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Regalar uionthly meeting of theoouncil Munilav nilil. Roll oalled. quoruD present, minute f lust meeting reai and approved. 1-KT1TIONS of K. Diift'y, W. W. WiiM'g, WlnanaA StaffDrd, C. H. Millen nd 14:í otlier, asking tlie council to elther purchase or otherwise secure theexteusion of the Van Dt'ipoel electric light system to litfht tlie streets. Baferred to commlttee. KEI'OKTS. The Finalice oommlttee made ita regular report, stiowing the followlnjf expeadltnrea for tlie nionth: lst ward fu mi t 7 50 3d ' 15 25 6th " " 00 6tb " " S00 General streel fund - 2 77 General fuixl 280 6! Contingent fund 08 SO Total 80 M Report accrpteri. TiiKcomiiiitte on the flre department repoited in favor Bf purcliasinjr auitable stove, chaira and tables for the entine roo ni In tlie tith wanl, aud also recommend uit her the pinchase of a new band entine, or tlie transfer of the May Flower from the 4th ward engiuo house to the 6th ward, iis the couucil may direct. The conimittee also submitted thc following supplenientul report: Your oomralttee on flre department regpectfully report tuut trie;tolal expenses of the flre department of tlilu clty duríug tlie year 1881, were a follows: lOOflremen at 5.00 each t SilO no 4 ñremen for Hleamer 75 00 l'aid Jacob Hauser for care of euglne house and team for fires 183 00 Pald other teams for movlng apparatus 7 00 Supplle for departmenl and repairs 14: (0 i;oal and wood 187 Sil (jus used by departmeut 30 00 $ 1,182 99 Oash for rentof hall 40 00 Total $1.130 99 We estímate the cash and iit.d present valué of the properly of the department as follow : 21 public clüteriis, averaglng 300 bbls, eaoh _ _ M.300 00 On Kieamer - 2,500 00 ï hand entines 1.2K) 00 4 hose carta (m IIII0 each 400 00 Department lurnHure 100 OD Hook and ladder trucks 400 00 2,200 ft huse @ 50c. per ft L.100 00 i Knglne house.. $ 1,:W Keal estnte 5th wiinl 600 (thwaid 1,000 15,000 00 Total No. flre alarms, 12; No. limes wntir thrown. 10. The lotal Iosbph In the city liy flre during the year were, S3.2I0, whlch was flly pald by Insurance. Trio flre depar: mt:nt was never in a better OOndlUob imn it Is to-day. and we may well congratúlate ih city on lts efflrieucy. The hook and ludder cmnpauy oraiiizeil durlng the year la oomposed f tweiity of our most active and euergetleyoiine men and deserves great praise for its enihuslasm, and the promplness with whlch it attends to the culi of the department. A company of Lü) men has been organized in ihe 6th ward. and holds lis regular meetings, and Is anxious that the council should provide Ihem with an engine house and apparatus and your commltlee recoinmend l bat an ei gine and furnltureto properly equip and furulsh the (ith wnrd oompany and buiding be provlded at once. Report accepted and tilea. MOTioNs ank MBOLüTIom. Jieiolctd, That the city nttorney be dlrected to commence auil HgalnttL Win. n1u for breaklng a gas lamp post on the corner of Muln and Cathsrlne Btreett, unlesH he sellles the damages iminediiiiely. Adopted. Resolved, That not ico he glven by the city recorder under the direct ion of the city attorney lo the Peninsular kus coiupiiny, Inat the city elfcts to close lts eontreot wilh theni for HghUng tlie city at the close of thelr present year, on the 5th day of April next. Adoptad. Resolved, That the membexs of the flre deparltneul, (100 in BttmMrJ be allowed $5 euch or thelr services as firemen. Recorder Durheiiu reported Unit the Ann Arbor gas lijiht company, rejccted the propositions made last nionth. A proposition was presented froni the Vuil Derpoel Electric liglit company, offering to dispose of the entlre plant, buildings aml lease, together with hii extensión of the same so that 80 lights may be run, for the sum of $8,000, one-half !:iynt)It' (tn transfer, ttneï tmc-half on the coinpletion of the extensión. Which was received and pltoed on file. Aid. Bigsrs from a special cominittee reported retpeeting the liability of the names upon the lkiuor bonds, bilt the same was dTlared out of order, as sald bonds were not novr ander the control of the OOUDCil. KEPORTS OF OFPICEHN. The city treasurer reportad the following disbursements for the month endiuj; Janiiiiry 31st : Contingent fund 609 79 General fund t26 01 lsl ward fund._ 2175 2d ' ' 19 18 d " " 15 34 4tn " " 2 04 5th " " 6 08 6th " ' 114 as General street fund 44 U3 Total $1,657 05 And the following balances on hand : Contingent fnna on nnnd cm iu Qeaeral fund, overdraft Z'i.zln Oeueral street fund, overdraft 60 7: lst ward fund. on hand S90 3:) 2d ' " overdraft 16 09 3d " " on hand 37 28 4th " " overdruft 23 08 5lh " " on hand 47 12 6th " " overdralt 570 30 Ulty cemetery fund, overdiaft 24 87 Dog tax on hand 72 00 Firemen'sfu 'd on band 14 9 Delinquent tax overdraft 720 2) Chief of Pólice Fall reported the following distribution of the poor fund : Ut ward j 3400 ïd " J75 Sd " 100 49 4lh " ]24 86 5th " vi ifi Ss : :.:::.::.::::;.-::;: To Total _ .$3-28 li The following balances wore reported by the city recorder . Contingent fuud on hand $10 816 86 General " 'go3 90 " street fuud overdraft......'..'..'..' 170 62 lst ward fund 1,2H4 61 M " ¦ .:i'.'.'.;;.""'" :;"":;¦.:.¦.'.¦;"'.:'.;;;; 19054 L , 550 42 O'" ' 874 23 "th " " overdraft 67 49 City cemetery fund, overdralt 57 17 1 Dog tax. overdraft . 72 00 Delinquent tax fuud, overdraft 720 23


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