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J. J. EoblSOn hu been over to Sharon several days. Mr. Theo. Hutchino is visitiug Meada in Branch county. Happy Toni Lconard has been doing Detroit during the week. Wesley Sesrsaiul Oscar Lungerhausen, of Mt. Clemcns visitiug fnends in this vicinity. Miss Mary Hutchinsoti of Detroit, is epending a short vacaüon with friends In the city. C. F. Overackerof the Saline Observer, was au observer al the connty capital Tuesday. Mrs. J. E. Wyman has returned to Detroit, after a stay of several weeks with fnends tiere. Milford N. Wells, who has been in Colorado for the past few months, has returned home. Mrs. Miner, inother of Joel W. Miner, is seriously ill at the residence of her sou, on Jefferson st. Mrs. Jane M. Root, of Detroit, passed a few days with Mrs. H. E. Church, during the week past. Geo. J. Huessler and Milo Tiowe, of Maiqnette, were in the city yesterday, calliiijr upon frlends. Mrs. J. T. Jacobs writes from Columbus, Ohio, that her father is still very low, and recovery seems doubtful. T. Y. Kayne, business manager of the Bagan Truss Co., has returned from an extended visit at Toronto, Out. Mrs. Chas. Jones, of Charlotte, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. B. F. Watts, lelt Mond;iy for Flint to visit friends. Mn, Nellie J. Pond haa gone to Flint and Kast tiainaw to reiuain a coupli: ol weeks witli friends aud acquaintances. Hou. A. J. öawyer was absent in Lausing the greater part of last week, in attenilance upon supreme court, and looking over nis o ld stamping ground in the house. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wade Hnd family werc called to Jonesville last week by the deatli of Mrs. Wade's inother, an aocount ol which will be fonnd elsewheie. J. H. Pebbles is a great-graiidfather by the birtli of a tun-pouud girl, daughterof Bert 1'. WUcdoa, of Bay City. The happy fathei is a íormer Ann Arbor boy. wliu now liiua good position as traveling salesman for Clements & Som, of the industrial works. A H. Kin;;, ot Ibis city, has ligured up lis yearly egg crop, and finds tliat 24 ,vhite Hmmali lions latd 2,1ÜO ergs, beúilo raiaing a large brood of chil'kens. Sdw lct iis hear from tlie rural Uistricts. Our milkincn have often been handled ouglily on the water question, but wlien me o( thcm comes two miles iu a blizzard ind bis ínilk don't freeze, you may beeer;aiu of one honest man in the milk trade. Word lias been receivedthat Mis. Matie W., wife of Charles H. Xortou, of Jackion. died on Friüay last, of peritonitis 11. d iutcraal bemorrhage, aged 30 ytars. l'he dcceased was fonneily a resident of shls city. O. L. Mattbews has recently secured a pension for Mrs. Margaret Luts, of Bridgewater, of $8.00 per montb, from March, 1884. Also a back pension of 1,464 for a Toledo party too modest to tiave bis name rnentioned. The woolen factory burned last fall at Cornwell's station, about two miles up :he Hurón, will not be rebuilt, but the Cornwells - Harvey, Henry and Wirt - have formed a partnership, and willerect i fine pulp mili iu its place, the contract for futniahiag the timbar and material for wliich has already been let. Patrick Sheridan, who tole $95 in money and a silver watch valued at $23 from Thos. Fohey, of Nortlifield, last fall, was brouj(bt back here last ThursJay by Offlcer Manning, of South Lyon, und lodged in jail, being captured in New ï'ork state. Examination Filday before Justice McMahon. About thirty of the pupila of Miss Sufie Spoor, teacher In the lst ward school, ïave her a surprise party Saturday eveniiifr bwt, and had an exeeedinglj pleasant time. They left with her a handsome thermometer, mounted upon a pair of silver shears, set in blue plush, as a memento of their friendship. Bonds of Ann Arbor school district to ibe amount of $2,000 and $700 interest, feil duc Feb. lst, and were eagerly called for, being paid by Treasurer Gruner. The largest amount of interest paid one man was $310, and $100, the next (to a wonian). the balance being in lessersums. One man also held $1,500 of the bouds paid. Frederick Wedemeyer, of Lima, dropped dead in a drug store at Chelsea, last Saturday, from heart diiease. He had just come to town, and had stepped into the store to make a purchase. He was 52 years of age, and leaves a wife and four children,theyoungest weretwins 11 yearg. oíd. Deceased wg a brother-in-law of L. Gruner, of this city. Funeral to-day. The Dream, and Rebekah, to be rendered by the Choral Union, with full orchestra accompnniament by the Cueijuamegon band, will be som.Hliing the people of this city will desire to see and hear. It will be somethlng new and unique, and being renderedby home talent will lend an additional interest. The evening llxed upon lor its production is Wednesday evening, Feb. 25th, at University hall. The doublé wedding which was to have come ofl'at the residence of Mr. E. T. Brokaw, in Northtield, as mentioned in last week's Coukiku, did not wholly take place, on account of the illness of Miss Edith Brokaw, onu of the purties. One couple, Mr. Nathan Brokaw and lllss Carrie Burd, were united in marriago by the Hev. S. L. Hamsdell. A delicious supper was provided by Mrs. Iirokaw and Mrs. Burd. Of the one hundretl guests luvited nearly all were tnere ant the presents were many, useful and valuable. All exeept George and Edith- who, however, bore it calmly and philo sophically- found it a very enjoyable oc" casion. The followlng is a list of Waihtenaw county gentlemen for whom notary com missions can be found at the county clerk's ofBce : Dexter- James T. Honey, Alonzo Cleaver CMkt?chl8trer'-J. D. Corey, W. L. Wtkln. Ann Arbor- J. J. Robluon, J. a. A.Sesiilon Joseph H. Vanee, A. K. Freueaff, O. L. Math ews Hiiskal LarawHy, W. W. Douglass, Hen ry Paul J. A. RobUon, A. V. Seyler, A. J rtawyer K Plstorlus, M. Beerey, I). Cramer W G. Doty. Ja. Kearns, Geo. B. Schwab, E U Ford C M. Odgood. Vpsllantl-E. F. Allen, J. W. Babbltt, C. R WhltmaD, Frank Jonlyn. Mllan- Geo. R. Willlam. Moorevllle-D. P. McLacblan. Baline- J. H. Davenport, C. W. Clark, Ezr Jones. Willlam Dell, G. F. Bill, Barney Dav enport, Frank E. Jone, Geo. 8. Mason. IAddress not known- Martin Thorn. M Barnes, Marvin Russell, C. M. Klng, Henr J. Mann.