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(owiintilil Cnielly. To jxrmii yourself aud l'amily to "Muffer!" ' Wiiii gickiiees hen it cao ii.' prsvepted and curöd so easy Wit li Hop Bitten! II li:i inff experleiiced ¦ graat deal ot " Trotiblel " trom Indigestión, so nnich so that I cama near losliig my Life! iMv trouhle ahv.ij-H came after eMing any lood - However light And .iiK.-fi .1.1.-. For tivo or three liours at a time I had to go through the most Excruciatlng pain, "And the only way I ever got " " Relie) I" Was by tbrowlog up uil my sl.onrich contained. No oue can coQCeive the paii)8 that I had to go through, until "At last?" I was taken ! "Sothit for three weeks I lay in Ix-d and Could (!;it uotbing ! My sufTeringg were so that. I calléd twö doctors to ffive me ioraeHiliijj thal woilld sfo t pain ; their Êflurti were uo good to me. Ai lat I heard h gooá deal "About yonr Hop Bitters! And dctciniined to try thi-in." (.ot a bottli - in tour honrs I took tin' eontenta of One! Next day I was out ot' bed, and have not seen a " SicU ! " llonr, i'rom the sanie cause sincc. I have reoommended t to himdreds of Otilen Yon have DO sucli "Advocate as I uui."- li. KiikImII. Allston, BostOD, Mass. Cohimbus Advocate, Texas, April 31, 'f3. Dear Editor: I have tried yon r Hop IJitter, and linii rhey are gfOOd for :my 'ompl;iint. The best niedlelue] everuel in my laniily. 11 9NoDe genuine without a hunch of green QopSon tile wblta lal-l. Stiun all the vile, 30Í8OHOUS, stuff with "Hop" or "Ilops"m UMtr name. A milkman who was nearly lytjclibd for scllirm watery milk s:iys the wiiey ot the rauiSgretSOC i hard. - The Hatchet. The Dnty of State Legislktare8. Lejiislation in everv state sliould reguSte the sale and use of the inuny polaoni rcstorted to by women In thelrdeperation to obtain beautiful complexloas. There xists In Dr. Harter's Iron Tooic every eqiilsite tr accomplish the object without j iiijuring health or endanerin lite. Marringe promotet lougevUy among nen notwithalandiug its teudency lo proluoe premature baldnegs. - Boston Courer. Eboibach & Son the I)niürsts,who are alwnys lookjng ;i( ter the interest? of thelr customere, hare now seeured the s:ilc of pr. Boannko's Omgh and Lu"í Synip, a remedy tli.-it nevar f;iils to oure ' .] Ís. Pains in the Chest and all Lupg Aflectlón, For proof, iry i freo sample bottle. Regular sie :,u cents and S1.0Ü. Tile little girl wliocalled the Mtriúk the blrd with the bomiet tail put it ubout xiglit. - Yon kers Statesman. The First Keen Twlnfrc As ihc -ca(.n ailvaiirc-i, the pa BIS and ;ki:hrs by whicli rbeumaÜHn makcs it-i-lt known, :tre cxpi-riciircd ui'ler eveiy ejqKMure. It is not clairned tliat llood'.s S:usap.'ti'illa is a specitic for rheiunatisni - we Joutit if Hiere ií, orean be such a reincdy. Jint Uious.uuls benefilteil bj HooU'i Saisainiilln, wiirrant us in urging otlnis wbx &uffr trom rlieumatism to takc il befoie tlie tirst keen twinge. A. destructive young dog is h pup-et-ual Ii'ouble, while a niee cat is a mirr-pel-ual jileasure. - Merchant Traveler. The kidney8 cleanse tlie system. Tt is important to keep ttiem nealtlirnl sird i.tive. and tliis is best done with Hints [Kidney and Liver] Remedy. at is a speCfle for all kidney, liver and ui inary eoinplaints. Some of the worst ehronic éaaea that have been giffen up to die hv jiliysieians and friends, have been cured. I ani gelzed with disgust, said the darkey whose hat was blow n away ly the wind. - Waterloo Obperver. Just as Kond. Many unscrupulous ili-alcrs in.iy tellyou tliey have remedies for Coughs and Colds equal In merit and In every respeet just as ííood is tlie old rdiable Dr. Bosanko Cough and Lung Syrup, unlepsyou nsisi Opon tliis remedy and wlll takc'no otber, yon are Hable to be ítremüy decelved Prtee 96 centa and $1.00. soid by EberbacJi & Son. Mány a bomdlng house put ron jjet nt hot when lie ladles out the soup.- Wuterloo Observer. S. B Durfey, timte of the steamer Arizona, had bis foot badly jamnied. Thomas's Eclectric Oil cured it. Nothlng èqüa.1 to it for :i quick pain relieviir. Cure for Piles. The lirst syniptom of Piles is au intens, Helling at night alteigettiiig warm. Tbis onpleasant iettsattoh is linmediately irlieved ly an BpplIeaMon of Dr. Hosaiiko's Pile Remedy. Piles in all foims, Itili. Salt Iilieuni and Kingwon eau be permanently cured by the use of tliis greal remedy. Prlee 50 cents. Manufactured by the Dr. Hosanko Medicine l'oinpaiiv, l'iqua, O. Sold by Eberbach & 8on, 1202-125JÍ. A. F. HANGSTERFER CANDY FACTORY, NO. 28 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, MIXED GANDIES AT 15 CENTS PER POUND. "reuil stick Candy for 15 cent per pound t A. F. HANGSTERFER'S, 28 South Main Street. French Mixed Candies for 15 emmtm per poiiiid, nt A. F. HANGSTERFEK'S, 38 Main Htreet. Xlo Orauges only 15 rent pr dozen, at A. F. HANUSTEKKER'S ut 2 Main xtreet. AU kinds of lïUTti, FWS, DATES, HAlSIJfS and MALAGA GRAPBS, at A. F. HANCSTERFER'S, No. 28 Maiu Street, - Anii Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
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