" 1 lllbbl moncy rlgbt away ilmn anytblnseUe 1 ij thli arorld fortui workeri abuilutel; "r.'. Alono. addreM Caca LIIKIlKlll. Milill SUBSCRIBE "forYCÖÜRÏKB.


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