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Ü&8ONIC iMKKCTOltY. An.v .Vkhdk Comm wiik.hy. Ha, v: meel Bral l'uesilny "f i'in'ii montli. NS'. . lly. E.C. W. A. ïolohard, Recorder. Waahtbkaw Ohaptbh, No. 6, n . M - Sienta Oral tfonday eHch monto. T. P. Wusou H P.; Z. Roath, Seoratftry. Rulï LODOB. N ' USA. ''¦ :"ld '' ¦ " Meela tir.i i hui '¦ monlh. Jolm A. (nes, w. M.: N. D. Gales, Secrotary. Frateknitv I.iip. I', mul AM. Meets lir-i Woiinesdiiy ol each montli. NV . D.HarrtmaD. W'. M.: ü. ! ftenl. Beoretary. BUSINESS CARDS. W. H. JACK8OM, ID.iESÜlllrilIIISIITIL OFFICK : Over Bachs Abel's Dry Goods Store. EXTBANCB ï FltUT NaUCINAL BiNK. GERMÁN CLASSES by Frnil Biuir, formyrly taaobw r QermMI in the A.nn Arbor Hlgb oöool, BeglDning and advancPd conversatlonal classes wlll ne urraniied abuve heehan 4 drs book sioreon state stri'ot Slginon Sleen'a " Stndlcn una Plauderelen " wlll !. ased (oroonvertlon. Kcir jjraniinar ciauea any gramtuar Ibestadein deslres, modern laugaagea ioti ñorKotieu f not practlce l. K. inber llie great adTaatage of kpuwlng Germán in bnaineiw aswellaa llterary parauiw. Beglnn ng the [Jth nr .lanuuiy. Refereneea: Dr. Henry K. Friese, Dr. Alezander Wlncbell Dr. E.L Walter.Prof Klislia ; Jonen. su.l. V. s IVrry For easy term enqulre of Messrs. slieehan c.., Osslus Co . oraddress I'KUH' K.MIL I1AUR, City. wiu.ivn iii;it„ House, Sign, Ornamer-tal and FRESCO PAINTER.j l'aperii.f, (ilnzii t, öUdlug, nl Calcimlnlne, and ¦ work ol ¦ o donu i" 'he btet -i le. iñi -itrr.ii '.il to gtve ¦ itlïfietlnn. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. C. SOHAEBERL.B, Residïncis 57 SoUTB Main 8t., Tkacuek or RttöJiÉwiltarjoIMiBic. I ZET S T .L?, TT C T I O 3ST S Given ou Pliiu of rbe Koyal Cootermurj of Muslo at Leipsic, Suxony. W. W & A C. NICBOLft, New Dental Rooms, over Joe T. Jacob's Store. GAS or VITILIZED AIR Administerad for Iho painless extracten of teetta. JOfoKIMI BCRKV, The Practical TAILOR AD (JUTTER, or the late ftrtn ,)f W1NA.N8 ft HEItllV. lian located his place of bu?incps at NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITII A FLLL LINE OF Suitings and Trouserings, And would nay to hts jU1 frieiids and new ones that f 'hey uam a iO(iI) PIT aTid a NOBBY FIT at RB18ONAHLS l'KICKS, cali on him aod they will be sure ti get oue. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S iliitlilili -AND Flour and feed Store. We keep conotantly on hund, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Whulesale and Kctull Tr ide. We sball íWo kecji a -upply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'8 BEST White Wheat Flour! Ikrlhi Flour, Rye Flour, Buckwlicat Flour, Corn itlcal, Fced, Ete., At Wholecale and Ketail. A eneral stock of GEOCERIES and PROYISÏUNS Constantly on Imnrt, which will ne Rold on as reaonahH u-rme au at ny otüer hou-e u ïht' cit . Oach na'dfor BI'I !K!í. Kr,i-, and COUNTKY PRODUOH gen-'rally Goohh d-livered to any part of the city withoot extra charií', RIXSEY & SEABOLT. DO YOU KÏT0W THT LORILLARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO Wüh Heil Tin Tuit Is the nest? Is the pnrest Is never RilulleraU-d wlth glucose, Imrytes, molasses, or auy fteletwloni Ingrediënt, au 18 the case wllh inany ollier tobácea. L,OKII.L.AKIS KOMK LB4F KIKE CIT TIHIUI Is alxo itiíuli' ni' Iba Una) stock, and for aro matic chewiug quiilily !s MOODd lo noni. LORILLAKUS XAVV CI.IPPIXO8 take flirt rank ns a solid durable smoking tobucco wlierever introduced. LOKIIiI-AltlK FMOUS SXÜFFS have twen Dsed fcr over 121 yenrs, and are sold to a hirger extt-nt tlian auy others. LUMBER! LUMBER! LÏÏMBER! it you contémplate building, cali at FERDON Lllltl lililí! Comer Fourth and Depot BU., and gf our Bgurea for uil kinds of LUMBER! Wc manufacture our own Lumber anc guara titee AERY LOW PRICES JVGive ui a c-ill and wc will make it to vou Interest, as our large und well grádéd stock íull; susUins our UMrUoa. Tclephotle Conncv.tioui with Office. T.J. KKKCII Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Pro)


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