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Tri?snY, Jan. ¦_:. i,, n,,. Benate Mr. Mm-till nmilc ,1 favorable report ob the Hims. hill.fiirih.' rettrement and reooinage ba ti-wle dollar. Mr. c, pon made"a i'avoiaiilc rcpm-t ,,M ,-, i . í L te areatearetired list fbr non-commUsloned ¦ andprirates who hav aar vad thirtj in the anny-. The i port on the temporat) Naval Ippropriation bftl was adoptad. I ii ths Hoose the Army Approprottiou l ii U was ]inss.-ii uin, Bome unlmportant amendments. Wkdnesday, Jan. 2&- Á im recoived !y the Senote trom Preaidanl Artlnir malntainiog kbat onder srl treatics t hc laadaoi Oklahoma couldnol be opened for setUement, [n the Houi Clay Introdaead a resolation pro that the two hoaae shaO auemble in the hall of tho Hoiis ut DOdb on the lirh oí Koliruary, 1886, parauant te the reqalre BMBtoeC the Consiitiiti.iii, t ooant anddedarethe Presidential vtte. Actlon npon the Moxicini breaty and the Michigan landgrnnt forfoitnre billa was refused, and ülilmstcrin rontlnoed uutil the hoor of adjourament. Thursday, Jan. '.!!). - In the Renato ¦Muraríais were praaanted te establisb In California n. Boldien' Home; to pension Union soldien oosflned in r prlaoai dortog the war, anl nrfing tegialation t.. make the trada dolJ ader. An adverse report mi made on the bil] tor the voluatary rotironiont of nrmy offlotn who served durlnff the rebellion. The Nioari ,ui treaty was defeated, owing to the lack of a twothirds vote. In the House a joint resolution was reported for the (ree admissiou of foreign goods for theoolo ed aaen's expoaition at Chicago. Bills rere Introdaced to es tab! i sh a Boldiers' Home In California and to prerant and paniab the prosecation of fraaduUnt claims agaJnsi foreign GorernmentH. The River and Barbor lill was ooaaiderad. Friday, Jan. :!(). - Kesolutions were adoptcl in the Senate providing that the two Homes of Oongrasi shall assembln in thn hnll of the House Vdnesday, February 11, to ooant the Electoral vote. The Pacific Railway and InW-gtate Commerce bilis ware diaoassed at some length. In the House the Fost-oflice Appropriation bilí, which provides a total appropriation of $82,868,300, na reportad. At the eveuing session thirty pension billa were passed. DOMESTIC. G. F. Leonhardt's morocco factory in Brooklyn, N. Y., was recently destroyed by flre. Loss, $100,000. Couch's boomer eolony in üklahoma decided ou the 27th to leave the Territory, and would go to the nearest point ou tho Kansas line, accompunied by troops. Con Mürphy, a native of Illinois, was. hanged on the 2"th near Helena, M. T., by the Committee of Safety. Ho was a notorious desperado and thief. Charles J. RoontS, :i pi-uitentiary warden, was hanged on the '2Sth at Portland, Ore., for murdering another prison official. Mary J. Drüse was indieted on the 28th at Warren, N. Y., for killing her husband, and her daughter, aged twonty ; son, aged ten, and a nephew fourteen years old, were held for being present and uMing in the crime. The National Board of Trade met in aunual session at Washington on the 28th. The coldest weather of the season prevailed on the 2Lth throughout the Central and Western States. Sour wiue recently poisoned the Krall faniily of seven persons at Bunker HM], Pa. One rhild had died and two others were not expected to recover. One thoüsand delégate were present at the opening of tho National Sil ver Convention at Denver on the 2th, the oliject of which is to organizo a determined opposition to the demonetization of silver and to prevent a decreasa ia. the present rato of sil ver coinage. Twe.nty leading physieians of Boston, in conference with. Mayor O'Brien on the 28th, agreed tnat the cholera was certain to make its appearance next sumnicr, in spite of rigid quarautine. The. Opera House and several othei buildings at Kondout, N. Y., were destroyed bylfire early the other morning. Mrs. AMEtiA B. White, a wealthy Chicago lady, who was married by telegraph 'last December to a New York man giving the name of Henry B. White, arrived la the latter city on tho 28th, but failed tfl finH liir h ii j ) i-t ti . 1 ?jï ii u..i.. . i... i..,.i - jiwt net uusuauu, Lt w uum süü nau aaTanced considerable money. Nicholas Aragón, the most noted and desperate outlaw and bamlit oL the far Southwest, was captured by a party oi men on the 28th near Las Vegas, N. M,. and hanged. A hkqro Known as "Bui" was nanged by a inob in Kemper County, Miss. , a íow days ago for assaulting a white girl. The widow of Judge James L. Cole, aged sixty-nine, was murdered by robbers the other nigbt at Plaquerininc, La. The burglars earried off her jewelry and íorced a diamond ring off her finger. Annie M. Kaüpp, aged twenty-fonr, hanged herself the other day at Philadelphia rather than niarry a man of her inothers choice. Thomas Dailt, about flfty years oíd, a woalthy retired baker of Atlantic City, N. J., feil dead on the 20th whilo attending the funeral of his in-law. His wife stood beside him at the time. ¦A resolution was adopted by the National Board of Trade at Washington on the 29th asking an investigation into tho cause of the enormous waste of the country's wealth by fire. Lieutenant Alles and two Sergeants sailed on the 29th from Portland to Alaska, to devote two years to an exploration of the purehased territory. A relioious revival at Gallipolis, O., had on the 29th resulted in the conversión of one thousand persons. Soveral saloons had been closed and business was suffering from the exciteinent. The railroads in New York, New Hampshire and Vermont were badly blockadod by snow on tho 29th. The offices of the Ei-niim: Star, at Washington, and the Titilen, at Bowling Green, Ky., were degtroved by fire on the 29th. ; James Donahue, of Pittslmrgh, claims thret; liiimii I-.1 acres in theheartof DetroiU, jworth tVXKVNÜ. and will briug suits of Ujectiufut. Br fallinir on ice Ote other day at Point Pleasant, W. Va., Thomas (iibbs was killed by his gun cxploding, the chargo also mortally wouuding Henry ltobinson. The Plumer HU] mina st Kew Straitsvillc. O., valued at SOO,000, ms flrel Wy unknown persons early on tiie niorning of the !th, and woiüd jirobably prove a total loss. Wii.i.iam Priest, of Berktoy County, W. Va., being troubled by chicken thieves, receutly placed dynaniito turpedoes about his premises. A terri explosión occurred soon afterwurds, aud upou iuvestigatiug he found no trace of his lien house, but the fragmenta of a negro 's body were strewn about. A square of buildings had been burned at midnight on the 2!lth in WelJsburg, Va., and tho ñames were spreading, threatening the destruetion of the town. The waterplugs were frozen and intense excitement prevailed. The post-offlce was in ¦ and the loss so far was placed at i 100,000. Cattle-baiseks in Kasteni Montana, where the mercury bas ranged irom forty to flfty degees below eero, reported on the SMh that the loss of stock would not exceed flve per cent. The greatest danger at the present time was tuo poasibility of an icy crust over the snow. A firb on the 29th in the,livery stable of Charles E. Smith, at Phifadelphln, completely destroyed the building, aud thirtynine horses were burned to death. Secrktarv Chandlbr on the L'ftth ordered the war steamer Wachusett to proceed to Ecuador, for the protection oí oitlzea, no suíferíní Impïlsonmeni for COmpUdtjr in thi rchellion. Trkaskrv offldall at Washington wera oí tlm opinión od thfj SMh that the wartt "i Uit1 buBineta deproaaioii was over. Receipta for cuitóme and Interna] revenoe i'x hiUited mi upward tetftdency. An exodua r negToea trom Ajuoh ( '..un - ly. N. ('.. began on theWth. Tbeii "'; is ArkanaoB. Men s"ut. ahead to apy out Ibe land returned with favorable rep umi the colorad poojilo wlto leaving by huudreds. Extensivk breaks were reported on the SOth uit. in the Ijong Lake and Opossum Forks Levees on the Mississíppi, lnlo Helenii, and watar as rushing through at 'a rapid rate. On the 3Oth uit. four merabers of the Knill fiiinily ut liunkor llill, Pa., who were poisoned by sour wine, had died, and the remaining three were beyond recovory. Lafayette Melton, a member of tho Kii-klux Klan, was haaged od Um o'Hhult. at Corning, Ark., for a morder oommitted four years ago. The ífew York Spaniards have reniittoil $10,000 to aid the earthquuke sufferers in Bpaln. Mkredith Col.1, a noted outlaw leader, and five members of the gang, were oapl - ured in Indian Territory .1 few daya ago by a Sheriff's posse. More than half ot the druggists iu New York City, it ha been discovored, havo been selling adulterated quinine, and several arresta were nnpeuding. The Stewart building, post-office, a store and all the records of the Probate Court were burned the other mornlng at Swan Lake, D. T. The Lake Shore, Michigan Central and Fort Wayne Roads on tüo 80th uit. redficed passenger rates from Chicago to New York to $12 for firsl el4s and J8 second class. Kates to Boston were reduced to tl 4 firat class and 10 second class. The iron manufacturera of the Mahoning Valley and Cleveland, O., resolved on the öOth uit. th&t in view of the high wages it would be advisable to close all the milis from the middle of February until June 1. Sume ono attempted to blow up the Government building in BClddJetown, Coun., a few nights ago by closiug the check valve of the boiler. The engiueer discovered the factin time to prevent au explosión. Reading Railroad was wreckod a fow daya agoat Greenville, N. J. Morn than ¦ tliii-d of tho seventy passenger ou board were injured. Captain Couíjk, II. I. Stafford, (. W. Brown and Colonel B. B.WUcoz, leaders of the Oklahoma boomers, were arrestedonthe30th uit. at Arkausas City for conspiracy and rebellion agaiust tlie United States Goreroment. In the United States and Canada there were 31K) business failuros during the seven days ended on the SOth ult, ngmu tho previous seven days. Tho diatribatkia was as follows: -MiiMln Btates, 71; -Ni ".i Kii'huni States, -ni; Wislern, 114; Bontkam, 86; Paciflo Btatea and Territorial, L(i; Canalla, II. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The approaching marrlaga OÍ Mrs. Tom Thumb lo Count Rosebud, a gentleman of diminutivo stature, was"announcod on tho 27th. Mus. GniFFiTH, a sister of General Grant's raother, died at Batavia, O., ou the 27th, at the age of niuety-two yeai. Colonkl John C. Spoonkk u elected United States Senator by the Republicana in the VVisconsin Legislatura ou the -'7th, and J. J. Ingalls was re-elected to the saine office by the Kansas Republicans. Ex-tioviCHNOuMosEs,of South Carolina, upon beiag released from prisou on the 27th at Detroit, was rearrested on tha charge of swindling Colonel T. W. Hi;;gerson and other Bostoniana. A bilí, was introduoed iu the Massadiusetts Sonata on the 27th to punish parsons making or keeping explosivo compounds with the intentiou to destroy life orrproperty. A similar nieusure WOM jils.j introdaoad iu the Conneeticut Senate. BrKáJEBa (-'Attijisi.iclexpressestln' opinión that theíonn of an oath will oveutually be done away with in the coarta. He thinks that each man's evideneo should have weight accordiug to hi oreilibility as & wituess. Ex-Govkrnor Stankord, of California, was elected United States Senator by the Republicans on the 2Sth. It was announced on the 2Sth that S. S. Conant, nmnag'ing editor of Harper's Wetkly and executive editor of all Harper's publications sincn 1870, had inysteriously disappeared over a week before. Thankful Tanner, of Cleveland, on the i'Ntli lirought suit agaiii8t Mrs. James A. Garfielil tor .á.tXK), for injuries sustainetl by beiug run over by her earriage. JJonN Francis Quarlks, the firstjolored lawyer ever adiuitttxl to the bar, who had been United States Consul at Port Manon and Malaga, died on the 38ta at Flushing, L. I. Elijah M. Hain-es was on the 29th elected permanent Speaker of the Illinois House of Renresentatives by the Democrats. A Brt.i, was mtrodoced m the Michigan Legislatura on the Stili wcnrlng to Woinen the right to vo iu sohoul, city, lnwu uiuí other rauniripal aleetioaa, Upon occupying the exocutive chiunbers in the capítol of Iowa u the eveuing of the 2Uth (ioveruur Slierrtn gave a reception, aided by six foimer Governors and several ex-Llentenant-GoTeraori. Governor Oglesby iiud the other new State otiicer8 were laatalled in ofloa uu tho ."tii uit. in tu? preammot both borne oí the General Assembli it Springfleld, 111. FOr?LIGN. A shock of earthqoaks at Albania, Spain, on the ïstu threw down hiiiiscs, killing odc pergoa mul injuriug two others. Advhks receired at London on the 281 b itated thui General Btewart'a forcea were entrenched Dar Uetemneh. They had severul lilits with bbfl Arali rebell lielore reachin Metnmneh, Stewart liimself being so badly troonded that he would he disablea f'or the remainder of the campaign. The total Hiilish loss was HM killed and ll(i roondad. The eucuij 's loss was :í.ikw killed and troonded. Advïck.s of the 2Sth state that the snowfall on the [taliau Alps is the heaviest witlun the niemory of man. TeirSJe accounts wvre arriving iu Hume froni villages destroyed. It wa calculated so far as known tkat three humlred lives were 'lost. The troops displayed miich heroism iu eff ectiugf Tescues. A Wüman was arrestad in London on tho 28th in the act of entering the Royal Kxchange building. She was fonnd to hava a quautity of dynamite eoneealed abodt her peison. Three men, suppoaed acconi] lites of the womau, were aiso arrested. A siMBER of fishin;; craft were caught in a blizzard onthfl irest ooast of Newfuniidhind ou the SSth. Many rere badly frost-bitten, and several boats containlng flfty-nlne mitwere missing. The Canadian Parliameut was opi I on the 29th. Dynamiteks recently blew up the eugine-house of the Canal Works ut ridge Bay, Ontario. Two persons wtre fatally injuicd umi another was seriously hurt. . Thk recent dynamite outrages in London ere denounced by the Uniti.l Ireland, of Dulilin, as tho work of men who believe they can serre Ireland by carrying on a ' campaign against stone walls and stained glass. The American schooner Arcana was lost on the 29th in the Bay of Fundy, with Captain Holnes and eight men. Of four sailors who reuched the shore, three died i from exposiire. Two ICE mail-hoals aa route fur Trinco Kdward's Jslandwiti! tweaty pencnu on i board had been missing for three dayi on the 30th uit., and fears were expressed that ' uil had perished. At Buenos Ay res, more tb hu á feore öf deaths frora great heat oocarrsd during the past few days. J An express train between Hydney, New South Wales, and Wagga-Wagga broke through a bridge over a creek a few days ago and, foity passengers were killed. f] A ihkik'i ?¦ i tu Haré hon burned at t,ho stak oa the 8Oth alt at i ni, Max. Aivh;ks of the :nth lili, say IIuti' is no t, niili la the report that the Qrand Trnnk i:.:i.i h-i i removed .-ill liish stnployea ou the Vloboris I iii'l".'1 .-it Itontrea). Tiik i " ¦¦¦ i ¦- 1 si :ii ¦-, i ¦¦ i -.ii i ii Halaga oa the 80th uit. reportad to the Secretar; i' State m Washington tome partloulara concerning the recent eaxthquakes In Spain. He saiii tliat H u rtltstges were destroyed and 2,000 Itf es lost: thal thtrty thousand people had left Malaga, au 1 thoaa wlio remained were aleeplng In the opan air. Ia oue villago a river disappeared : in another churchrs, oonyents and occupante were ¦wallowad uj. LATER NEWS. A x t':n-th'jii:ik' vhook, preceded by rnmbllng sounds, was feit arly on the morni the Sist uit. in the oorthern portion Of Weetchest r Connty, N. N'., throwlng housnhold atensils trom theh ei and tables. .Tmi:s k. Jonïs (Hem.) was elected Dnited States Senator trom Arkonsas ou the 31st alt. tiic ili'iullock li'in brokenon the, bulJot altW a piutractüd struggle oí rli'MMi days. l i oy 1'kkk. aged one hundred and flfteen yearg, was lm raed to deatb at Crawfordsvill-, ;.¦!., on tha :;isl alt Thu i-i' I aews uu the It eoïicernlag Genera] Btewajrt'a n.iny at (jubat ou the NJle was to the effect that M.'lidi had determined to muke a stitbboru stand at Metemneh. ïlic lebls so strongly lótranóhed la the i.. n that it was deented .¦ïdvis.' tu aweit tbe arriraJ oi reinforce menta before attacUng the place. Kirst National Hunk bnildfag at Marqnette, Uich., the lincst building in the ciiv. was Imniuil on the Ist. Loss over llflO.OOOi Occopants oi the building also lost property ralned at Thkee explosiona of nuUirul h"- ou tho burgh, Pa., wreckod tbree Imhi-.cs, dn,n:i. imI nilii t and liruke all the Windows in 'he vi-inity. Eif?bteen ]erBons were woimded, aeyen of the vi;tiins not i ted to recover, and oue woman was mis - i Pin men bava been si'titeneed to be hAnged 17 at Port Smiili, Ai-k., lor mnrdera coipmffted in Indian Territory. It wiis réported oa the Sist uit. that over 300,000 head of cattU had perishod in Inili.-m Territóry thfough starvation and aevere eold weather. i !t was instrooted oa tho 31at uit. by the Seeretary ot War to tura Mi th leadare of tho Oklahoma boomen ' vil mithoi-i t iis tor pi-osecution. A si.kii;h con(ainJB( wuo wêre returning frum ;i hall, was 8 truck by a train in-ar l'ort Clinton, O., carlv the other njornjne. Tln-ec wcro Idtled aud three otbers were fatatlh injured. A REORIB8 and her twn childr"n perUhed by lire In th'eir house at Altooua, Pa., the other mornlng. Ji The recent Ktrike in tbe dry-gooils store ofOarrj ápotkien.'hi New Vork, Vas íolloved bj ao Xloiionof dyoamite on the Ist. causlng ilamage to the amount of $2,600. Four men bad been arxegted for tbt' crime. Imports at the port of Now York for the week endedon the .".Ist uit., exclusive of ¦pede, werf v . ! 19,000. Dr. J. B. M lbohibi, ha ai inthe amiy ofthaflrst Napoleon, died m the ist at Utica, N. Y., aged ninetj .-,: yearg. Tuk United States Benate was not in lession on the Sist alt.. In the Honse conider Rlver and Rarbor bill oct 11 l'i.d tile i :ll ff s -SMO'


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